Umm which members here at meso are getting infections? What sources are coming and going as they please? Last I looked they come in and can't handle the heat and pack there goony goo goo bags and got the fuck out! Which sources are currently at this time the biggest sources here at meso at this moment.....none because there scamming asses were ran off!

Look at the Naps thread and Matrix/BD thread for infections.

Look at Manwhore for sources coming and going as they please.

Seriously, you're mistaken if you think this.
First and foremost a source who is public is like a crack dealer with a neon sign over his street corner that says "I AM SELLING CRACK". Not my first choice. I don't buy from public sources for this reason- and I wouldn't out my source for the same reason. What don't you get? EVERY source I have seen here that sourced publicly burned people. That's why I give them shit. Why do you care while we are checking where the moral compass points in everyone? Care to share your raw source publicly hotshot?
If you are closing the doors to public sources, what good are you doing? Claiming 100% of the public sources are scammers doesn't really help. Especially since most often it is baseless accusations. You, cbs and JBZ are supposedly on a mission to help Meso. If you are only closing doors for no good reason, what good are you doing?
I encourage people to homebrew, I won't give out any source information for obvious reasons. Am surprised you even ask me to when you bash me all the time for being a shill, scammer and whatever else you claim. Doing some research can help you find a China raw source.
If you are closing the doors to public sources, what good are you doing? Claiming 100% of the public sources are scammers doesn't really help. Especially since most often it is baseless accusations. You, cbs and JBZ are supposedly on a mission to help Meso. If you are only closing doors for no good reason, what good are you doing?
I encourage people to homebrew, I won't give out any source information for obvious reasons. Am surprised you even ask me to when you bash me all the time for being a shill, scammer and whatever else you claim. Doing some research can help you find a China raw source.
This isnt a source board, so the good I am doing is attempting to restore the board to its original purpose. I feel like I have said this before and I was being facetious when asking about your raw source.

I am back to not repeating myself to the most ineffective member of all- sworder. I hope you find a job soon fuckface. Night night.
Look at the Naps thread and Matrix/BD thread for infections.

Look at Manwhore for sources coming and going as they please.

Seriously, you're mistaken if you think this.

Well first I have always known Naps gear was shit when the guy went into the hospital and naps paid out of his pocket for his medical bills. Of course that's one of the reasons I'm always telling everyody not to use naps! And with that alleged Matrix infection, personally that guy is the only one who reported a problem, and personally I think you have to take into consideration of the location of the shot and how sterile he was when doing it. It knotted up cause it was a shitty injection spot! Your right about MW he had everybody fooled but that is also why everyone has lost respect for him now. I was referring to these fly- by- night fuckers coming in here to scam some newbie! They pass thru every know and then but they don't stick around.....why?
Well first I have always known Naps gear was shit when the guy went into the hospital and naps paid out of his pocket for his medical bills. Of course that's one of the reasons I'm always telling everyody not to use naps! And with that alleged Matrix infection, personally that guy is the only one who reported a problem, and personally I think you have to take into consideration of the location of the shot and how sterile he was when doing it. It knotted up cause it was a shitty injection spot! Your right about MW he had everybody fooled but that is also why everyone has lost respect for him now. I was referring to these fly- by- night fuckers coming in here to scam some newbie! They pass thru every know and then but they don't stick around.....why?

They don't all stick around bc some just come back rebranded.
They don't all stick around bc some just come back rebranded.

They don't stick around cause these guys see right through their bullshit and call them out on it and then poof their gone, when they try and come back re-branded it doesn't take long to figure it out that they have in fact been here before, and then they get gone once again....It's a cycle! Someone has to do it or they are gonna ass fuck who they can and take the money and run and all people get is a bottle of grape seed oil.
And whether I have justification to do so is a matter of opinion.

But answer my question, how was PAC-s "abused", or are you concerned your agenda will also become more evident by answering that question.

It's not just xupac or this source if anybody goes against your views they straight away get accused of having a hidden agenda.. Just like your doing to me now.

Should we not have our views and ways of finding out things on here unless we have been here for a certain time?

Also if you read my posts I Havnt said anything good or bad about this source or any other, just looking for info because this one is convenient for me.
They are still taking money regardless. This method isn't as effective as you're making it out to be.

Yeah, but if the members here are warned in advance to use caution with a lab, then they are not taking too much money out of the members pockets and potentially thousands per member. That's the whole point and of course the obvious reasons are safety for the members here! I can sit here all day long and say don't buy from so and so because....but the reality is we are all grown ass men and everyone will make there own decision. But if you can keep 15 new guys who don't know anything about the game or steroids for that matter isn't it worth it in the long run to do what you can to keep them from making a mistake?
WILL.E.NAYLER, post: 1269153, member: 72575"]It's not just xupac or this source if anybody goes against your views they straight away get accused of having a hidden agenda.. Just like your doing to me now.

Should we not have our views and ways of finding out things on here unless we have been here for a certain time?

Also if you read my posts I Havnt said anything good or bad about this source or any other, just looking for info because this one is convenient for me.[/QUOTE]
Convenience is your first mistake :)
@WILL.E.NAYLOR extract all of the opinions from this thread and put together the FACTS on the results of bloodwork or even Labmax. Your answer lies within what data has been verified to date.
Care to share which source is good to go? If you wanted to help Meso's members why not point them in the right direction?
Hmm... Why would a person NOT share his source while bashing every source on Meso?
You've been around long enough @Sworder you know how it works. Why would any of us share our source with ten thousand people on the internet. Most of these guys use private sources and have found them by contributing to the community and putting time in on the boards. This earns trust and respect. In turn more things come available. I've helped a few over the years as have others.

I know you know this and it seems you are arguing just to argue at this point.

Yeah, but if the members here are warned in advance to use caution with a lab, then they are not taking too much money out of the members pockets and potentially thousands per member. That's the whole point and of course the obvious reasons are safety for the members here! I can sit here all day long and say don't buy from so and so because....but the reality is we are all grown ass men and everyone will make there own decision. But if you can keep 15 new guys who don't know anything about the game or steroids for that matter isn't it worth it in the long run to do what you can to keep them from making a mistake?

Running around claiming every last source is a scammer or everyone who sticks up for a lab is a shill or arguing join dates is not warning people. It's more like chicken little claiming the sky is falling. I'm not claiming to have the end all solution just that what's happening now in some respects is more detrimental than anything.
The solution isn't to go around claiming every single lab is a scammer or shill bc you take away from the ones that truly are. Sort of like the boy who cried wolf
Doc, are you saying sources should welcomed openly and not challenged? Especially the new labs with little or no history. Should we take the word of a source that his gear is g2g? Should we not be suspicious of members who have just joined within a day or so of the sources arrival with "this shit is fire"?

Come on Doc, you want a solution, give us something better than that.
Running around claiming every last source is a scammer or everyone who sticks up for a lab is a shill or arguing join dates is not warning people. It's more like chicken little claiming the sky is falling. I'm not claiming to have the end all solution just that what's happening now in some respects is more detrimental than anything.
You don't think a source coming to MESO and a couple new members joining the same time with no posts except supporting the lab is suspect?

I myself usually can pick out who's for real and who is not. But, I miss some here and there.

I think the way we approach new sources is the best way we can at this point. What's your thoughts?

Running around claiming every last source is a scammer or everyone who sticks up for a lab is a shill or arguing join dates is not warning people. It's more like chicken little claiming the sky is falling. I'm not claiming to have the end all solution just that what's happening now in some respects is more detrimental than anything.

When a new lab comes on here out of nowhere, no one has ever heard of them kind of lab. And someone signs up and goes right to that thread to post how they think that labs test is the fire, or all of a sudden says yeah I've heard of them and members who know quite a few labs as well as myself including an ass of private labs have never heard of them, then I would throw all my eggs in one basket as well and call them a shill! Go check out the platinum thread if you want to see the first hand tactics these labs use. They will go far and beyond to make their pockets fatter and not give two shits about any of the members here at meso!
You don't think a source coming to MESO and a couple new members joining the same time with no posts except supporting the lab is suspect?

I myself usually can pick out who's for real and who is not. But, I miss some here and there.

I think the way we approach new sources is the best way we can at this point. What's your thoughts?


Sure it maybe suspect but that doesn't mean bc someone joined 3months ago their posts hold no weight. If they do nothing but post for or about a source yes, but there are a few here who have contributed in several threads not about sources who get bashed solely on their join date.


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