USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

"This kid" Nice.

I've never been disrespectful, the same can not be said for you, obviously.

I've never told you what to do beyond "Please provide tracking info"

I'm not asking you to post my address publicly, I'm asking you to send ME the tracking info you keep claiming to have...which you still have not done.

I'm sorry your dishonesty is catching up to you here, but don't start calling me kid or disrespectful.

I tried to talk to you in PM's for OVER A MONTH before making a post.

You are still pretending you haven't just been lying, when all you need to do is just SEND ME this tracking info you KEEP claiming to have but have NEVER provided. It's such a simple and easy solution I don't know why it has taken over a month to do.

I sent you the correct address 3 times and posted screenshots of it for the mods, if you somehow wrote it down wrong, that is most definitely within your control.
I will be giving reddit mods proof without giving any incriminating information on you such as your address, however you do not know how to act, all you wanted to do is cause drama, you got it sir, i have nothing else to say to you.
I will be giving reddit mods proof without giving any incriminating information on you such as your address, however you do not know how to act, all you wanted to do is cause drama, you got it sir, i have nothing else to say to you.

That is literally the ONLY thing anyone has been asking you to do this entire time. Sending ME the tracking number would also work, as it's hardly incriminating to know my own address and would be the fastest way to clear the air here.
Hey guys, sorry i was away, OK this kid is plain disrespectful and as you guys know, i will not deal with anyone who pretends to disrespect me and talk to me with attitude and tell me what to do, i went out of my way and sent this kid free gear, i paid for shipping, he should be glad that i am keeping my head cool and i refuse to show tracking information which shows his personal info, i would NEVER DO THAT, having said that i very upset with the way he went about this and as I said on reddit i will absolutely sever all communication with him because he isn't the type of customer i want to deal with ever!!

i will be sending a mod proof that the item shows delivered, if he gave me the wrong address that is beyond my control and of course i could re-ship, the the fact of the matter is i don not have an obligation as there was not a transaction, i would NEVER leave a customer hanging and this includes giveaways, i have had several giveaways.

I am Still taking orders, Shipping my orders and answering all your questions as I always have, I'm not going anywhere and i appreciate all your support and feedback, the good news is we have bloods close to being posted and many of my amps are on their way next week hopefully to landing which i will then be able to offer to you.
So why even mention about his private info, imo this is like a bitch slap that if he says anything you WILL post his info.
So why even mention about his private info, imo this is like a bitch slap that if he says anything you WILL post his info.
No sir because the mods are asking me to provide them with the tracking info as proof that i did send the items, and i keep telling them i will NOT do that because it is my responsibility not to do so.
No sir because the mods are asking me to provide them with the tracking info as proof that i did send the items, and i keep telling them i will NOT do that because it is my responsibility not to do so.

You could send it to me, also the mods already have my address as I sent them all of our communication for verification. So please feel free to send the proof.
You could send it to me, also the mods already have my address as I sent them all of our communication for verification. So please feel free to send the proof.
I find it unreliable that some people go through great trouble to keep their information safe and yet you give yours away so freely :) unbelievable sir. for the record, just because you give it away so freely doesn't mean i will.
I find it unreliable that some people go through great trouble to keep their information safe and yet you give yours away so freely :) unbelievable sir. for the record, just because you give it away so freely doesn't mean i will.

Omg this is just laughable now.

You won't give ME, my OWN address due to some code of honor? Just send me the freaking tracking number man it's as simple as that. Why the hell are you complicating this so much. You keep claiming to have this proof just send it already for christ sake.
This is the hardest I have ever seen anyone work for free gear. Not defending the source but I would have probably given up a while ago.
This is the hardest I have ever seen anyone work for free gear. Not defending the source but I would have probably given up a while ago.

Oh I don't even want the gear now, this is purely on principle for me. In fact should he ever actually ship me anything I'll happily give it away to a mod or something.

I don't like giving out my info for a fake drawing, then being strung along for a month, then being flat lied too, then that person tries to deflect/redirect and accuse me of shit instead of just owning up to their dishonesty, etc etc.

People simply shouldn't act like that, especially sources.
Oh I don't even want the gear now, this is purely on principle for me. In fact should he ever actually ship me anything I'll happily give it away to a mod or something.

I don't like giving out my info for a fake drawing, then being strung along for a month, then being flat lied too, then that person tries to deflect/redirect and accuse me of shit instead of just owning up to their dishonesty, etc etc.

People simply shouldn't act like that, especially sources.

I agree 100%. Without proof of tracking, it seems like spetz was info collecting. Info collecting isn't right whether it's by consumers or sources. Then he makes it sound like you're lucky that he's not leaking your personal info. Spetz...prove to him that you weren't fishing for his info by sending a tracking number. It's really simple. I call bullshit. Something doesn't seem right here. I would proceed with caution.