USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

usaspetz what can you say about this and 20 plus complain that you have on reddit.

((It has come to the attention to the mods that /u/usaspetz has been bribing people with free gear in exchange for good reviews. This is a bannable offence and as such he has been banned and blacklisted from sst)))))))
This is old news, Shady/Dirty politics from /SST Mods (not all but the main one). We will leave it there, i'm doing just fine and have switched over to /r/anabolics.
Interesting, so bloods came in at 7.5X dosage only 24 hours after pinning... I'm lost here. Are we really to believe that Spetz has the golden source now or is he overdosing his product? Anyone have any idea how much the test e would affect the blood levels compared to the test C?
I've always brewed test e/c/Sust at 300mg/ml, to compensate for underdosed raws, prop is overdosed by 20%, same for tren-a and Mast. only variation I've ever had is I switched raw Providers and lowered ba/bb to fix the PIP issue, and NOW im switching over to MCT as a carrier.

one last thing i did change the stoppers on the vials a few months back because the ones i was using were getting brittle after the 2nd autoclave session and tiny floaters would appear. new "cheaper" ones fixed this issue.

Thanks for everyone who has posted bloods, i welcome both good and bad results, everyone needs to know quality of product.
Urbangroop - sounds like a coalition that would be led by a "reverend" that would show up to protest injustice.
Or perhaps even a mid-1990's R&B group or boy band.

I hate to be THAT guy who quotes himself, but come to think of it, Nick505 sounds like a lame name of a boy band member or R&B group member.:)

And why not quote myself - I am the same guy who tagged myself in a post not too long ago... doh!;)
I figured out my problem. Well, I have a solution, but still no reason.

About 3 weeks ago I asked anyone running Spetz's Test E to please PM me. A few people got back to me and I confirmed they were running the same thing as me by comparing batch #s (I didn't include the entire batch number in my post to weed out the bullshitters).

No one had the same flu-like reaction I did the day after shots.

Fast forward to last Friday and I run out of slin pins. I always used these for my TRT and used these for my cycle as well. It takes a while to suck up oil through a 29g 1/2" pin but it's so easy to pin. I dig around in my stash and find some old, sterile 25g 1 1/2" needles and 3ml syringes. Pin my glutes and all is good. On Saturday, no fatigue, no soreness.

Again, this past Monday, I hit my other glute with an IM shot. On Tuesday, no fatigue, no soreness.

I have no idea why this would be the case, but SQ shots were causing symptoms and IM shots don't. It's the damndest thing. PIP is down to manageable levels as well.

It reminded me of something I read on Dr. Crisler's forums (well known TRT doc) and that is he often sees nodules form around pockets of SQ-injected test and that this is part of the body's inflammatory process. I'm inclined to think the symptoms I experienced were part of that inflammatory process.
I figured out my problem. Well, I have a solution, but still no reason.

About 3 weeks ago I asked anyone running Spetz's Test E to please PM me. A few people got back to me and I confirmed they were running the same thing as me by comparing batch #s (I didn't include the entire batch number in my post to weed out the bullshitters).

No one had the same flu-like reaction I did the day after shots.

Fast forward to last Friday and I run out of slin pins. I always used these for my TRT and used these for my cycle as well. It takes a while to suck up oil through a 29g 1/2" pin but it's so easy to pin. I dig around in my stash and find some old, sterile 25g 1 1/2" needles and 3ml syringes. Pin my glutes and all is good. On Saturday, no fatigue, no soreness.

Again, this past Monday, I hit my other glute with an IM shot. On Tuesday, no fatigue, no soreness.

I have no idea why this would be the case, but SQ shots were causing symptoms and IM shots don't. It's the damndest thing. PIP is down to manageable levels as well.

It reminded me of something I read on Dr. Crisler's forums (well known TRT doc) and that is he often sees nodules form around pockets of SQ-injected test and that this is part of the body's inflammatory process. I'm inclined to think the symptoms I experienced were part of that inflammatory process.
So you didn't think to tell us about this sub-q pin you were doing that came along with this horrible pip (that would last 3-4 days where you couldn't sleep) that you would get in your delts and glutes following each pin? Why wouldn't you inject a sub-q injection somehwere like your belly if you couldn't sleep on your side or back if this was the case. Something isn't adding up here

Edit: Your blood draws for TRT, how long after pinning do you have bloods taken?