Are you completely unaware of the fact that nobody is engaging you in any of these conversations?

I think you just did. And that furthers the impact that I am creating a reaction from you to create a post long enough to respond to me. I love you Brutus, thanks for giving me your time and attention. If I am a lone stripper dancing you are at least watching me shake my ass a little longer before I punch out.
@Millard Baker, since we're on the topic of you criticising members, when can we expect you to call out that fucking imbecile Sworder? You said you have consistently operated the forum by principle rather than giving anyone special treatment. So why is he getting special treatment? Why hasn't he received an administrative rebuke? He constantly derails treads with his essay-length, repetitive, UNPRODUCTIVE babble written in large fonts and pretty colors. He is a troll by anyone's definition. He is wreaking havoc all over the forum and you haven't said a word. I'll expect your admonishment of Sworder shortly.
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@Millard Baker
You tried your best, and everyone sees how out to lunch these guys are. No point arguing with someone who can't be wrong. You have better things to do with your time, unlike these vigilant keyboard warriors.

When you finally remove Millards cock from your mouth, feel free to go fuck yourself with that clown Sworder.
Are you completely unaware of the fact that nobody is engaging you in any of these conversations? You are spending time and effort on your replies for nothing.

I think it's hilarious that he's putting all that effort into posts that no one reads. I hope he keeps it up.
If I am a lone stripper dancing you are at least watching me shake my ass a little longer before I punch out.

Not really. You're more like the bum who has passed out under the urinal. Everyone tries to ignore you but they still manage to shake the last few drops of urine on your face before they finish.
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@Millard Baker, since we're on the topic of you criticising members, when can we expect you to call out that fucking imbecile Sworder? You said you have consistently operated the forum by principle rather than giving anyone special treatment. So why is he getting special treatment? Why hasn't he received an administrative rebuke? He constantly derails treads with his essay-length, repetitive, UNPRODUCTIVE babble written in large fonts and pretty colors. He is a troll by anyone's definition. He is wreaking havoc all over the forum and you haven't said a word. I'll expect your admonishment of Sworder shortly.

So you get upset bc in your eyes Millard is forcing you to self censor yourself and you have a problem with that yet now you want him to force someone else to self censor himself? Make up your mind and stick to one or the other.
So you get upset bc in your eyes Millard is forcing you to self censor yourself and you have a problem with that yet now you want him to force someone else to self censor himself? Make up your mind and stick to one or the other.

Nope, just want to see the rules applied to everyone equally. No special treatment, remember?
@WILL.E.NAYLER Sworder should run bloods on the free gear he received for being such a terrific shill for this UGL. But I wouldn't put any stock in his bloodwork, since he is a shill they probably sent him the good gear and not the shit they send to everyone else.
@WILL.E.NAYLER Sworder should run bloods on the free gear he received for being such a terrific shill for this UGL. But I wouldn't put any stock in his bloodwork, since he is a shill they probably sent him the good gear and not the shit they send to everyone else.

Lol there arguments aren't anything to do with the source anymore I just want to see some feedback is all... Anybody??
I agree no special treatment but you and I were admonished (your words I believe) over personal attacks not long, repetitive, unproductive babble.

And here I thought it was about eliminating unproductive discussion. Trolling, like personal attacks, is unproductive no matter how 'unproductive' defined

It's not a free speech vs. censorship debate for me.

It's a productive discussion vs. unproductive debate.
Im betting no and no. How about you place a motherfucking order and report back instead of browbeating the masses for feedback? Some people say gentech is an old scammer, sworder says his dick tastes like chocolate cake. Place an order and let us know how your bloods come back.

Why would I place a motherfucking order unless I know there's reason too? Browbeating the masses yeh? Im not gunna pump my fucking money into a lab unless I hear someone say they have had a good experience with them... Why don't you fuck off back to your private lab and stop running your big fucking mouth on this one sound good you fuckin internet bully? Yeh it does!
@Sworder or @Docd187123 have you used gentech?

Sworder just offered up his ass to Gentech on Saturday - he even made a point of tagging GaryG so he'd be sure to see it - so it won't be long before he reports back on how "fire" the gear is. Unless it's not fire - then he won't say anything at all.

He wrote and said he offered products and could provide samples. @GaryG I wouldn't limit it to "respectable members," just a tip to you. Also, probably want to create a new thread or something, nobody is gonna want to read 40 pages of BS.

At least Sworder realizes he's not a respectable member. LMFAO
Why would I place a motherfucking order unless I know there's reason too? Browbeating the masses yeh? Im not gunna pump my fucking money into a lab unless I hear someone say they have had a good experience with them... Why don't you fuck off back to your private lab and stop running your big fucking mouth on this one sound good you fuckin internet bully? Yeh it does!
So what makes you so special that other people should risk their money? You not a jump first kind of guy?
