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Blood was drawn Wed. The 2 week Mark on his prop at 200mgs ED.
And I wanna give him a chance to make it right before I blow the whistle boys.

Okay, you are correct, that would be 2 weeks based on your previous posts. My mistake.

However, you should post the results immediately. Withholding them when other guys could be ordering the same product you received is a dick move imo. Please post them up.
I swear I received an email with him saying we were all a bunch of whiners with his blood results...

Did this guy just call us whiners, post his results, and then delete them 2 seconds later?!?
It doesn't matter, any fuckin shred of credibility you are losing by the fuckin second urban. We told you to wait till 3 weeks and have told you this for every fucking lab you have tested your prop with so your results are nearly meaningless anyway. But I guess there could be someone out there about to buy his prop and you could essentially be preventing or promoting a scam by holding your results back
You boys are CLOWNS heres all the bunk shit ive bought of this site.
Bloods for test prop are 2 weeks according to rules. Go fuck yourself cry baby


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This site is full of a bunch of fucking faggots. and by destroying my credibility your encouraging new combers to by from all these bunk ass sources.
Quit whining? You bitch... Wouldn't YOU want someone to post so YOU wouldn't be scammed a fuckin 4th/5th or 6th time?!?!

Edit: I didn't look at the results. I'm convinced your a reverse scammer. Your history and actions show it all
I can't believe how God damn mad I am right now. 900 total test? No! Just, no.
You boys are CLOWNS heres all the bunk shit ive bought of this site.
Bloods for test prop are 2 weeks according to rules. Go fuck yourself cry baby
urban, are you SURE you've been pinning 2ml a day of that prop?
Please Take a picture and show us what 200mg looks like in a syringe.
Can u please explain the dosages? Ru the same guy that said was taking 2mg a day?

2 grams a day? That's alot
Of oil
Of course Luca! I was running 200MG a day of this prop for two weeks that 1200mg Wkly.
The reason being the only gear I ran across that was good from here was SUPER underdosed which is why I was running this canola oil so high.
Calling us faggots, bitching and whining. You are whining about being ripped off. No one forced you to buy! Stop taking AAS if you can't deal with possible setbacks. Don't blame us
This site is full of a bunch of fucking faggots. and by destroying my credibility your encouraging new combers to by from all these bunk ass sources.

No and drop your fucking attitude.. If your dumb ass paid any attention around here you'd know that in the past 6 months good prop is almost nonexistent. This is like the 4th set of bloods you've posted on prop, why do you keep buying this shit?
Urban it is hard to establish credibility when you post alternatively in a period of 20 minutes that you were on 2 grams a day, 1400mg per week and 1200mg per week.