
Mmmmmm, cardio
So what makes you so special that other people should risk their money? You not a jump first kind of guy?


Yeh I may have got pissed off there and I shouldn't have I apologise to you Brutus..

And I asked them because of the way they was backing gentech at the start of the loooong argument.. I am gunna order from gentech in the next 2 weeks I have already spoke to him.

I was just asking for any feedback from people who probably didn't dare admit up on here that they have gone with gentech for the fear of being called a shill and what ever else...

Saying I harassed them is untrue as well I was just digging for info, it would be nice to know the money I am spending is not gunna be spunked down the drain.
So what makes you so special that other people should risk their money? You not a jump first kind of guy?


But you know what Brutus you can't tell people to chill out after you have just degraded them like that...

You speak to people like shit man.. You gotta expect it back when you speak to someone like they are a fucking nobody!
But you know what Brutus you can't tell people to chill out after you have just degraded them like that...

You speak to people like shit man.. You gotta expect it back when you speak to someone like they are a fucking nobody!
I can do whatever I want. It's the internet. You have the same freedom my friend- enjoy!
I can do whatever I want. It's the internet. You have the same freedom my friend- enjoy!

Just because I have that freedom I still don't do it! But whatever man.

You act like your all for helping people on here but I don't see that.. You just got on at me for asking if anybody had results from using this source!

But I guess your squared away so who gives a shit uh!
Just because I have that freedom I still don't do it! But whatever man.

You act like your all for helping people on here but I don't see that.. You just got on at me for asking if anybody had results from using this source!

But I guess your squared away so who gives a shit uh!
Because you could have read the thread. It's what I did when I joined and every time before I picked a source. Too much unrelated drivel for you to fight through? Sucks. You might have learned a thing or two in your travels.

I dont help people find sources. This isnt a source board.

If you had any questions concerning training, diet or gear I am here to help; if you are looking for help with a public source squatting on a non source board expect the urine!
Because you could have read the thread. It's what I did when I joined and every time before I picked a source. Too much unrelated drivel for you to fight through? Sucks. You might have learned a thing or two in your travels.

I dont help people find sources. This isnt a source board.

If you had any questions concerning training, diet or gear I am here to help; if you are looking for help with a public source squatting on a non source board expect the urine!

I read the thread and 90%'of it was cbs and dr Jim abusing the guy.. The only person who dared put there results on here was xupc and look how his rep has been dropped because of it...

No 1 dare put shit on here because of you fuckin bully's! I won't ask you for diet or training info because I know my shit from experience and for your size you should look better so don't act like your better than me!

And I bet when you joined you didn't have to deal with this shit that we do!

And who has asked you to find a source board? Your just talking shit now.

I had respect for you Brutus but now I think your a bully and a piss taker... Personally I think your losing sight!
Was I talking to you? No. Did I say anything to you when you were whining about how Brutus spoke to you? No. So butch up and go fuck yourself.

Cbs I don't care if your talking to me I'm bored of listening to your whining posts... your like a little bitch whining because someone forgot you anniversary it's getting old!
@WILL.E.NAYLER Sworder should run bloods on the free gear he received for being such a terrific shill for this UGL. But I wouldn't put any stock in his bloodwork, since he is a shill they probably sent him the good gear and not the shit they send to everyone else.
I brew my own gear, lol, why spend the money and time discussing who to buy from when you can make it yourself?
Nope, just want to see the rules applied to everyone equally. No special treatment, remember?
I agree no special treatment but you and I were admonished (your words I believe) over personal attacks not long, repetitive, unproductive babble.
Careful Burr. Until we receive clarification from on high, that could be construed as unproductive discussion and get you an admonishment.
Lol, where are you guys getting this "TREATMENT" from?
If Millard, the member, would "ADMONISH" me here is my response:
Thanks Millard for the feedback, I will consider it.


Unless Millard is approaching me as an administrator which I haven't seen him approach ANYBODY as his opinion holds as much weight as the next member's.

I do care to say that Millard's posts are very intelligent so I would consider them to weigh more for that reason only. But unless he is speaking to me as an Administrator, he is partaking in threads to further debates or add to them as he sees fit just like any other member.

Does anybody take the time to think anymore?
Why is Millard's status "member" when it used to be "administrator?"
Does Millard want to participate in discussions as equals to us and he took away his "administrator" title to take away from any sort of authority?
Has Millard shown any authority?

Sworder just offered up his ass to Gentech on Saturday - he even made a point of tagging GaryG so he'd be sure to see it - so it won't be long before he reports back on how "fire" the gear is. Unless it's not fire - then he won't say anything at all.
At least Sworder realizes he's not a respectable member. LMFAO
No, I don't want any gear I have plenty for myself.
I don't care about respecting me, I care about respectable posts. And none of yours contain anything respectable.
To be honest when I first skimmed through your posts when you got here, you seemed intelligent. I haven't seen anything intelligent from your posts at all and I am second guessing if people just skim through your BS and perceive you as intelligent because you talk a lot of shit and twist topics around. Like the whole thread about DNP you couldn't hold your own and after the first post you ran off like a dog with his tail between his legs. Just like you ran off in this thread with your tail between your legs.
I usually don't speak on people's intelligence because it makes me look like an idiot calling people idiots.. I will repeat that to make it more clear and probably you can relate, IT MAKES ME LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT CALLING PEOPLE IDIOTS. Yes, I like repeating and capitalizing so the point is clearer for people to read.

The use of the word 'please' doesn't make that statement anything less than a demand - a demand from the administrator. It was an intimidating post even if that wasn't your intent.

@WILL.E.NAYLER No, I haven't used this labs gear. I brew my own.

Damn you guys post so much I have a hard time keeping up with replying to nonsense with more nonsense. Can we call it quits soon?
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Come on, Millard! You're better than that.
I am very satisfied with my responses. I am even more satisfied that our exchange is a matter of public record. This way, no matter what future tactics you use to misrepresent my position, my statements/positions will be public for any critical thinkers who wish to make their own decisions.

But most of all, I am appreciative of your past, current and future participation as the most convincing evidence that:

I do not censor your speech; and

I do not force you to self-censor.

None of your 4000+ posts have been censored. None of your posts that included personal attacks, insults and name-calling have been deleted. If past performance is any guarantee, you will continue to utilize personal attacks, insults and name-calling.

Thank you in advance for proving my point.
No 1 dare put shit on here because of you fuckin bully's! I won't ask you for diet or training info because I know my shit from experience and for your size you should look better so don't act like your better than me!

If someone is "afraid" to say something that's their problem. I mean seriously, this is just the internet! Imagine what kind of pussies they are in real life.. :eek:

And I have haven't seen you post any pics, hotshot. Real bitch move to be talking shit about someone else's pics, especially when you don't have any up..

And I bet when you joined you didn't have to deal with this shit that we do!

Now who's whining?! ^^haha You have no idea what it was like.. I was fucked on my first 3-4 orders. It was a lot worse than it is today, no one did any testing and we had "vets" like Sworder giving glowing reviews to shit labs in exchange for free gear. You think it was easy to sift through that mess?

And who has asked you to find a source board? Your just talking shit now.

I had respect for you Brutus but now I think your a bully and a piss taker... Personally I think your losing sight!

I don't know what's wrong with you tonight.. From your limited post history you seemed like a cool guy, now you're in here starting shit..

Here's some advice, spend some more time researching.. You haven't figured out shit in two weeks time. By the way, over the weekend people were posting in this thread about bunk Gentech dbol being reported by several people on other boards.. I guess Gary admitted to it and thought it was a bad batch?
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Cbs why don't you just stop whining about how hard done by you are.. take it on the chin and move on.. No 1 gives a fuck
Hey bro speaking of taking one on the chin...well corrected me if I'm wrong but your a new member and have NEVER used AAs!! Your gonna order your first cycle from GT even after getting no one here to actually vouch for GT. Wow!!! enough said my friend maybe stop wasting your time whining on here and do ALOT more research bro cuz you the one gonna take it on the chin :)
If someone is "afraid" to say something that's their problem. I mean seriously, this is just the internet! Imagine what kind of pussies they are in real life.. :eek:

And I have haven't seen you post any pics, hotshot. Real bitch move to be talking shit about someone else's pics, especially when you don't have any up..

Now who's whining?! ^^haha You have no idea what it was like.. I was fucked on my first 3-4 orders. It was a lot worse than it is today, no one did any testing and we had "vets" like Sworder giving glowing reviews to shit labs in exchange for free gear. You think it was easy to sift through that mess?

I don't know what's wrong with you tonight.. From your limited post history you seemed like a cool guy, now you're in here starting shit..

Here's some advice, spend some more time researching.. You haven't figured out shit in two weeks time. By the way, over the weekend people were posting in this thread about bunk Gentech dbol being reported by several people on other boards.. I guess Gary admitted to it and thought it was a bad batch?

Ya know what Johnny balls I thaught you was a cool guy too but with this post of piss taking and degrading of me you have just showed me your just like the rest!

I saw that the d Bol was bunk that someone said from anothe board had said that but I haven't seen it on this board.

I didn't intend to start shit I asked from the start I just asked who had used gentech and now all ov this has started, you realy think this was what I wanted? If you have followed my posts you know I am a decant and understanding guy!

As for the picture thing yeh your right I was being a dick there and that was below the belt so sorry Brutus I didn't mean it, and It was a bitch move as I don't feel I could put my picture up yet.

From what you say it sounds harder to order back then I guess I'm just trying to make it easier not to go 3 or 4 times ordering bunk but with this thread there's no info at all and I have truly read all of it! and I would like to minimize the risk of wasting my money.

Just because my profile says I have been here a week doesn't mean I haven't been watching for a long time.. I know the game Johnny I know how it works here.
Hey bro speaking of taking one on the chin...well corrected me if I'm wrong but your a new member and have NEVER used AAs!! Your gonna order your first cycle from GT even after getting no one here to actually vouch for GT. Wow!!! enough said my friend maybe stop wasting your time whining on here and do ALOT more research bro cuz you the one gonna take it on the chin :)

You again are you following me big boy :)