USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

You guys have any thoughts as to how I'd know if it was an infection or not? Don't wanna be paranoid and think too much into things. Or have things just be a coincidence and improperly link them
You're probably just being paranoid but you can apply heat to it topical antiseptic and watch it and if you're really worried you could post a picture of it...
You guys have any thoughts as to how I'd know if it was an infection or not? Don't wanna be paranoid and think too much into things. Or have things just be a coincidence and improperly link them
If you're really feeling paranoid, just go to a med express, or something similar, tell them what it is and they'll likely give you a script for antibiotics, just in case. You may also get a brief lecture, but they can't do anything more than that. I've done it once before, it's too simple not to, at the very least for the peace of mind.
Retail for AMERICAN FDA HCG is $205 ish if you pay cash or around $290 when you bill the insurance company, explain to me how this is high again :)
Ummmm....we don't know or care much how you pay for or come up off the things you sell. I don't care for you being a wise guy as if the member or members must have forgotten who's on line here.
Serono Serostim would have you walking into a Walgreens(Specific sites as serostim is considered a specialty med)without your private or state insurance card and be handed a $10,000 bill for (4) 6mg 126iu kits that will get you through with 28 days of medicine.
I think I've heard that the black market won't support anything near that? That's an example of why a members would be speaking amongst themselves...maybe they've been up town and forgot they were back downtown at the free clinic nickel and dim'in it? Just a thought.
You guys have any thoughts as to how I'd know if it was an infection or not? Don't wanna be paranoid and think too much into things. Or have things just be a coincidence and improperly link them
if you have an infection you should develop a fever within a week or less, again, if you have a bad pip you're looking about 4 painful days and then it should go down, im not concerned at all about the gear not being sterile because if my production procedure, however being honest there is always that small chance... if so i will take care of you and send you some elephant antibiotics.
@ spetz First off I was asking so I can't explain again.second I paid 25 for 5000 pharma overseas so I'm thinking $80 is a bit high but actually its really not to bad I just need about 3500 didn't want to have 7000 ish sitting around till next cycle(so testy) .just get my $$ I sent and send me stuff lmao. Hey bro no security ? On recent wu .is that normal for anything out the u.s
I think you're referring to the WU instructions and what not? Well, i think i rather not discuss it for security reasons, but outside of the country have different standards ;).

i get what you mean about the HCG, but again, in my eyes and this is f course just my opinion, there is a price difference between overseas pharma HCG such as Hucog or Novarel and American FDA HCG such as Pregnyl or APP, this doesn't mean one is better than the other, i just simply carry the american HCG which has a higher price tag, however... i can sell it with my eyes closed and not have to worry about it not passing an hcg test or having some kind of issue, I hope that makes sense and of course it's my only augment, i do however understand why some would say its too expensive such and such... but i sold 6 last week so I'm glad some like it :) I also include a 30ml Hospira BAC water bottle which is also pharmaceutical grade.
I rotate between quads and glutes. I have had pip from the Tren-A in my quads lasting as much as 2 days. The pain is much less after using the gear for a few weeks.
Ummmm....we don't know or care much how you pay for or come up off the things you sell. I don't care for you being a wise guy as if the member or members must have forgotten who's on line here.
Serono Serostim would have you walking into a Walgreens(Specific sites as serostim is considered a specialty med)without your private or state insurance card and be handed a $10,000 bill for (4) 6mg 126iu kits that will get you through with 28 days of medicine.
I think I've heard that the black market won't support anything near that? That's an example of why a members would be speaking amongst themselves...maybe they've been up town and forgot they were back downtown at the free clinic nickel and dim'in it? Just a thought.
Get that muther f**ker BB.LMAO
Got my 2nd shipment from usaspetz minor delay in shipping but he communicated the delay.
Got winny ( not pharm grade) and big bottle vet grade eq so far I'm happy with his service
"The Eagle has landed for the second time" TOUCHDOWN!!!!! Its Good, Fuck that its Great...2 big bottles of Columbias finest heat that ass up EQ. No complaints here, I just got thru with a bottle of PEP EQ my buddy traded me, lasted 2weeks, now 100mls of this. My 1st order went well as hoped for, I got to give Spetz props, good t/a and very nice packaging. I like the idea of that pharma Test too??? but I aint gonna lie, those 2 products you put up last week were still the shit, as long as its pure, i'm buying. Shit, I will stock pile it.. ALRIGHT THEN, Time for me to go see them titties...
"The Eagle has landed for the second time" TOUCHDOWN!!!!! Its Good, Fuck that its Great...2 big bottles of Columbias finest heat that ass up EQ. No complaints here, I just got thru with a bottle of PEP EQ my buddy traded me, lasted 2weeks, now 100mls of this. My 1st order went well as hoped for, I got to give Spetz props, good t/a and very nice packaging. I like the idea of that pharma Test too??? but I aint gonna lie, those 2 products you put up last week were still the shit, as long as its pure, i'm buying. Shit, I will stock pile it.. ALRIGHT THEN, Time for me to go see them titties...
glad to hear!enjoy the acupuncture therapy :)