USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I've had a ton of shots go subq with a 1 1/2 inch needle. Sometimes when you pull the needle out it creates a vacuum and sucks oil out of the muscle. This is what is known as a subq shot. I also have a heck of a time with highly concentrated oil going subq. It causes unbearable pip for me, and the muscle always rejects it somehow. Again, you are extremely dense. I didn't even say that steroid oil defys the natural laws of physics. I described two situations in which a shot can go subq, and you are mad as fuck about it for some reason. Lay off the tren, BRUH!

Nah man I ain't mad, got too many great things happening. You on the other hand. ..

What you're describing is poor injection technique, plain and simple. Stop injecting and wait 10 seconds before pulling the pin out. Said another way, don't inject while pulling the pin out. Clear? ;)

Leaving a small bubble of air between the oil and plunger will also help pack the shot in.

You're welcome. Have a good night.
Nah man I ain't mad, got too many great things happening. You on the other hand. ..

What you're describing is poor injection technique, plain and simple. Stop injecting and wait 10 seconds before pulling the pin out. Said another way, don't inject while pulling the pin out. Clear? ;)

Leaving a small bubble of air between the oil and plunger will also help pack the shot in.

You're welcome. Have a good night.
this may b a dumb question but just tryin to educate myself so I can make things easier for me. If u put a air bubble behind the oil could u run a risk of pushes air into the muscle because this is my worst fear. Please help this redneck out.
this may b a dumb question but just tryin to educate myself so I can make things easier for me. If u put a air bubble behind the oil could u run a risk of pushes air into the muscle because this is my worst fear. Please help this redneck out.

You leave a tiny bubble in there you'll be fine it would take a few cc's to hurt you.
Quads still swollen and sore. Skipped legs yesterday and planned on doing them today, don't think that's gonna happen.

Shot delts yesterday, they're sore today as well. Hoping my body just gets used to the new gear and it doesn't hinder my training. I hardly ever get pip
Look not being a dick here but your comment re: red injection site @ the quad b/c it went subq made no sense, but that figured itself out.

Then the above, "Hormones that are dissolved at a high concentration have a tendency to go subq on me"... huh? Again that makes no sense, and you follow it with "Spetz overdoses his stuff, so this could be the problem".

Is this your way of repping spetz? How do you know it's overdosed, have you MS it?

You're the guy who came over from reddit to vouch for spetz right (not that he needs it, guys seem plenty happy with him so far)... Just sounds kinda shilly.
I thought that hole overdosed thing was a lil fishy cuz I been following this thread and im sure this man has no labz or bloods posted as a matter of fact he got 45 or so posts most on here and I see nothing. apparently he is on other forums and different sites maybe he brought his professional opinion with him and forgot the pix of bloods and labs
been pinning the sust for a lil over a week 250 e3d / 750 week. lil pip just enough to let me know im pinning but I cant really tell., just ordered back up gear grabbed some more sust think ima bump up to 1000 a week around week 8.then start my t prop wk after my last sust shot few weeks of that all while doing 500 ius of fertiyGyn hcg I need a lil more hcg but spetz is to much, pharma or not I think $80 is pricy no
been pinning the sust for a lil over a week 250 e3d / 750 week. lil pip just enough to let me know im pinning but I cant really tell., just ordered back up gear grabbed some more sust think ima bump up to 1000 a week around week 8.then start my t prop wk after my last sust shot few weeks of that all while doing 500 ius of fertiyGyn hcg I need a lil more hcg but spetz is to much, pharma or not I think $80 is pricy no
Glad to hear the sust is working well for you.
Your glad ,are you with spetz? or just glad for me. OH its not working at all I didn't say that . I said no pip really..and it takes a few weeks to get into the muscles but i will let ya know for sure i sure hope it does work and is dosed correct cuz i just dropped another few bills
Oh no, I'm not with spetz or anything. Just acknowledging your post and the fact you're getting minimal pip. Interested to see how others are doing with it
Got ya I did my calf for the first time running out of spots doing npp 100 EOD and doesn't always fall on same day plus hcg pinning end it seems.FUCK IT anyway calf was OK being virgin and all pip was 1to 1 1/2 days and didn't hinder me from legs.
Got ya I did my calf for the first time running out of spots doing npp 100 EOD and doesn't always fall on same day plus hcg pinning end it seems.FUCK IT anyway calf was OK being virgin and all pip was 1to 1 1/2 days and didn't hinder me from legs.
Don't think I'll ever have the balls to pin Calfs. Lol
been pinning the sust for a lil over a week 250 e3d / 750 week. lil pip just enough to let me know im pinning but I cant really tell., just ordered back up gear grabbed some more sust think ima bump up to 1000 a week around week 8.then start my t prop wk after my last sust shot few weeks of that all while doing 500 ius of fertiyGyn hcg I need a lil more hcg but spetz is to much, pharma or not I think $80 is pricy no
$80 isn't that bad for 10,000iu pharma HCG. You think so Boston? Seems right around average. $35-40 per 5,000iu
Seriously dude why go to every thread? Please leave your and brutis drama in PM man thanks.

Why are you bringing brutus into this for? Did I mention his name? As far as i am concerned, that issue is over and done with until they post up those Mass Spec tests..
Fastaf wants to run his so called educated fat mouth, and Ill give that piece of shit crap right back.
By the way, if you dont want to see what I say, put me on ignore..THANKS!!!
You guys have any thoughts as to how I'd know if it was an infection or not? Don't wanna be paranoid and think too much into things. Or have things just be a coincidence and improperly link them
Also I take doxycycline daily for acne, would it have an impact on an infection if one were to in fact be present?
$80 isn't that bad for 10,000iu pharma HCG. You think so Boston? Seems right around average. $35-40 per 5,000iu
Retail for AMERICAN FDA HCG is $205 ish if you pay cash or around $290 when you bill the insurance company, explain to me how this is high again :)
@ spetz First off I was asking so I can't explain again.second I paid 25 for 5000 pharma overseas so I'm thinking $80 is a bit high but actually its really not to bad I just need about 3500 didn't want to have 7000 ish sitting around till next cycle(so testy) .just get my $$ I sent and send me stuff lmao. Hey bro no security ? On recent wu .is that normal for anything out the u.s