USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

hey guys! thanks for the condolences and wishes, that's life i guess, ended up paying for most of the expenses myself so i have you guys to thank for that :) thanks for your support, T/A is about 2 days behind because of this emergency but i will do my best to get everything out the door tonight so that they arrive Monday, sorry about that and if you PMd me i will answer you now.
Hey guys, started spetz test e yesterday, been using use AY. Pip is a little rough today in my quad, definitely more than I'm used to but not unbearable. Just giving little updates as I go.
Packaging Btw was one of the best I've seen
:) test packs quite a punch if i do say so myself, especially since its over-dosed! However minimum alcohol since i 'clave and my sterile environment so the pin itself should be quite smooth. enjoy the positive sides!!
:) test packs quite a punch if i do say so myself, especially since its over-dosed! However minimum alcohol since i 'clave and my sterile environment so the pin itself should be quite smooth. enjoy the positive sides!!
Oh yeah, pinning was smooth. I could tell it was a little thicker than what I've been using, but no issue.

Just know to do quads on Leg day or the day after... Not two days before. Lol
hey guys! thanks for the condolences and wishes, that's life i guess, ended up paying for most of the expenses myself so i have you guys to thank for that :) thanks for your support, T/A is about 2 days behind because of this emergency but i will do my best to get everything out the door tonight so that they arrive Monday, sorry about that and if you PMd me i will answer you now.

Sorry for you loss my man
:) test packs quite a punch if i do say so myself, especially since its over-dosed! However minimum alcohol since i 'clave and my sterile environment so the pin itself should be quite smooth. enjoy the positive sides!!

spetz are you getting emails? countermail always sucks for me
I'm surprised a lot of guys don't like quads for some reason. I'm running my first cycle and in so far I have only pinned quads, alternating left / right quad. I pin the upper outer area of the thigh. Haven't had any issues so far.
Once you hit your first nerve you will be seeking less nerve packed areas. Once was enough to turn me off of quads forever. That and the PIP that is.
Getting a good amount of redness now around the injection site on quad. What do u guys normally do to get that to go down? The redness always makes me nervous, I'm sure it's not an infection or anything, but still. Lol. I usually just ride it out or try a hot shower
Getting a good amount of redness now around the injection site on quad. What do u guys normally do to get that to go down? The redness always makes me nervous, I'm sure it's not an infection or anything, but still. Lol. I usually just ride it out or try a hot shower
Your shots are probaby going subq. Use a longer needle.
Getting a good amount of redness now around the injection site on quad. What do u guys normally do to get that to go down? The redness always makes me nervous, I'm sure it's not an infection or anything, but still. Lol. I usually just ride it out or try a hot shower
how deep did you go? you might have some subq "leakage" if so you're going to be red for 4 days more or less and it will be very sore and warm.
how deep did you go? you might have some subq "leakage" if so you're going to be red for 4 days more or less and it will be very sore and warm.
Yeah you're probably right. Ran out of 1-1/2" so had to use 1" so that could be it. Got some 1-1/2" on the way.