USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Well I've been following @usaspetz from the beginning looking for anything to nail him on and I've come up with nothing so far other than the issues that were brought up at the beginning before he was able to post his AAS list. It seems like he is doing a pretty standup job on taking care of everyone so far. I am still waiting for the bloods from @pumpingiron22 to make any decisions on his UGL products. I just hope he will be able to continue the kind of efficiency he has shown so far.
As for the Pakistan Test that definitely perks my ears up. Petz you can just have that all shipped to me to save you the hassle of having to reship it when you get it, lol.
Keep up the good work we are always watching out for each other here.

More Sust amps I believe he said, keep in mind guys that I'm glad everyone is having good experiences thus far but it's still extremely early. We still don't have bloods on the UGL line and HG amps and even Vet grade products are highly counterfeited. Just a reminder to proceed with caution and stay up to date in the thread, and continue to post your experiences good, bad, or indifferent.
Well I've been following @usaspetz from the beginning looking for anything to nail him on and I've come up with nothing so far other than the issues that were brought up at the beginning before he was able to post his AAS list. It seems like he is doing a pretty standup job on taking care of everyone so far. I am still waiting for the bloods from @pumpingiron22 to make any decisions on his UGL products. I just hope he will be able to continue the kind of efficiency he has shown so far.
As for the Pakistan Test that definitely perks my ears up. Petz you can just have that all shipped to me to save you the hassle of having to reship it when you get it, lol.
Keep up the good work we are always watching out for each other here.


Just FYI, I got product from Usaspetz and have been told for over a month to expect it this week x 4 weeks, and have had nothing delivered. He is now claiming he has proof of a tracking number that shows product being delivered to me, but has failed to provide me with any kind of tracking number.

There are a number of members getting the run around from this guy right now over on a Reddit board, and it all started recently. There were also some people claiming his GH was total bunk based on serum tests they had done.

Just FYI.
I highly doubt it had anything to do with spetz my man. I bet anything it had to do with the courier or shipping address!
Just FYI, I got product from Usaspetz and have been told for over a month to expect it this week x 4 weeks, and have had nothing delivered. He is now claiming he has proof of a tracking number that shows product being delivered to me, but has failed to provide me with any kind of tracking number.

There are a number of members getting the run around from this guy right now over on a Reddit board, and it all started recently. There were also some people claiming his GH was total bunk based on serum tests they had done.

Just FYI.

Interesting. I ordered last week and was told upon payment it would be here today without any delay. No package so far but I will keep you guys posted, communication has been okay so far.
I highly doubt it had anything to do with spetz my man. I bet anything it had to do with the courier or shipping address!

Well, all Spetz has had to do is provide me with a tracking number which he stated he has, but has not provided me with for some unknown reason. I have literally confirmed the same address with him 3 times.
how much u pay for the order lol, wasnt it a giveaway

Might wanna get that caps lock key looked at.

Yep, and there are also two members in the thread I made over there who are going through the exact same thing with him. So it's clearly not just me.

Who are all these Spetz fan boy members anyways? I'm sharing my experience with a source and giving a warning based on it, as well as others from another board.
I didn't know sources were allowed to make a bunch of dummy profiles to bash anyone who gives them a negative review, seems pretty shady.
Copy Pasta from a mod over on Reddit in regards to the matter of USAspetz not shipping the giveaway gear:

All right guys. The OP has sent me all of his correspondence between himself and /u/USASpetz. The OPs story corroborates with the PMs and emails that I have looked through. He first contacted spetz on August 20th and had been told on more than one occasion that the shipping info was needed and that the shipment may have been overlooked because all emails are deleted for customer safety. He was then given a screenshot of spetz's countermail search for his (the OP's) email which returned no results.

What strikes me as odd is that 21 hours ago the OP was told that his package had left and been delivered three weeks ago when he "last spoke" to spetz, but their last contact prior to that was from the screenshots only 9 days prior. The OP then stated that if that were indeed the case that spetz needed to contact his shipper.

At this point I am not going to say that spetz is trying to scam or flake out on the giveaway, as I believe that it is entirely possible that maybe he is thinking of a different shipment, things like that happen when you have lots of shipments going out.

What I will say at this point in time is that there has been no delivery confirmation screenshot PMed to me from spetz, all of the correspondence between the two people seems that either spetz mistook the OP for another person and thought he sent something that he didn't, that the OP has the package and is being dishonest, or that the giveaway was not on the level and nothing is being nor will be sent.

There is no way to tell which of these scenarios are true until I have a screen shot of the tracking number with delivery confirmation.

For the sake of full transparency, I will not link the emails or PMs in general chat because they have the OPs info in them. This will also help when and if I receive the tracking info as I will be able to cross reference the zip codes.

So, the way forward from here is a screenshot of the tracking. Let's see that information, or lack thereof before we jump to any conclusions. It would be preferable if it could be provided before the end of the day.
Copy Pasta from a mod over on Reddit in regards to the matter of USAspetz not shipping the giveaway gear:

Thank you Hendrix, in the same thread another member mentions they are getting the run around from Spetz, and another member PMd me saying they are going through the same thing as me with him and would like an update if anything happens.
Thank you Hendrix, in the same thread another member mentions they are getting the run around from Spetz, and another member PMd me saying they are going through the same thing as me with him and would like an update if anything happens.

I do not endorse this spetz guy at all, and I would NEVER send him any of my money because he started out here with lies. With that said, I find it comical that you're whining about not receiving free gear from a giveaway. Spend some money and quit whoring around for free gear.
I do not endorse this spetz guy at all, and I would NEVER send him any of my money because he started out here with lies. With that said, I find it comical that you're whining about not receiving free gear from a giveaway. Spend some money and quit whoring around for free gear.

Did not see that he got it, or was supposed to get it, from a giveaway. Lol
I do not endorse this spetz guy at all, and I would NEVER send him any of my money because he started out here with lies. With that said, I find it comical that you're whining about not receiving free gear from a giveaway. Spend some money and quit whoring around for free gear.
I'm with you on the non endorsement but its like winning a scratch off ticket and not getting paid.... Then someone saying go get a job and stop whoring for $$...

I see it more as an integrity and trust issue. As you mentioned, when spetz first started on here, I made up my mind then and there...
It was an easy decision....
I'm with you on the non endorsement but its like winning a scratch off ticket and not getting paid.... Then someone saying go get a job and stop whoring for $$...

I see it more as an integrity and trust issue. As you mentioned, when spetz first started on here, I made up my mind then and there...
It was an easy decision....

you still gotta pay for the scratch off ticket