I get it! What's the alternative?


I think one of the best alternatives is bloodwork. It only applies to test I know but it's being underutilized from what I've seen. Standardize a testing protocol and follow through with it up and down the ranks.
Also Mands, from what I've seen of your conduct here and elsewhere, you're one of the most level headed and fair posters. Not blowing smoke up your ass but that goes a long way to helping validate your me at least. Just like you're suspicious of the member who joined solely to push a new source, I'm equally suspicious of those who solely bash every source. They're opposite ends of the spectrum and we both know the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. I can't say your only purpose is to discredit a source bc you don't go around doing it every chance you get. Whatever the solution is I suspect we will find it to be somewhere towards the middle not at an extreme.
Sure it maybe suspect but that doesn't mean bc someone joined 3months ago their posts hold no weight. If they do nothing but post for or about a source yes, but there are a few here who have contributed in several threads not about sources who get bashed solely on their join date.

I don't see any solutions from you; you are only confronting individuals about their methods. If you want change then make a suggestion! There have been many members on this forum that wanted change, but to get everyone to agree is virtually impossible. We do what works! It may not be the best method but it's all we have.

I judge members based on the content of their posts not by their join date. I don't care how long someone has been a member of meso, but when you join just to praise an unknown/new UGL? That is VERY suspicious IMO!

Just for the record I for one will not change my way of treating new UGL's. I don't give a fuck what any of these newer members say or even individuals like yourself that have qualms about the methods that I/we use. Until Meso as a whole agrees on a new path for the underground to take, it is what it is.

Sure it maybe suspect but that doesn't mean bc someone joined 3months ago their posts hold no weight. If they do nothing but post for or about a source yes, but there are a few here who have contributed in several threads not about sources who get bashed solely on their join date.
I agree and there are people who contribute a whole hell of a lot and our knowledgeable. Then you find out they are pushing gear behind the scenes and doing dumb shit.

So, are their intentions to help the community or to make money with their well informed info?

To me post count doesn't mean shit. If a new member has three post and I can tell the substance of their posts are helpful and cultured by no means will I bust balls.

I believe if you are around long enough you can tell the difference in most cases.

Sure it maybe suspect but that doesn't mean bc someone joined 3months ago their posts hold no weight. If they do nothing but post for or about a source yes, but there are a few here who have contributed in several threads not about sources who get bashed solely on their join date.

You're adding another topic. Bashing new guys in threads not related to sources is something else. Many new guys have made outstanding contributions and then again there are some that just ask for it. I am not a fan of that, but it has nothing to do with sources.
I don't see any solutions from you; you are only confronting individuals about their methods. If you want change then make a suggestion! There have been many members on this forum that wanted change, but to get everyone to agree is virtually impossible. We do what works! It may not be the best method but it's all we have.

I judge members based on the content of their posts not by their join date. I don't care how long someone has been a member of meso, but when you join just to praise an unknown/new UGL? That is VERY suspicious IMO!

Just for the record I for one will not change my way of treating new UGL's. I don't give a fuck what any of these newer members say or even individuals like yourself that have qualms about the methods that I/we use. Until Meso as a whole agrees on a new path for the underground to take, it is what it is.


Wait, so this entire forum as a whole has yet to come up with a solution, and there are some smart members here let me add, yet when I try to make recommendations as I see fit, I'm called out bc I have not come up with a solution in my own?

Then you go and contradict yourself saying in one breath you won't change then in the next you'll change if Meso as a whole does?

Stick to one script.

I confront individuals in the hopes of driving progress to be better not to make an immediate change.
I'm equally suspicious of those who solely bash every source.

Who bashes EVERY source though? I bash sources but certainly not every one of them and I never do it without reason. I don't believe anyone is going around "bashing" sources just for the fun of it. Off the top of my head there's at least one source here now that I don't think anyone has bashed.
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I think one of the best alternatives is bloodwork. It only applies to test I know but it's being underutilized from what I've seen. Standardize a testing protocol and follow through with it up and down the ranks.
Yes bloodwork for testosterone products and HPLC/MS for others. All of this is good and I've been working on a standard protocol. Problems I see so far are costs to the customer(out of pocket to buy product and test), Samples cannot be given but ordered anonymously(will help with legitimacy), Actual time it takes to get blood levels up and then tested, finding a reliable lab to test, etc. That's just a few things off the top of the list. There are more. I know as a board and community we can figure it out. It will just take more time.

The problem with more time is that sources use this to their advantage.
Also Mands, from what I've seen of your conduct here and elsewhere, you're one of the most level headed and fair posters. Not blowing smoke up your ass but that goes a long way to helping validate your me at least. Just like you're suspicious of the member who joined solely to push a new source, I'm equally suspicious of those who solely bash every source. They're opposite ends of the spectrum and we both know the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. I can't say your only purpose is to discredit a source bc you don't go around doing it every chance you get. Whatever the solution is I suspect we will find it to be somewhere towards the middle not at an extreme.
I appreciate that and yes somewhere in the middle we will find something that works. For now we have what we have. It will only get better.
You're adding another topic. Bashing new guys in threads not related to sources is something else. Many new guys have made outstanding contributions and then again there are some that just ask for it. I am not a fan of that, but it has nothing to do with sources.
I think DocD agrees with you on this one greendog as do I.

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Wait, so this entire forum as a whole has yet to come up with a solution, and there are some smart members here let me add, yet when I try to make recommendations as I see fit, I'm called out bc I have not come up with a solution in my own?

Then you go and contradict yourself saying in one breath you won't change then in the next you'll change if Meso as a whole does?

Stick to one script.

I confront individuals in the hopes of driving progress to be better not to make an immediate change.

It's not that I am contradicting myself. I am humble enough to admit that I would concede to the wishes of the majority is all. I may be a stubborn a-hole at times but when the Meso community as a whole decides on a direction to take I for one will not challenge. Even if I do not agree with said direction. I decided a while ago that Meso was the only forum that I would contribute to, because of the uncensored medium that we have here.
It's not just xupac or this source if anybody goes against your views they straight away get accused of having a hidden agenda.. Just like your doing to me now.

Should we not have our views and ways of finding out things on here unless we have been here for a certain time?

Also if you read my posts I Havnt said anything good or bad about this source or any other, just looking for info because this one is convenient for me.

My "views" are based on historical FACTS and the FACT is every new UGL that started on Meso scammed it's members. Make my day and prove me wrong one month member.

But since you only "joined" in March I would expect such ignorance.

However as always what surprises me is people like you coming out of the wood work willing to defend unknowns like GT.

Like, you Meso guys aren't fair give them (GT) a chance ......... to screw Meso members, NOT. Been there done that MANY TIMES.

Finally as PAC-S, you're blindly supporting GT an unknown and unproven lab. Such activity historically suggests an ulterior motive rather than pure coincidence IME. Moreover you have almost achieved the Meso record, with 200 posts in TWO WEEKS, many are supportive GT comments in which you bash other long term members for criticizing poor GT!

FINALLY once again show me where your friend PAC-S was "abused" or would you rather not recite the legitimate and justifiable reasons I listed for questioning his allegiances earlier.
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My "views" are based on historical FACTS and the FACT is every new UGL that started on Meso scammed it's members. Make my day and prove me wrong one month member.

But since you only "joined" in March I would expect such ignorance.

However as always what surprises me is people like you coming out of the wood work willing to defend unknowns like GT.

Like, you Meso guys aren't fair give them (GT) a chance ......... to screw Meso members, NOT. Been there done that MANY TIMES.

Finally as PAC-S, you're blindly supporting GT an unknown and unproven lab. Such activity historically suggests an ulterior motive rather than pure coincidence IME.

Once again show me where your friend PAC-S was "abused" or would you rather not recite the legitimate and justifiable reasons I listed for questioning his allegiances earlier.

You just read what you want to read don't you...

Once again where have I defended them? I was just asking for feedback every time I have posted on gentech and I got shat on.. Just like xupac did for having the nerve to go against you and try his gear, and just like any other member would.

PAC isn't my friend and I'm not gunna sift through 50 pages of arguments to find where he got "abused" it was clear for all to see just like it was when I asked for abit of info..

I get the guilty until proven innocent way of dealing with the source I see there's no other way to do it. But there isn't even any arguing about the source anymore,mjust between yourselves

Anyway I have only been here a month as you pointed out so I guess I shouldn't really have the right to say anything anyway... Right?
Who bashes EVERY source though? I bash sources but certainly not every one of them and I never do it without reason. I don't believe anyone is going around "bashing" sources just for the fun of it. Off the top of my head there's at least one source here now that I don't think anyone has bashed.

I'm speaking in generalities here Johnny. Not pointing fingers at anyone specific.
I never do it without reason. I don't believe anyone is going around "bashing" sources just for the fun of it. Off the top of my head there's at least one source here now that I don't think anyone has bashed.
This source was bashed by you because? In your message you didn't provide any information or suspicion of the lab being "bad."

"never say never" - Justin Bieber
Yes bloodwork for testosterone products and HPLC/MS for others. All of this is good and I've been working on a standard protocol. Problems I see so far are costs to the customer(out of pocket to buy product and test), Samples cannot be given but ordered anonymously(will help with legitimacy), Actual time it takes to get blood levels up and then tested, finding a reliable lab to test, etc. That's just a few things off the top of the list. There are more. I know as a board and community we can figure it out. It will just take more time.

The problem with more time is that sources use this to their advantage.

I appreciate that and yes somewhere in the middle we will find something that works. For now we have what we have. It will only get better.

Then you are doing far more than me in coming up with a solution. I standardized my own personal blood work so I can compare the gear that I have used myself. I probably could get access to do HPLC but I would do so at the risk of a family member who I'd rather not put at risk like that so I rely on blood work.

I think DocD agrees with you on this one greendog as do I.


I do agree for the most part. Some new guys have some very good insight and it's evident in their posts. Some are here solely for sources or for themselves and that's evident as well. I'm like you, I look at the content of the post not when the member has joined.
I will again reiterate that I no longer give a shit who buys from who and if they get scammed or not. When attempting to forewarn members I spend more time arguing with them than the source. Nobody listens anyway- and what difference does it really make?

Doc- your board doesn't have any fucking sources- why the fuck should we? It defies logic- yet giving them a chance seems to be what passes for logic in this thread... and trying to stop any of it is simply pissing in the wind.
It's not that I am contradicting myself. I am humble enough to admit that I would concede to the wishes of the majority is all. I may be a stubborn a-hole at times but when the Meso community as a whole decides on a direction to take I for one will not challenge. Even if I do not agree with said direction. I decided a while ago that Meso was the only forum that I would contribute to, because of the uncensored medium that we have here.

Ok but why would you go with the status quo if it's not a direction you agree with? Not trying to be a dick to you just genuinely curious as to why you wouldn't follow what you believe to be "right or wrong"?
I will again reiterate that I no longer give a shit who buys from who and if they get scammed or not. When attempting to forewarn members I spend more time arguing with them than the source. Nobody listens anyway- and what difference does it really make?

Doc- your board doesn't have any fucking sources- why the fuck should we? It defies logic- yet giving them a chance seems to be what passes for logic in this thread... and trying to stop any of it is simply pissing in the wind.

There is the underground section where members and sources alike can Do what they want, minus threatening and exposing personal identities, and there are sources that advertise there. We do have members there that bash every single source also and those members I tend to not buy into their rhetoric so to speak. I think one of the most effective things to say to a source that you're not sure about yet have no evidence is actually a scammer is simply

"I don't buy from sources who advertise online"

Just like you said you wouldn't buy crack from the dealer with the neon sign, I won't buy weed from the guy advertising "got that loud on deck" on Facebook " or the ppl on CL "ski and rock climbing passes available" etc etc etc.
You've been around long enough @Sworder you know how it works. Why would any of us share our source with ten thousand people on the internet. Most of these guys use private sources and have found them by contributing to the community and putting time in on the boards. This earns trust and respect. In turn more things come available. I've helped a few over the years as have others.

I know you know this and it seems you are arguing just to argue at this point.
Yes, I know this and this is the point of why I feel all this underground talk and testing BS is crap. Sources come and go, it's a waste of time in my opinion to "defend" newbies of Meso that are just looking for a source, as that is the claim to why the bashing has been done.

Let people find their own sources, if Brutus doesn't want to give out sources what is the point of all this bashing? Like I said, it is closing doors for people and not opening any.

Nobody needs to be "protected" we protect ourselves and through the years who has came through complaining about getting scammed? The newbies? Well if you are going to help the newbies tell them a good source or let them figure it out on their own IMO!
Ok but why would you go with the status quo if it's not a direction you agree with? Not trying to be a dick to you just genuinely curious as to why you wouldn't follow what you believe to be "right or wrong"?

I wouldn't necessarily go with the majority, I just wouldn't challenge them. I simply would not participate in the UG, if I felt the direction was "wrong".