USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I must admit I haven't been following as closely over there as I was, but a couple guys here messaged me and said that packs had slowed down and longer T/A's. I skimmed through and tried to get up to speed over there but there was just so much bickering and commotion. From what I gathered there was a lot of complaints about T/A's yet I didn't see anyone past 2 weeks (but like I said VERY BRIEFLY SKIMMED OVER). Most guys seemed to be around 7-10 days out, which imo is premature to be up in arms so to speak. In their defense though I think guys were spoiled by Spetz' extremely fast turn around and maybe wouldn't have jumped the gun had communication been better about expected delays. Everyone would like to see gear land in 3 days, but the reality is you will not see that from any public source for very long, especially one that's sourcing on 2 boards and has a full time job/family. I know a couple of guys were concerned because they said when they emailed Spetz to check on an order he asked them to provide their shipping info again, sometimes more than once, in my mind that's of no concern and actually make me feel MORE confident that he is not keeping sensitive personal info around or on file. A lot of guys were concerned about that though nonetheless, most likely because they think he claimed to have shipped but actually hadn't yet, but I don't know that can be assumed true either.
The point I was trying to convey and I think Spetz addressed was that we have seen many sources get overrun by the massive influx of orders MESO brings. As T/A's start to stretch out guys begin to get nervous that corners will begin to get cut to keep up with demand and time windows. I think we can avoid a lot of drama if guys just have an accurate idea of the wait. @Evom1 stated the motto I try to live by quite nicely...people will respect you more if you always stick to the truth even if it's not what they want to hear ;)

Thanks for taking the time to do that

Based on what you just outlined I have no issue giving spetz a test order
Well, i might as well show what the EQ looks like
pricing will be announced when they arrive, it will be around $130. Remember this stuff is as good as it gets for EQ.
Thanks for taking the time to do that

Based on what you just outlined I have no issue giving spetz a test order

That wasn't meant to be an endorsement, or trying to throw him under the bus, just bringing it to the table here so Spetz could comment on the situation and have some open dialogue. There are some guys frustrated with him, and some guys giving glowing endorsements, you will have check it out and make the decision best for you.

Spetz posted the link to his thread @ reddit somewhere in the first couple pages, or you can just search his name over there it's under r/sourcetalk I believe. I don't want you to go off my word alone, the last thing I need is some bat boy get burnt and come lookin' for answers :eek:
Yea but it's 50mg/ml... I've seen that stuff before, way too much pinning/oil for my taste though..
oh it's old school for sure... and it's not cheap by any means I overlooked the pricetag when I was having delusions of transforming into a Brahma Bull o_O

Spetz is high across the board imo, but the peace of mind is worth a lot too for me. This is roughly 2.5 times as expensive as the EQ300 I have on hand and ran with good success and I'd have to max out both BOTH quads or glutes 2x week to handle the volume without taking into account any other compounds. Maybe that's why that bull is such a trapstar! He's blasting 10cc's 2x a week in that hump!
Yes please.
So Spetz how many vials before my hump looks like that one??? :cool:
ROFL!! good question sir, i think it depends on your genetics.

Funny story, i used to sell many of these to some black guys (not in the racist way) but they were the "thug" kind so i always figured it was for personal use, until i went to a house one day and saw what his Pitbull looked like and I realized they were using them on their dogs, the dogs were so big i wouldn't even get off my car! I stopped selling them after that because i don't like dog fights i think its cruel so... this stuff is very very potent.
Yea but it's 50mg/ml... I've seen that stuff before, way too much pinning/oil for my taste though..
correct 50mg, however the oil is very smooth, 0 Pain or PIP, and due to the high purity you see good results in a much lower dosage, Some of my customers Spot inject where they would normally put synthol.
oh it's old school for sure... and it's not cheap by any means I overlooked the pricetag when I was having delusions of transforming into a Brahma Bull o_O

Spetz is high across the board imo, but the peace of mind is worth a lot too for me. This is roughly 2.5 times as expensive as the EQ300 I have on hand and ran with good success and I'd have to max out both BOTH quads or glutes 2x week to handle the volume without taking into account any other compounds. Maybe that's why that bull is such a trapstar! He's blasting 10cc's 2x a week in that hump!
Well, i think my FDA Meds are priced correctly, you get what you pay for, as far as the EQ, its not a product for everyone, this is why I'm Only bringing 20 bottles, TO be honest, the bottles cost no more than $40 in Colombia from a licensed Vet, however someone brings them in for me and that amount of risk costs $$, therefore pricing goes up.
ROFL!! good question sir, i think it depends on your genetics.

Funny story, i used to sell many of these to some black guys (not in the racist way) but they were the "thug" kind so i always figured it was for personal use, until i went to a house one day and saw what his Pitbull looked like and I realized they were using them on their dogs, the dogs were so big i wouldn't even get off my car! I stopped selling them after that because i don't like dog fights i think its cruel so... this stuff is very very potent.
pretty common practice down South, I've seen this first hand as well actually. They actually weren't big as much as disgustingly shredded and veiny. Ran on the catmill so fuckin fast it made me dizzy, go for 40-50 mins full speed like nothing. But there again it's all about genetics, old game blood down there, line bred athletes.

EDIT: you don't have to rationalize your pricing to me ;) I know how it goes all to well
That wasn't meant to be an endorsement, or trying to throw him under the bus, just bringing it to the table here so Spetz could comment on the situation and have some open dialogue. There are some guys frustrated with him, and some guys giving glowing endorsements, you will have check it out and make the decision best for you.

Spetz posted the link to his thread @ reddit somewhere in the first couple pages, or you can just search his name over there it's under r/sourcetalk I believe. I don't want you to go off my word alone, the last thing I need is some bat boy get burnt and come lookin' for answers :eek:

Thank you, I appreciate your point, and I didn't take it to be endorsement. I had pretty much made up my mind to test his gear before this (non, imo) issue came up.

I just wanted to know what this supposed issue was before I pulled the trigger, as I've never been on reddit
sorry. never on this site as much anymore since im so busy in the real world.

just wanted to say anyone concerned about petz's gear I have pinned his test e, test prop, tren ace and everything is good to go, I did sulfuric acid tests on everything, as well as mandelin and marquis tests, and everything checked out, pin was smooth, I don't labmax cuz im not going to pay $200 bucks for a shitty kit..

im not going to completely ride his dick though there was one thing I didnt' like about shipping but I understand his logic in why he did the way he did..

also his pharma pills were tested as authentic thru the sulfuric acid tests.

I will purchase again.
sorry. never on this site as much anymore since im so busy in the real world.

just wanted to say anyone concerned about petz's gear I have pinned his test e, test prop, tren ace and everything is good to go, I did sulfuric acid tests on everything, as well as mandelin and marquis tests, and everything checked out, pin was smooth, I don't labmax cuz im not going to pay $200 bucks for a shitty kit..

im not going to completely ride his dick though there was one thing I didnt' like about shipping but I understand his logic in why he did the way he did..

also his pharma pills were tested as authentic thru the sulfuric acid tests.

I will purchase again.
Ey Eminem, just wanted to say thank you for all the tests you ran, much appreciated brotha man
sorry. never on this site as much anymore since im so busy in the real world.

just wanted to say anyone concerned about petz's gear I have pinned his test e, test prop, tren ace and everything is good to go, I did sulfuric acid tests on everything, as well as mandelin and marquis tests, and everything checked out, pin was smooth, I don't labmax cuz im not going to pay $200 bucks for a shitty kit..

im not going to completely ride his dick though there was one thing I didnt' like about shipping but I understand his logic in why he did the way he did..

also his pharma pills were tested as authentic thru the sulfuric acid tests.

I will purchase again.
thank you for the feedback Em, wow i cant believe you "wasted" a pharma pill on a test but i guess you never know.

I would like to address what he meant about the shipping without giving too much stealth information away if its OK with you, He complained that he thought the packaging could have used a little more padding or bubble wrap,so that there are less chances of a bottle breaking, i've been using cardboard paper, i had to buy a giant roll, same thing that amazon uses, and i "ruffle" it so that there is padding, however you Don't hear the splashing of the liquid in the bottles, bubblewrap doesn't seem to do the job.
I have actually spent a few hrs playing with different types and quite honestly it just doesnt matter lol.

HOWEVER, because i do like to listen, i ended up finding a LARGE bubble type of bubblewrap that insulates as well as cardboard which is what i am currently using, anyone who has ordered in the last 10 days or so will receive this. My biggest priority hasnt been whether the item arrives damaged because there will be no leak since i vacuum seal, but rather STEALTH, i can live with myself getting into legal troubles but not my customers, i wouldnt be able to sleep at night.

thanks again for the FAIR review 'Em.