USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Thread was deleted by the OP because @usaspetz


"well the first thing i think you should have PMs me or emailed me before posting this because now i have to ask you a million questions, of course im going to make this right!! but this GH is NOT chinese and I have the paperwork for the prescription, how did you mix it? did you use 5IUs of liquid or 5IUs of HGH? i would prefer you PM and we sort this out properly. Standby guys!!"


another source 24hreup

You can NOT measure quality from a serum test alone.
high numbers have nothing to do with the quality at all .
test your IGF levels when you have run it for a while you will get a much better picture of how your gear is."

when the OP queried why he deleted the thread he mentioned

"I deleted it. The method by which I did the test was questioned by other vendors who sell GH. 24hreup said that serum GH is not an accurate way to measure the quality of GH. So I'm taking it down until I can at least compare the results of the first test to the last two. I just took my last blood test, so we'll see what's what in a couple days."

OPs blood test results from the thread is here

Edit: OP's new thread explaining why he took the post down
Thread was deleted by the OP because @usaspetz


"well the first thing i think you should have PMs me or emailed me before posting this because now i have to ask you a million questions, of course im going to make this right!! but this GH is NOT chinese and I have the paperwork for the prescription, how did you mix it? did you use 5IUs of liquid or 5IUs of HGH? i would prefer you PM and we sort this out properly. Standby guys!!"


another source 24hreup

You can NOT measure quality from a serum test alone.
high numbers have nothing to do with the quality at all .
test your IGF levels when you have run it for a while you will get a much better picture of how your gear is."

when the OP queried why he deleted the thread he mentioned

"I deleted it. The method by which I did the test was questioned by other vendors who sell GH. 24hreup said that serum GH is not an accurate way to measure the quality of GH. So I'm taking it down until I can at least compare the results of the first test to the last two. I just took my last blood test, so we'll see what's what in a couple days."

OPs blood test results from the thread is here

Edit: OP's new thread explaining why he took the post down

High numbers on a GH serum test do not guarantee you have good GH but low numbers do guarantee you have bad GH..
While I totally disagree with spetzs explanation above, these numbers aren't bad IME for 5ius.

I tried using 5ius of Seros for a test, thinking if 10iu got me 18-22 then 5 should get me 9-11. It came back 6, and it was from a pharm. Did some research and learned the dose to serum test "curve" is not totally linear. Retested at 10iu and it came back 19.

I'd be willing to bet if this cat tested 5iu and it came back 7.1 like it shows, that if he were to test 10iu (which is the SOP for this test), it would come back 20+.

Edit: he also tested at 3 hrs... Peak is at 3-4 hrs so it could have still been going up.
Ordered Test Prop, Nolvadex, Arimidex from Spetz. The AI's and SERM's are brand name as other members have posted. I did LabMaxd the Test Prop about a week ago. Didn't take any pictures, the color consistency looks the same as PumpingIron posted on his tests for the Prop.
While I totally disagree with spetzs explanation above, these numbers aren't bad IME for 5ius.

I tried using 5ius of Seros for a test, thinking if 10iu got me 18-22 then 5 should get me 9-11. It came back 6, and it was from a pharm. Did some research and learned the dose to serum test "curve" is not totally linear. Retested at 10iu and it came back 19.

I'd be willing to bet if this cat tested 5iu and it came back 7.1 like it shows, that if he were to test 10iu (which is the SOP for this test), it would come back 20+.

This is why I hang around here!! I've never heard this before... Do you have any links? I'm doing a test Monday on some seros and was considering 5iu so I'd like to know more..

Regardless I'll just shoot the 10 after hearing this..
wow, I'm gone to a funeral for a couple hrs and all hell breaks loose, MY HGH IS NOT BUNK, i got it from a DOCTOR, i have paperwork to prove it and I have the original work, I don't resell GH from an European source and sure as hell don't sell Chinese or Fake GH, I'm not going to waste a $35k investment and my reputation on a $225 sale, that's ridiculous! I stand by my product and GUARANTEE IT, i spoke with the user which has bought several times from me in the past and offered several scenarios including a refund which he has REJECTED because he isn't sure that the GH is bad due to his side effects and how he is feeling.
This is why I hang around here!! I've never heard this before... Do you have any links? I'm doing a test Monday on some seros and was considering 5iu so I'd like to know more..

Regardless I'll just shoot the 10 after hearing this..

Pm'd you... There are other factors as well like clearing times, your individual response, T levels and E levels, that can affect your results. So I prefer to change as few "controls" as possible. And like you said, its a crude test anyways, a little better than labmax for gh IMO
I have 15 bottles of the EQ ready to ship. I honestly thought pricing would be a little lower but i had to pay for this man's expenses so I just want to be honest with you guys, i am making $30 profit only. However i stand behind this product and its results, so does the Colombian Govmt.
Equipoise 50mg/ml 50ML bottle.
Price is $140 per bottle, I thought it would be $20 less but at the end this is what it came up to.. Price is fixed! and remember i have a minimum of $200. Sh is still $5, due to the size i will be shipping in a different box, just FYI.
I remember a min of $150 spetz
spetz fyi a well known just went down for a little while due to a snow ball effect of issues im sure you will see soon .PLEASE do your guyz a favor and when the shit starts to hit the fan because your now a good source.dont take on to much to where we asked out and you go threw the same you really have your shit together and your doing a great job,idk if that $200 min is on the new stuff and the $150 we been doing is on the stuff we received recently and is still the same PLEASE clarify.altho idk anyone squeeking it like that,just want to make sure im reading right,PM coming at you im stocking up for the WAVE lmfao here we go fellas
There is thread in the labs forum about "kevins" var testing at 39 percent. Didnt you say spetz that this is where you get your orals? I apoligize if this has been addressed but couldnt find it, i just got burnt by another lab on var and am going to start being a lot more careful. Ready to place an order but want to hear a response to this first.
There is thread in the labs forum about "kevins" var testing at 39 percent. Didnt you say spetz that this is where you get your orals? I apoligize if this has been addressed but couldnt find it, i just got burnt by another lab on var and am going to start being a lot more careful. Ready to place an order but want to hear a response to this first.
It's in the thread, Guy @reddit claimed 39% but ultimately never produced lab documentation. Between that issue, the frenzy over a 7 day t/a, and this new GH "issue"...I'm beginning to wonder if we should try to formulate our own opinions b/c it would seem we have a more knowledgeable user base than over @Reddit.

EDIT: That's the way I remember it going down anyway, @jayb if you are considering purchasing Var you may wanna investigate more.
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It's in the thread, Guy @reddit claimed 39% but ultimately never produced lab documentation. Between that issue, the frenzy over a 7 day t/a, and this new GH "issue"...I'm beginning to wonder if we should try to formulate our own opinions b/c it would seem we have a more knowledgeable user base than over @Reddit.

EDIT: That's the way I remember it going down anyway, @jayb if you are considering purchasing Var you may wanna investigate more.

It wasn't that he didn't have lab documentation, it was the fact that it was just improperly done and by a pretty shitty tester from a shitty site, cough eroids cough. There are a couple results that should be done soon by a couple different testers, so I would hold off on something like var until then imo.

The GH issue just seems weird but, when the user that had the results gets tests back from his generics and tests from Astros white tops, than we should have a better idea of how it looks. Granted he is not doing the typical method of 10ius, he is only doing 5. I would think we should still be able to compare all three sources and get an idea of how they all stack up.

Edit: I think the only true way to test growth is IGF tests but that could take up to 3 months to test and you would have to run a lot of growth, which means a lot of money, so it seems like these are the best you can do unless you feel like dropping a shit ton of cash on something that may or may not be legit.
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