USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

So you didn't think to tell us about this sub-q pin you were doing that came along with this horrible pip (that would last 3-4 days where you couldn't sleep) that you would get in your delts and glutes following each pin? Why wouldn't you inject a sub-q injection somehwere like your belly if you couldn't sleep on your side or back if this was the case. Something isn't adding up here

Edit: Your blood draws for TRT, how long after pinning do you have bloods taken?

I've had PIP from SQ shots, I've had PIP from IM shots. It's all the same. I don't inject oil on my belly because it looks awful. I can rotate a mL of oil SQ in my delts and V-glutes and I'll have an egg sized lump in each spot for 3 days. Inject that same mL into my belly and it I wind up with golf ball sized lumps on my abs, and I pin 3x week. At the gym and at home, it brings a lot more attention to something I'm not too keen on people knowing.

Blood draws on TRT are between 40 and 48 hours.
I've had PIP from SQ shots, I've had PIP from IM shots. It's all the same. I don't inject oil on my belly because it looks awful. I can rotate a mL of oil SQ in my delts and V-glutes and I'll have an egg sized lump in each spot for 3 days. Inject that same mL into my belly and it I wind up with golf ball sized lumps on my abs, and I pin 3x week. At the gym and at home, it brings a lot more attention to something I'm not too keen on people knowing.

Blood draws on TRT are between 40 and 48 hours.

Ever think maybe you are doing it wrong and the rest of the aas world is doing it right?
Stay away from his prop

I really hate to toot my horn and wave my flag here on this thread, since i usually get flamed out for just being here... but @urbangroop you're a complete idiot! Really nice AVI too! Maybe you need to keep you're head outta the bag for awhile... i think you're turning into urban-GOOP! It's important to point out though... that Spetz's prop has been working really well for my brother the last 5 weeks! Very little PIP and STRONG! Hmmm? Maybe it's a dam conspiracy, or special batch that Spetz only sends to people he likes? Lol!
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I find PIP tends to be less noticeable after about 2 weeks. The start of a cycle always has more pain for me, then as the muscles adapt to the substance it becomes more tolerant for me and there is much less pain for shorter period if any at all. I go quads and glutes fyi.
Does the thickness of the oil also play a role in pip? Does the thicker oil carry more pip or is it all in how its brewed?
Honestly not sure brother. I use smaller pins the oil is alot smoother to push through. Alot of times with other oils takes fucking forever to get the oil injected. So far there has been no issue with pip. On the test e. I have not tired out the prop. I might just do one shot to see.
Honestly not sure brother. I use smaller pins the oil is alot smoother to push through. Alot of times with other oils takes fucking forever to get the oil injected. So far there has been no issue with pip. On the test e. I have not tired out the prop. I might just do one shot to see.
I can save you the trouble... my brother pins the prop in his delts with a 5/8 syringe every day with no complaints whatsoever! ;)
@Skull @pumpingiron22

just popped into this topic so forgive me if shit's been explained or im out of context. i do not think thicker oil plays any part in PIP, to a degree. so for carrier oils usually CSO is not as thick as say GSO, which is pretty thick. but GSO has been thought to have mild anesthetic properties. so in regards to carrier oil thickness i do not think that plays a part at all. what i do think plays a part is the thickness due to compound concentration. so extremely high quality cyp and primo is hard to dissolve past 250mg/mL. if you're running good quality cyp at 250-300mg it's gonna be thick and it's gonna cause some PIP. so in the end thicker if caused by compound concentration yes pip, thicker because of carrier oil no pip. these are all things you should be asking your supplier- as well as BA/BB concentration and if they use EO. I personally do not think BA/BB has any affect on PIP unless you're sensitive to BA. i have injected a 50% BA concentration as a test and i did not receive any pip, just something to think about.
MCT Seems to have a much faster absorption rate than say.. GSO. According to some articles I read, but also due to the lower viscosity its much easier to pin, very similar to EO without the murdering of my filters and stoppers.

The only issue i've had is locally i've been getting bad feedback because customers think its "water" and it wont work because steroids are supposed to have a coloration.. i dunno lol.