USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Screenshot_2015-01-05-11-33-58.png this is what this manwoman, cop, le just sent me via p.m. hey manwoman, go fuck your mother bitch. Send you my email? Cop. Fuck you. @Voltrader what do you think man?
@JahWobble estro is high for that much adex.

Are u runnin deca or tren too?

Running nothing else.

I don't believe it's high; it's not a lot of anastrozole at all. I run 1 mg/week as prescribed by Dr. for TRT and it puts my E2 at mid-20s. I added 500 of test and only bumped my anastrozole by .5 mg/week. If anything, my AI use should be increased to 2 mg/week.
Running nothing else.

I don't believe it's high; it's not a lot of anastrozole at all. I run 1 mg/week as prescribed by Dr. for TRT and it puts my E2 at mid-20s. I added 500 of test and only bumped my anastrozole by .5 mg/week. If anything, my AI use should be increased to 2 mg/week.

Gotcha. I misread it.
I am not attacking you- or spetz for that matter. I think you for the feedback.

That being said- what is the world coming to when we make a statement like "the test e is good", but the pip is so unbelievably bad you can't sleep comfortably, you experience swelling and YOU GET SO ILL FOR TWENTY FOUR HOURS AFTER EACH PIN YOU CAN'T TRAIN OR EAT? you even dread the next pin days in advance.

Good gear is FAR MORE than test numbers. I have minimal/no pip when I pin 900mg test e or c in one 3 cc pin in my quad or delt- which is the fucking way it should be. Sick? Dreading pins? Pathetic. The opposite of a "good" or even "acceptable" product imo.

lol, point taken.

I've been around for a long time. Over many, many years I've gotten bunk gear, scammed for small amounts, inconsistent product, threatened by sources, packages seized, packages lost, and PIP so bad that I walked with a limp for a week. I've also gotten amazing product that seemed to have been brought down on the wings of angels.

So, given the nature of the business and what used to pass for acceptable, I'd say that my experience with Spetz has been overall positive. Some bumps, but I have product that does what it's supposed to albeit with some negative side effects. But, until we can walk into CVS and purchase test OTC I'm willing to live with those side effects and mitigate them as best I can.

Spetz has already made changes to his BA/BB concentrations and I'm cutting the stuff I currently have with my TRT stash to reduce some of the side effects. Ideal, no. Acceptable for now, yes. In the grand scheme of things is it where we want the business to be? No, not at all.

I appreciate the perspective you brought to my post.
Screenshot_2015-01-05-11-52-59.png bitch, I just got started at bodybuilding. Why don't you proceed to fuck right off because every single time that you send me a PM it's going to be put on here so everyone can see your stupidity. Hey @CensoredBoardsSuck, apparently I am your gay lover.
lol, point taken.

I've been around for a long time. Over many, many years I've gotten bunk gear, scammed for small amounts, inconsistent product, threatened by sources, packages seized, packages lost, and PIP so bad that I walked with a limp for a week. I've also gotten amazing product that seemed to have been brought down on the wings of angels.

So, given the nature of the business and what used to pass for acceptable, I'd say that my experience with Spetz has been overall positive. Some bumps, but I have product that does what it's supposed to albeit with some negative side effects. But, until we can walk into CVS and purchase test OTC I'm willing to live with those side effects and mitigate them as best I can.

Spetz has already made changes to his BA/BB concentrations and I'm cutting the stuff I currently have with my TRT stash to reduce some of the side effects. Ideal, no. Acceptable for now, yes. In the grand scheme of things is it where we want the business to be? No, not at all.

I appreciate the perspective you brought to my post.
And I genuinely appreciate the post- bloodwork is an awesome contribution and unfettered feedback is nectar of the gods. Thanks.
Im just trying to figure out wether to scrap that shit or what. It never gave me anything other than pip and its been hangin around to long.
500 mg Anabolix (Spetz UGL) Test E
100 mg TRT (pharma) Test C
Injected M, W, F in 200 mg doses

Stating the obvious, Spetz's Test E is good.

Not so fast. You're taking 500 mg QW of Spezt's test E AND 100 mg QW of pharm test. That's 600 mg QW and your TT is 3952 ng/dL.

3952 isn't completely bunk but it's certainly underdosed.

I'm still having problems with severe fatigue 24 hours after my shot accompanied by sore muscles and very sensitive skin. It's very much like flu symptoms.

PIP is bad. Pain comes on the next day and lasts 3-4 days. My two favorite places to inject are delts and ventro-gluteal. I'm a side sleeper and the pain in my shoulders and hips kills my sleep. So I wind up sleeping on my back and getting kicked by my GF because I'm snoring.

Difficult to determine causation without HPLC-MS and testing for bacteria, but flu-like symptoms and severe pip, along with the fact that it's underdosed, suggests contamination. Sounds like typical bathtub brewed gear to me. I certainly wouldn't say Spetz's Test E is good.
Brutus, one other point: at this time, because my liver, kidney, and white blood cell levels all came back within range, I'm assuming that I'm having a reaction to either the cottonseed oil, or the BA/BB levels. If I thought for an instant that the product was adulterated, I certainly wouldn't have called it "good".
Do you have other product lying around? If so, try cutting it.

No i will not cut it. I will not. Besides ive got better stuff anyhow. That would be like adding dirt weed to so dro, aint gonna happen. Now if he fixes it ill check it out and report my findings then
View attachment 19083 bitch, I just got started at bodybuilding. Why don't you proceed to fuck right off because every single time that you send me a PM it's going to be put on here so everyone can see your stupidity. Hey @CensoredBoardsSuck, apparently I am your gay lover.

Good to know. HBG's mood is up and down like a whore's drawers. You never know what you're gonna get with her.
Not so fast. You're taking 500 mg QW of Spezt's test E AND 100 mg QW of pharm test. That's 600 mg QW and your TT is 3952 ng/dL.

3952 isn't completely bunk but it's certainly underdosed.

Difficult to determine causation without HPLC-MS but flu-like symptoms and severe pip, along with the fact that it's underdosed, suggests contamination. Sounds like typical bathtub brewed gear to me. I certainly wouldn't say Spetz's Test E is good.

Regarding your first point, I've run through this before in this thread. Based on years of TRT and past experience with cycles (including a short cycle done on script test) I've never seen the 8-10x dosage that some report. Ever. And I get bloods every cycle on my own and twice a year from my TRT doc.

I do consistently see 5-7x and that's what I'm seeing here, so I would not call this under-dosed at all. I believe it is appropriately dosed based on my experience.

Regarding your second point, contaminated gear would cause a local reaction besides PIP, most likely a rise in my white blood cell count, and possible fever. I've had none of this. My symptoms are systemic which is why I believe I'm having an adverse reaction to the BA, BB, or the carrier oil. I believe this is my third report on Spetz's gear; if I ever had swelling, heat at the injection site, fever, etc I would have reported it.

Whatever it is, I don't have any reason to believe it's unsterile gear. Because no one else has come forward with the same complaints, I'm inclined to believe it's a individual sensitivity.

Thanks for weighing in and giving me the opportunity to clarify my post.
Not so fast. You're taking 500 mg QW of Spezt's test E AND 100 mg QW of pharm test. That's 600 mg QW and your TT is 3952 ng/dL.

3952 isn't completely bunk but it's certainly underdosed.

Difficult to determine causation without HPLC-MS and testing for bacteria, but flu-like symptoms and severe pip, along with the fact that it's underdosed, suggests contamination. Sounds like typical bathtub brewed gear to me. I certainly wouldn't say Spetz's Test E is good.
Not to mention the pharm could be spotting him 1000 ngdl...
Regarding your first point, I've run through this before in this thread. Based on years of TRT and past experience with cycles (including a short cycle done on script test) I've never seen the 8-10x dosage that some report. Ever. And I get bloods every cycle on my own and twice a year from my TRT doc.

The 10X rule doesn't apply to physiological dosages/levels. Otherwise a TRT dose of 150 mg QW would result in a TT of 1500 and that doesn't happen - or happens only rarely. But there is lots of evidence showing the 10X rule applies when using supraphysiological doses.

Regarding your second point, contaminated gear would cause a local reaction besides PIP, most likely a rise in my white blood cell count, and possible fever. I've had none of this.

Contamination doesn't have to be bacteria. It could be from heavy metals, other chemicals and maybe even from whatever the raws were cut with.
View attachment 19082 this is what this manwoman, cop, le just sent me via p.m. hey manwoman, go fuck your mother bitch. Send you my email? Cop. Fuck you. @Voltrader what do you think man?
Manny I am just trying to figure out how much these bloods are skewed by his pharm. Just block her or him and you won't have to sweat it.

@JahWobble if you are ok with it more power to you. Thanks for the info it is what the community needs to make an opinion. I think with your pharm you are probably more at 5x or less but hey its your body and pip and feeling like shit. Not my definition of good gear but hey to each its own.
I am not attacking you- or spetz for that matter. I think you for the feedback.

That being said- what is the world coming to when we make a statement like "the test e is good", but the pip is so unbelievably bad you can't sleep comfortably, you experience swelling and YOU GET SO ILL FOR TWENTY FOUR HOURS AFTER EACH PIN YOU CAN'T TRAIN OR EAT? you even dread the next pin days in advance.

Good gear is FAR MORE than test numbers. I have minimal/no pip when I pin 900mg test e or c in one 3 cc pin in my quad or delt- which is the fucking way it should be. Sick? Dreading pins? Pathetic. The opposite of a "good" or even "acceptable" product imo.
Completely spot-on!