USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

until i went to a house one day and saw what his Pitbull looked like and I realized they were using them on their dogs, the dogs were so big i wouldn't even get off my car! I stopped selling them after that because i don't like dog fights i think its cruel so...

Off topic but this says a lot- fuck dog fighters and all they've done to hurt a great breed. I'd order from you just based on this...
So how many guys are currently using USAspetz stuff?
@pumpingiron22 did the first preliminary labmax testing and they are posted in the subforum. He's also running a log titled "OldBallz cycle" or something to that effect :cool:
@Marcus just started a log as well on some long esters so it will be a bit before we see bloodwork.

-These are the two guys that seem to be bringing the most up to date info on their experience.
I posted this before but because of the update it didn't stick so again i placed an order for my pct. order should arrive today and I Will update as to arrival condition and my perceived quality.
sorry. never on this site as much anymore since im so busy in the real world.

just wanted to say anyone concerned about petz's gear I have pinned his test e, test prop, tren ace and everything is good to go, I did sulfuric acid tests on everything, as well as mandelin and marquis tests, and everything checked out, pin was smooth, I don't labmax cuz im not going to pay $200 bucks for a shitty kit..

im not going to completely ride his dick though there was one thing I didnt' like about shipping but I understand his logic in why he did the way he did..

also his pharma pills were tested as authentic thru the sulfuric acid tests.

I will purchase again.
How reliable is The sulfuric acid test? Is it the same thing that lab Max does? both are supposed to be read with UV light right? Ha question trifecta!
Just got my pack, great packaging, t/a was 7 days, which is fine, good communication throughout. Thanks! I wasn't planning on starting my cycle for couple weeks, but we'll see if I can hold myself to that, lol.
Just got my pack, great packaging, t/a was 7 days, which is fine, good communication throughout. Thanks! I wasn't planning on starting my cycle for couple weeks, but we'll see if I can hold myself to that, lol.
Lol that's an impossible game
Hey guys, this is my latest price list.

Items on sale:

Tren 250 (125a/125e)- $100 This is a new blend i got working really well, limited production only.

Email: usaspetz and don't forget my encryption key is in the Wiki.

It's been brought to my attention there is another lab who scammed some people by the name of Elite Anabolix, i have no relation with them

Items are regular pricing:

  • AI/PCT all AMERICAN FDA Certified unless otherwise Specified.
  • Arimidex:1mg x 30 $110
  • Aromasin: FORGET IT, we can't afford it!
  • Nolva: 20mg x 30 EDIT: Back in stock. $110
  • Clomid 50MG x 30 $150
  • Prami: 1mg x 30 $110
  • Caber: .5mg x 8 $150 OUCH! but its Watson brand.
  • Letrozole 2.5mg x 30 $120
  • T3/Cytomel $120
  • Injectables in 10ML Sterile Vials
  • Test-P 100 - $35
  • Tren-A 100 - $50
  • TEST-E 250 $50
  • TEST-C 200 $50
  • SUST 250 $50
  • Deca 200 $60
  • NPP 100 $60
  • EQ 200 $50
  • Masteron p 100 $55
  • Orals:
  • Winny 60x25MG $60
  • Anavar 60x25MG $120
  • Anavar for woman 60x5MG $55
  • Dbol 60x25MG $70
  • HCG, HGH and Others
  • HCG Novarel 10000iu (pharma grade) $80
  • HGH Saizen 8.8MG $350
  • HGH Omnitrope 5.8MG $225 (new item)
  • HGH Omnitrope 10MG $400
Minimum order requirement is $200, Payments though WU and sometimes via Paypal.

Order Instructions

When placing an order, please email me how many of each you would like, and add $5 to the total for shipping, this IS MY LIST, so please don't ask me to send you an updated price list. Please make sure you are serious about ordering orders not paid within 24 hrs are canceled and you get "blacklisted" from future purchases!

If you're looking for something not listed such as Blood Pressure Meds or Voltaren Gel for those muscle aches please Email me for pricing and Availability.
QUICK update, I've decided to raise my minimum to $200, i've had a lot of issues with customer's not coming though on their payment which well you get "blacklisted" but MOST of them are submitting a minimum order and quite honest its not fair for the rest of you who are submitting a real order and require my time to fulfill such order, you guys know i am a 1-man operation and its quite frustrating to "waste" my time.

So... $200 from now on.

Thanks for the support MESO.
Ye I figured I would get that response, I don't mind spending though. USAPETZ could you persuade me to buy your Test E ? hahah, make me a sales pitch =p
Link please? I tried to find him in reddit couldn't do so

I am on the r/steroid section and can't find him. Is there another one?