USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

im with pumpingiron22, you boys need to chill, free gear really i understand both views here but chill out there can be a number of reasons, im not reping for spetz in fact im looking at becoming a customer soon, he so far has a good rep here mistakes happen an i know better than anyone sometimes when mistakes happen it really isnt your fault its just brought out that way, untill well known members of meso speak out against products by spetz he still has a good rep here. keep your redditz shit on your board we are all grown men here an can figure out for ourselves when something is wrong, we dont need other board members creating havoc cuz of lil shit that hasnt had a chance to resolve itself. we all know the game being here an in the dream for the same thing to become anabolic beasts, so with that you will have those that will take advantage our nemesis the trolls, than those who are part of the beast brotherhood an help us push forward an break the chains that bound potential.
I'm not sure I agree with this sentiment of people not sharing info from other boards. Whilst I choose to only spend time at meso, and agree reddit may not be the most reliable source for info, it seems there are many examples of bros coming across to give a heads up on something going on with a source. Sure it depends on who is saying what, but surely it needs to be considered if it helps to protect members here
The big red flag here is the dealer posting that he's keeping his cool and not posting dudes personal info, in no way possible should anybody trust this.
For the sake of safety I hope nikknakz gave a po box or optional addy.
This is the kind of nightmare you need to remember when giving shipping info.
Im working with a mod on this to get to the bottom of this. Wating on the emails. From what I gathered so far looks like was sent out. But the package never picked up or wrong addy not sure all the details. Looks like it was something that was a possible mistake. I dont like to get involved with other board like Reddit as they are not like meso or tid or other boards. There are lots of mods and inside politics over there. Some how I became the go to guy for this and I rather not be involved. Although I understand there is a newbie mentality there and I understand its quite annoying.
But Spetz just resend the package and get it over with. And lets keep Reddit politics and business over there not here.
Thanks PI.
Im working with a mod on this to get to the bottom of this. Wating on the emails. From what I gathered so far looks like was sent out. But the package never picked up or wrong addy not sure all the details. Looks like it was something that was a possible mistake. I dont like to get involved with other board like Reddit as they are not like meso or tid or other boards. There are lots of mods and inside politics over there. Some how I became the go to guy for this and I rather not be involved. Although I understand there is a newbie mentality there and I understand its quite annoying.
But Spetz just resend the package and get it over with. And lets keep Reddit politics and business over there not here.
Thanks PI.

Sorry brother I've been dealing with both of them in a PM. I invited Spetz into NIKS PM and they are working on it. Spetz is ready to reship the package. The ball is in NIKS court now.

Well I've been following @usaspetz from the beginning looking for anything to nail him on and I've come up with nothing so far other than the issues that were brought up at the beginning before he was able to post his AAS list. It seems like he is doing a pretty standup job on taking care of everyone so far. I am still waiting for the bloods from @pumpingiron22 to make any decisions on his UGL products. I just hope he will be able to continue the kind of efficiency he has shown so far.
As for the Pakistan Test that definitely perks my ears up. Petz you can just have that all shipped to me to save you the hassle of having to reship it when you get it, lol.
Keep up the good work we are always watching out for each other here.


For anyone that wasn't aware that this post was actually a compliment and not anything negative. I apologize. I agree stating that I was looking for something to nail him on wasn't the best terminology. I just meant that he's been doing good here so far according to my fellow Meso brothers on this thread. That's all there was to it period.

Tbh spetz should just give him his gear and send him on his way. Spetz ought to have learned that he shouldn't have a stupid contest if he doesn't want to come through, equally so I just received a pack and asked spetz for my pack tracking several times to no avail. Eventually it got there, and hope to god it actually works while he's at it. Point being, if he's bitching about tracking every day, multiple times a day, I can see why spetz might feel annoyed (though he brought it on himself).
Tbh spetz should just give him his gear and send him on his way. Spetz ought to have learned that he shouldn't have a stupid contest if he doesn't want to come through, equally so I just received a pack and asked spetz for my pack tracking several times to no avail. Eventually it got there, and hope to god it actually works while he's at it. Point being, if he's bitching about tracking every day, multiple times a day, I can see why spetz might feel annoyed (though he brought it on himself).
I agree with the giveaway but don't stress man... @Boilermech has got it. Three posts up he said they're taking care of it through PM. I'm sure he'll update us all when it's done.
I think sharing info from other boards is perfectly reasonable. The only reason I could see someone not wanting info shared is because they are scared of that info.

This guy at the very least is a selective scammer. It's not fucking hard, you pick up payment, you send gear to the provided address. If you are unable to manage that you shouldn't be in the source business.

Reddit mods verified the communications of one complaint, and this dude is pretty fucking shady.

Sharing of info prevents scammers like hometownpowders from making bank before splitting.
At this point I am not ready to post the conclusion until @Nikknakz has made his final response in the shared PM. I will post the conclusion this evening if not sooner. This will depend on Nikk. From what I have found out through this process is there was not any scamming going on in this transaction. Both @usaspetz and Nikk have been very cooperative toward me in resolving the issue.
As stated the conclusion will be posted this evening if not sooner so please be respectful to this process until that said time.
Thank you brothers for your patience and support.
Im having the same problem with Spetz. Ive ordered from him twice before and got my gear within a week. The latest order was almost 2 weeks ago and nothing yet. I think Spetz is a stand up guy, so im hoping my stuff will land soon. I also emaiked Spetz and ask if he had any info on the tracking and he said he would check. I havent heard back from him yet
For anyone that wasn't aware that this post was actually a compliment and not anything negative. I apologize. I agree stating that I was looking for something to nail him on wasn't the best terminology. I just meant that he's been doing good here so far according to my fellow Meso brothers on this thread. That's all there was to it period.

I know most of us are aware of this. So no worries brother.. We appreciate your lookouts and contributing
I think sharing info from other boards is perfectly reasonable. The only reason I could see someone not wanting info shared is because they are scared of that info.

This guy at the very least is a selective scammer. It's not fucking hard, you pick up payment, you send gear to the provided address. If you are unable to manage that you shouldn't be in the source business.

Reddit mods verified the communications of one complaint, and this dude is pretty fucking shady.

Sharing of info prevents scammers like hometownpowders from making bank before splitting.
He's not a selective scammed and he's not shadey. Just wait for the final outcome. That's a very unfair comparison you're making. Just wait brother.
Something smells funny in here :confused: I would stay away.
No one takes you serious.
You only come out of hiding to give us "insight" into your crystal ball. Unfortunately for us, it's usually wrong. Maybe if you come back under you're other handle and post members will head your warning. Or....Maybe....we could just stick to objective reporting of members experiences good/bad/or indifferent.
No one takes you serious.
You only come out of hiding to give us "insight" into your crystal ball. Unfortunately for us, it's usually wrong. Maybe if you come back under you're other handle and post members will head your warning. Or....Maybe....we could just stick to objective reporting of members experiences good/bad/or indifferent.
Bio, Hercules, Titan, and Dunamis. I'm usually wrong? That's 4. I was wrong about PEP but so were a lot of people. 4 out of 5 isn't bad. I like MS, Astro, and maybe spetz but as I said something smells fishy here. These are FDA drugs. Are they stolen? Maybe purchased from someone with prescription? Is he collecting info? Is the gear any good? Do we have bloods? I know what I'm doing and based on my PMs people take me serious. Have a nice day:)
Bio, Hercules, Titan, and Dunamis. I'm usually wrong? That's 4. I was wrong about PEP but so were a lot of people. 4 out of 5 isn't bad. I like MS, Astro, and maybe spetz but as I said something smells fishy here. These are FDA drugs. Are they stolen? Maybe purchased from someone with prescription? Is he collecting info? Is the gear any good? Do we have bloods? I know what I'm doing and based on my PMs people take me serious. Have a nice day:)
IDGAF if you're 99 outta 100. And you may wanna double back and confirm those PM's aren't from your other accounts, it's good to know your multiple personalities at least get along now.
Quick update, i have re-sent a new package to make things right, at this point things are pointing to me having sent the correct package to the address with a different zip code/city, this of course would have been a mistake of mine so i don't presume to hide that fact, I'm sure it wont be the last one i make either ;) i don't claim to be perfect, i do however try very hard and once again i thank everyone for their support and also a special thanks for @ Boilermech for taking the time to "referee".