USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Well, all Spetz has had to do is provide me with a tracking number which he stated he has, but has not provided me with for some unknown reason. I have literally confirmed the same address with him 3 times.

Well that's good to know brother. I appreciate you joining this forum to post this. It is vital information even if it was a free giveaway.
Personally I don't use Petz I just try to follow along for my fellow brothers sakes. To me issues like this need to be brought out and confronted by everyone as a team effort.
We will just have to wait and see what Petz has to say about all this.
I do not endorse this spetz guy at all, and I would NEVER send him any of my money because he started out here with lies. With that said, I find it comical that you're whining about not receiving free gear from a giveaway. Spend some money and quit whoring around for free gear.

I could care less about 10g of test powder, that's like 20$, idgaf.

I'm not whining, I'm warning. A source has made numerous false promises and excuses. To me and others, so I'm glad your wise enough to not trust him. Why anyone is against this being shared I don't understand.
I could care less about 10g of test powder, that's like 20$, idgaf.

I'm not whining, I'm warning. A source has made numerous false promises and excuses. To me and others, so I'm glad your wise enough to not trust him. Why anyone is against this being shared I don't understand.
Like @Boilermech stated, I too appreciate you speaking up and saying something...

No source is going to be 100% perfect but it is up to us to rationally speak up on any issues. This is pretty much our (consumer) only leverage....

Not for nothing, but I see this all going down differently if this whole thing went down on MESO from the get go...
That too raises more red flags....
Ok boys please, there could be some pertinent information here but the more you fucking bicker like schools girls the cloudier the message gets and decreases the chances of members actually seeing the claims before they get buried in trivial bullshit. Let's attempt to keep this thread as clear and concise as possible because right now we're just playing telephone and mangling the message...
Referring to him lying about being a pharmacist?
My issue had to do more with his Var coming in at 39%...Then him start to rationalize it. Then him not testing/knowing if ANY of his raws are in good standing, coupled with a number of guys here whose opinion I respect say he wasn't gtg yet... PI found his location in 30 seconds (not secure network) and then yessss, the cherry as quoted above....
Ok boys please, there could be some pertinent information here but the more you fucking bicker like schools girls the cloudier the message gets and decreases the chances of members actually seeing the claims before they get buried in trivial bullshit. Let's attempt to keep this thread as clear and concise as possible because right now we're just playing telephone and mangling the message...

No one is bickering like school girls. Not sure what thread you're reading. The guy is on here crying about not receiving free gear from a giveaway. I've yet to see one actual paying member of meso post that they haven't received their gear. Go bark orders somewhere else.
^^^productive post. Cheers for contributing

Almost as productive as yours calling us bickering school girls wouldn't you agree? Once again, although I do not endorse this guy at all and think he will scam everyone at some point, not one paying member of meso has come forward claiming there has been an issue with receiving an order. I don't think someone not receiving free gear in a giveaway is cause for concern. Just my opinion.
You win. You're willing to bicker longer than me so I bow out to you Sir. You've also managed to bury the concerns of other members under our trivial bullshit, well played. Tread lightly now while you fly your victory flag for your integrity might be the next to come under scrutiny here ;)
Yea As far as I am concerned sources shouldn't run specials or giveaways it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If you are good you don't need gimmicks. If you do run one you should have the integrity to send out the orders he probably oversubscribed his give away. I can see a problem with this it is a character issue.

On another note shipping mistakes do happen ALL THE TIME trust me even with the best of them.

Spetz posts the screen shot to the mod of the tracking/delivered story over easy

The guy could be double dipping.

IDK goes back to rule #1 NEVER TRUST ANYONE.

TEK is good people.

Once again lets see how the source handles himself. He is probably definitely second guessing a give away. I do doubt I would make an issue about a give away but I don't ever subscribe to free gear so........
Wow I try to stay away from this kinda stuff. But yes I did my homework. So I know what im talking about. I am not reping Spetz or anything but I have to give my two cents here. All this talk looks like troll as shit. So far Spetz has been good here. He followed the rules. And most of the shit that has been brought up was explained already talk about beating a dead horse. I see of the guys wanting to crucify this guy. Like there on a witch hunt. Trying to come up with something. Wait for it to happen before you get an itchy trigger finger. This shit disgust me.
Peace out.
im with pumpingiron22, you boys need to chill, free gear really i understand both views here but chill out there can be a number of reasons, im not reping for spetz in fact im looking at becoming a customer soon, he so far has a good rep here mistakes happen an i know better than anyone sometimes when mistakes happen it really isnt your fault its just brought out that way, untill well known members of meso speak out against products by spetz he still has a good rep here. keep your redditz shit on your board we are all grown men here an can figure out for ourselves when something is wrong, we dont need other board members creating havoc cuz of lil shit that hasnt had a chance to resolve itself. we all know the game being here an in the dream for the same thing to become anabolic beasts, so with that you will have those that will take advantage our nemesis the trolls, than those who are part of the beast brotherhood an help us push forward an break the chains that bound potential.
Honestly this is BS. Spetz doesn't owe anything to anyone who hasn't payed for it. Especially a little bitch who probably bugged the shit out of him asking where his free gear is, which by the way is legit as fuck. And people trolling him, get a life. If you don't like him, don't buy his gear.
But stop trying to create problems where there aren't any.
I'm on Reddit as well and have been lurking on MESO for awhile now so I decided it was time to sign up and represent. I have received great gear from him and great customer service. And I know many others have.
For whatever reason, this effects Nikknakz... Not anyone else.