USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Looks like I jumped the gun. I owe Spetz an apology, upon further examination this is indeed the product I rec'd and it is indeed NPP. I was confused b/c when searching under the brand name it appears like the manufacturer indeed makes a NPP and Deca product under the same brand name/label. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for helping me clear it up.
No apology needed! as a matter of fact i owe you a thank you because now we've got proof by a vet (no pun intended) that MCT works nice and i already ordered 4 gallons for the anabolix line.
150mg of spetz hombrew tren A a day = a fucking waste of time money and pins...smh 2 weeks In. At that dose for 2wks and 2days I should b in jail by now

what can you do to fix this @usaspetz spetz
You pinned gram a week
And nothing ??
I would be sweating like it's going out of style before second week
You pinned gram a week
And nothing ??
I would be sweating like it's going out of style before second week

yes sir... ud think if it was even dosed at 10% id feel somthing. In the past with good tren I notice it almost within 24hr. Obviously I dont get stronger or bigger that fast but u can just tell and in a week my musles are like rocks but this isnt the case with his tren
yes sir... ud think if it was even dosed at 10% id feel somthing. In the past with good tren I notice it almost within 24hr. Obviously I dont get stronger or bigger that fast but u can just tell and in a week my musles are like rocks but this isnt the case with his tren
You plan on getting blood work?
Colt what blood work will show Tren beside a false e2 read
This is why I asked the question below. I'm going to compile some data on that false E2 reading and see if we can draw any possible conclusions on purity. A stretch? Maybe but worth a shot if guys are getting the blood work anyway. More data is never a bad thing.
Are you going to use privatemdlabs?
This is why I asked the question below. I'm going to compile some data on that false E2 reading and see if we can draw any possible conclusions on purity. A stretch? Maybe but worth a shot if guys are getting the blood work anyway. More data is never a bad thing.
agrreed and yes. I hav my pre bloods and wen I get my nx bloods I will post them and will b taking bloods shorty ofter pct