Ultimate Nootropic Stack?


All this talk about best libido stack and best muscle building cycles, lets talk about getting the best out of our brains!
Caffeine, Nicotine, Modafinil or R-Modafinil will have me really sharp and ready to mentally work all day.
To come down I would take melatonin at least 1-2 hours before I go to sleep.
Adderall. Sharp as a tack! At night Xanax.... sleep like a baby!
Is it healthy.... I don't care. I don't slaughter dosages 30 mg Adderall AM, 2 MG XANAX PM.
I don't drink anymore so that makes me much more clear.
Adderall. Sharp as a tack! At night Xanax.... sleep like a baby!
Is it healthy.... I don't care. I don't slaughter dosages 30 mg Adderall AM, 2 MG XANAX PM.
I don't drink anymore so that makes me much more clear.

That's a brain-killing stack.

Very healthy as we like them here.
All this talk about best libido stack and best muscle building cycles, lets talk about getting the best out of our brains!
Caffeine, Nicotine, Modafinil or R-Modafinil will have me really sharp and ready to mentally work all day.
To come down I would take melatonin at least 1-2 hours before I go to sleep.

Here is my opinion. There is no ultimate stack, this is going to be very intra individual as you are mostly trying to correct your own neurobiological deficits. However, ofc, that doesn't mean that we can't have a discussion about it.

One of the first key point, for every "neuro hacker", should be 1) lowering brain inflammation and 2) optimizing brain energetics, how efficiently brain uses up glucose (or other energy sources) and how well it produces atp - this is going to revolve a lot around brain insulin resistance, mitochondrial dysfunctions and blood brain flow.

We can talk unpurposively all day long about this and that nootropic, but fact of the matter is, that you should decide first, what is it that you want to actually achieve and then create a "stack".

that being said, here are some of the things that I end up taking frequently. Grouping them accordingly to their desired effect.

- Nicergoline, metformin, cinnamon extract, ALCAR.
- Piracetam, fasoractem, alphagpc, stimulants, atomoxetine, glycine.
- Phosphatidylserine, omega 3.
- Inositol, taurine, apigenin, tribulus, etifoxene.
- Magnesium malate and glycinate, Vitamine E, D, A, K2, B50 complex.
- Melatonin, NAC.
- Cerebrolysine, psylocibin.

Regarding executive functions: dopamine is going to be your best bet. However, insufficient GABAergic inhibition can be a big problem, so don't focus just on stimulation but also on inhibition. Gaba isn't the only relevant factor. Most everything is starting to revolve around NMDAr's nowadays.
Here is my opinion. There is no ultimate stack, this is going to be very intra individual as you are mostly trying to correct your own neurobiological deficits. However, ofc, that doesn't mean that we can't have a discussion about it.

One of the first key point, for every "neuro hacker", should be 1) lowering brain inflammation and 2) optimizing brain energetics, how efficiently brain uses up glucose (or other energy sources) and how well it produces atp - this is going to revolve a lot around brain insulin resistance, mitochondrial dysfunctions and blood brain flow.

We can talk unpurposively all day long about this and that nootropic, but fact of the matter is, that you should decide first, what is it that you want to actually achieve and then create a "stack".

that being said, here are some of the things that I end up taking frequently. Grouping them accordingly to their desired effect.

- Nicergoline, metformin, cinnamon extract, ALCAR.
- Piracetam, fasoractem, alphagpc, stimulants, atomoxetine, glycine.
- Phosphatidylserine, omega 3.
- Inositol, taurine, apigenin, tribulus, etifoxene.
- Magnesium malate and glycinate, Vitamine E, D, A, K2, B50 complex.
- Melatonin, NAC.
- Cerebrolysine, psylocibin.

Regarding executive functions: dopamine is going to be your best bet. However, insufficient GABAergic inhibition can be a big problem, so don't focus just on stimulation but also on inhibition. Gaba isn't the only relevant factor. Most everything is starting to revolve around NMDAr's nowadays.
Agreed. Very personal
Hard time finding racetams, right now, not to sidetrack the convo, but where do you source?
We can talk unpurposively all day long about this and that nootropic, but fact of the matter is, that you should decide first, what is it that you want to actually achieve and then create a "stack".
I'm a big fan of R-modafinil but can only take 1-2 times a week due to the weird reverse nootropic effect that actually makes me not "smarter" if I take it everyday. Have you heard of how people negate this side effect of modafinil?

What's your current stack?
Any nootropic that increases BDNF. Cerebrolysin, Dihexa, Semax, Nopept, Racetam’s, micro doses of psilocybin/ketamine. On top of good diet and exercise.

The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle: Upgrade Your Brain, Upgrade Your Life by Brant Cortright
Nootropics are the newest wave of bullshit to hit the fitness industry, I just don’t see the hype or the purpose. When they couldn’t load more than 400mg of caffeine and more than 10 grams of beta and citruline in a supplement anymore, they asked ,”what’s the next wave of bullshit we can sell ppl on?” And bingo, a “safer preworkout with smart drugs in it!”
Nootropics are the newest wave of bullshit to hit the fitness industry, I just don’t see the hype or the purpose. When they couldn’t load more than 400mg of caffeine and more than 10 grams of beta and citruline in a supplement anymore, they asked ,”what’s the next wave of bullshit we can sell ppl on?” And bingo, a “safer preworkout with smart drugs in it!”

lol ok
Nootropics are the newest wave of bullshit to hit the fitness industry, I just don’t see the hype or the purpose. When they couldn’t load more than 400mg of caffeine and more than 10 grams of beta and citruline in a supplement anymore, they asked ,”what’s the next wave of bullshit we can sell ppl on?” And bingo, a “safer preworkout with smart drugs in it!”
That’s like being ok with testosterone only when there are so many more fun compounds out there to will compliment your physique better. You’re potentially missing out on some fun stuff.
Here is my opinion. There is no ultimate stack, this is going to be very intra individual as you are mostly trying to correct your own neurobiological deficits. However, ofc, that doesn't mean that we can't have a discussion about it.

One of the first key point, for every "neuro hacker", should be 1) lowering brain inflammation and 2) optimizing brain energetics, how efficiently brain uses up glucose (or other energy sources) and how well it produces atp - this is going to revolve a lot around brain insulin resistance, mitochondrial dysfunctions and blood brain flow.

We can talk unpurposively all day long about this and that nootropic, but fact of the matter is, that you should decide first, what is it that you want to actually achieve and then create a "stack".

that being said, here are some of the things that I end up taking frequently. Grouping them accordingly to their desired effect.

- Nicergoline, metformin, cinnamon extract, ALCAR.
- Piracetam, fasoractem, alphagpc, stimulants, atomoxetine, glycine.
- Phosphatidylserine, omega 3.
- Inositol, taurine, apigenin, tribulus, etifoxene.
- Magnesium malate and glycinate, Vitamine E, D, A, K2, B50 complex.
- Melatonin, NAC.
- Cerebrolysine, psylocibin.

Regarding executive functions: dopamine is going to be your best bet. However, insufficient GABAergic inhibition can be a big problem, so don't focus just on stimulation but also on inhibition. Gaba isn't the only relevant factor. Most everything is starting to revolve around NMDAr's nowadays.
What are your thoughts on L-theanine? Also, when you take alpha-gpc do you take it everyday or cycle and what effects do you get from it?
What are your thoughts on L-theanine? Also, when you take alpha-gpc do you take it everyday or cycle and what effects do you get from it?

Take it mostly with racetams like fasoracetam or nefiracetam. Take it also standalone but not as often. Clarity, mostly I get clarity ie. a lack of brain fog and sharpness. Off course exec functions also get a boost.
I figured out how to not crash from modafinil the day after.

I need to take 2 alpha gpc pills instead of 1 the day of modafinil use and the day after to take 1 pill.
Nootropics are the newest wave of bullshit to hit the fitness industry, I just don’t see the hype or the purpose. When they couldn’t load more than 400mg of caffeine and more than 10 grams of beta and citruline in a supplement anymore, they asked ,”what’s the next wave of bullshit we can sell ppl on?” And bingo, a “safer preworkout with smart drugs in it!”
Dude outside the fitness industry, nootropics are a game changer. Why do you think it's approved for pilots on long durations? If I'm working all day on engineering calculations and only had a short night sleep before, due to business travel, there is no doubt that it tangibly improves my work.

If your work involves lots of disrupted sleep and you have full day of cognitive work afterwards, you will benefit from some of the nootropics.

I suspect students studying long hours for exams will also greatly benefit.

Call it bullshit all you want. Armodafinil stays in my travel kit.

The world is bigger than the fitness industry, these medications have tangible benefits if you need to stay sharp, clear and awake without your head buzzing like high on cocaine.
I still use phenibut occasionally. I probably average 5 days a month. When I use it I always take it first thing AM on empty stomach and about an hour before chugging my preworkout and leaving out for the gym. Usually followed by work.

If you get the dosage right it makes for an entire day of good feels. Plus workout is far more intense. Colors are more vibrant and I’m way more likely to seek conversation and be sociable.

I ran out of phenibut about 2 weeks ago and just tried to order again last night. My usual source was out of stock so I found a different nootropics store online. I noticed they had regular phenibut hcl and a new, more expensive version called
F-phenibut (Fluorophenibut).

never heard of it but looking forward to trying it.
Dude outside the fitness industry, nootropics are a game changer. Why do you think it's approved for pilots on long durations? If I'm working all day on engineering calculations and only had a short night sleep before, due to business travel, there is no doubt that it tangibly improves my work.

If your work involves lots of disrupted sleep and you have full day of cognitive work afterwards, you will benefit from some of the nootropics.

I suspect students studying long hours for exams will also greatly benefit.

Call it bullshit all you want. Armodafinil stays in my travel kit.

The world is bigger than the fitness industry, these medications have tangible benefits if you need to stay sharp, clear and awake without your head buzzing like high on cocaine.
It's not just a jock PEDs vs nerd PEDs debate either. Cognitive enhancement drugs have been used by elite athletes. For example, Conte/BALCO sprinters were reportedly using modafinil way back then.
There’s a big difference between something like adderall and some designer supplement that’s all hype without results