USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I just wanted to say hello, and I won't be a douche.

Honestly this is BS. Spetz doesn't owe anything to anyone who hasn't payed for it. Especially a little bitch who probably bugged the shit out of him asking where his free gear is, which by the way is legit as fuck. And people trolling him, get a life. If you don't like him, don't buy his gear.
But stop trying to create problems where there aren't any.
I'm on Reddit as well and have been lurking on MESO for awhile now so I decided it was time to sign up and represent. I have received great gear from him and great customer service. And I know many others have.
For whatever reason, this effects Nikknakz... Not anyone else.

4:32am- sweet promises of no douchbagery

3:47pm- faint smell of vinegar fills the Spetz thread
Honestly this is BS. Spetz doesn't owe anything to anyone who hasn't payed for it. Especially a little bitch who probably bugged the shit out of him asking where his free gear is, which by the way is legit as fuck. And people trolling him, get a life. If you don't like him, don't buy his gear.
But stop trying to create problems where there aren't any.
I'm on Reddit as well and have been lurking on MESO for awhile now so I decided it was time to sign up and represent. I have received great gear from him and great customer service. And I know many others have.
For whatever reason, this effects Nikknakz... Not anyone else.

Lol, what's up Spetz? Lots of convenient brand new profiles popping up to defend your honor around here. Maybe I'm wrong but if it quacks like a duck...

"A little bitch who bugged the shit out of him" I sent you 4 PMs and 3 Emails over the course of 32 days, all of which I sent to a mod to verify.

Listen man just send me or the mods the tracking number you claim to have and I will eat my words, delete my post and apologize. I never got anything and I don't care, I'll even send YOU 10g of test just to send me the damn tracking number you keep saying you have. The difference between us is I'll ACTUALLY do it. This is character evidence and it's shady.

I don't give half a shit about the gear, flush it burn it or shoot it yourself. It does piss me off to give out my personal info for no reason however.
Im here for the members only. I wasn't looking for something to crack down on Petz for. I was just watching with a close eye just like I always do. My comment was actually stating how he was doing good here and for all my fellow brothers here on Meso sakes I hope that he keeps it up. @pumpingiron22 I don't want to crucify him I was actually waiting for your bloods to give him more credit on his UGL gear.
Then all the sudden a new guy pops up from another board stating some negative experiences he had and I wanted to see what Petz had to say about it. The guy just threw in a wrench and everyone jumps to Petz's defense. Forget that shit. I defend sources when there's something blatantly obvious to defend about. I don't have anything against him or the new guy I just want to see what Petz's response is.So let's drop this bickering amongst each other and wait to see what he has to say.
Lol, what a total bitch.
He may not have really felt that way, or maybe it came out harsher than he meant which is typical and understandable. The real problem is people have been burned soooo many times that they start looking for a bad source before they look for a good source. That same guy also said that he couldn't find anything wrong. Yes, people have been calling this a witch hunt but everyone lets just pump the breaks and let this handle itself.
Lol, what a total bitch.

Says the guy who doesn't even know how to do a proper gh serum test and originally posted on reddit that spetz's gh was bunk, before blessing us with his presence here.

Don't sweat it @Boilermech, this guy's a tool. I tried to help him with his inject protocol before I wised up.

Hey kid, care to share your brilliant definitions of a subq vs im inject again? Don't be attacking members here who actually contribute and who I'd wager heavily have a lot more experience than you in this game.
Im here for the members only. I wasn't looking for something to crack down on Petz for. I was just watching with a close eye just like I always do. My comment was actually stating how he was doing good here and for all my fellow brothers here on Meso sakes I hope that he keeps it up. @pumpingiron22 I don't want to crucify him I was actually waiting for your bloods to give him more credit on his UGL gear.
Then all the sudden a new guy pops up from another board stating some negative experiences he had and I wanted to see what Petz had to say about it. The guy just threw in a wrench and everyone jumps to Petz's defense. Forget that shit. I defend sources when there's something blatantly obvious to defend about. I don't have anything against him or the new guy I just want to see what Petz's response is.So let's drop this bickering amongst each other and wait to see what he has to say.
My comment was torward you brother. Were good.
Says the guy who doesn't even know how to do a proper gh serum test and originally posted on reddit that spetz's gh was bunk, before blessing us with his presence here.

Don't sweat it @Boilermech, this guy's a tool. I tried to help him with his inject protocol before I wised up.

Hey kid, care to share your brilliant definitions of a subq vs im inject again? Don't be attacking members here who actually contribute and who I'd wager heavily have a lot more experience than you in this game.

You are an absolute moron. Just because something hasn't happened to you personally means it can't happen? I stand by all the things I've said. Go brew up some test 500 and inject it into a muscle. Come back and tell everyone about your experience when your shot goes subq, just like I said it would.
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Hey guys, sorry i was away, OK this kid is plain disrespectful and as you guys know, i will not deal with anyone who pretends to disrespect me and talk to me with attitude and tell me what to do, i went out of my way and sent this kid free gear, i paid for shipping, he should be glad that i am keeping my head cool and i refuse to show tracking information which shows his personal info, i would NEVER DO THAT, having said that i very upset with the way he went about this and as I said on reddit i will absolutely sever all communication with him because he isn't the type of customer i want to deal with ever!!

i will be sending a mod proof that the item shows delivered, if he gave me the wrong address that is beyond my control and of course i could re-ship, the the fact of the matter is i don not have an obligation as there was not a transaction, i would NEVER leave a customer hanging and this includes giveaways, i have had several giveaways.

I am Still taking orders, Shipping my orders and answering all your questions as I always have, I'm not going anywhere and i appreciate all your support and feedback, the good news is we have bloods close to being posted and many of my amps are on their way next week hopefully to landing which i will then be able to offer to you.
Hey guys, sorry i was away, OK this kid is plain disrespectful and as you guys know, i will not deal with anyone who pretends to disrespect me and talk to me with attitude and tell me what to do, i went out of my way and sent this kid free gear, i paid for shipping, he should be glad that i am keeping my head cool and i refuse to show tracking information which shows his personal info, i would NEVER DO THAT, having said that i very upset with the way he went about this and as I said on reddit i will absolutely sever all communication with him because he isn't the type of customer i want to deal with ever!!

i will be sending a mod proof that the item shows delivered, if he gave me the wrong address that is beyond my control and of course i could re-ship, the the fact of the matter is i don not have an obligation as there was not a transaction, i would NEVER leave a customer hanging and this includes giveaways, i have had several giveaways.

I am Still taking orders, Shipping my orders and answering all your questions as I always have, I'm not going anywhere and i appreciate all your support and feedback, the good news is we have bloods close to being posted and many of my amps are on their way next week hopefully to landing which i will then be able to offer to you.
Thank you for clarifying. Hopefully this all gets worked out for both parties
Hey guys, sorry i was away, OK this kid is plain disrespectful and as you guys know, i will not deal with anyone who pretends to disrespect me and talk to me with attitude and tell me what to do, i went out of my way and sent this kid free gear, i paid for shipping, he should be glad that i am keeping my head cool and i refuse to show tracking information which shows his personal info, i would NEVER DO THAT, having said that i very upset with the way he went about this and as I said on reddit i will absolutely sever all communication with him because he isn't the type of customer i want to deal with ever!!

i will be sending a mod proof that the item shows delivered, if he gave me the wrong address that is beyond my control and of course i could re-ship, the the fact of the matter is i don not have an obligation as there was not a transaction, i would NEVER leave a customer hanging and this includes giveaways, i have had several giveaways.

I am Still taking orders, Shipping my orders and answering all your questions as I always have, I'm not going anywhere and i appreciate all your support and feedback, the good news is we have bloods close to being posted and many of my amps are on their way next week hopefully to landing which i will then be able to offer to you.

"This kid" Nice.

I've never been disrespectful, the same can not be said for you, obviously.

I've never told you what to do beyond "Please provide tracking info"

I'm not asking you to post my address publicly, I'm asking you to send ME the tracking info you keep claiming to have...which you still have not done.

I'm sorry your dishonesty is catching up to you here, but don't start calling me kid or disrespectful.

I tried to talk to you in PM's for OVER A MONTH before making a post.

You are still pretending you haven't just been lying, when all you need to do is just SEND ME this tracking info you KEEP claiming to have but have NEVER provided. It's such a simple and easy solution I don't know why it has taken over a month to do.

I sent you the correct address 3 times and posted screenshots of it for the mods, if you somehow wrote it down wrong, that is most definitely within your control.
Also, please let me know what mod you send this proof too, so I can be sure to send them the screens I have of all of our communication. That way he can at least cross check the zip code you sent the package vs the address I gave you. Easy peasy.