This dude seems to have bad luck but you've gotta like the smack he's running. Hell it made me laugh.

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So @Bill Bixcer who ripped you off this week? Or are you still looking for a source? o_O
No one dickweed. I picked up some gh I'm starting in the AM and I have some gear on the way. So what shit for brains, I got ripped off twice. Once by joedoe and once by bunk pharmacom. I "followed" the herd to pharmacom...unfortunately they must have fallen off the legit wagon. And joedoe was a shot in the dark asswipe....didn't work out. Prolly like you giving your old lady an orgasm....just didn't work out. Pickle puffers....eat a dick. You fuckers want to rag on me then I'll let the fuckin beast out. I could care less what you no life pee holes think.
No one dickweed. I picked up some gh I'm starting in the AM and I have some gear on the way. So what shit for brains, I got ripped off twice. Once by joedoe and once by bunk pharmacom. I "followed" the herd to pharmacom...unfortunately they must have fallen off the legit wagon. And joedoe was a shot in the dark asswipe....didn't work out. Prolly like you giving your old lady an orgasm....just didn't work out. Pickle puffers....eat a dick. You fuckers want to rag on me then I'll let the fuckin beast out. I could care less what you no life pee holes think.

Have you tried Maximus Labz? I heard they have reviews.
This dude seems to have bad luck but you've gotta like the smack he's running. Hell it made me laugh.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
Yeah but really my luck has only been bad twice. I tried out joedoe because I'm used to homebrew shit....just can't get it anymore. Joedoe threw a good pitch. I'm sure more seasoned members that have dealt with it wouldn't have got scammed. But it's no reason to down me for trying to help. Fuck if I care what anyone thinks of me anyways. I'm still gettin my dick sucked my fuckin smoking broads most of which are about 25. I'm good. Just ticks me off because I'm trying to help.
pee holes

:eek: How dare you insult me like a 3rd grader!

Prolly like you giving your old lady an orgasm....

False. Especially considering I am capable of acquiring excellent gear that turns me into a sexual tyrannosaurus Rex. Since you're having difficulty, please feel free to have your lady get in touch with me. Don't want her getting cranky like yourself.

In all seriousness, Maximus Labz is g2g. Send your money to them.
This dude seems to have bad luck but you've gotta like the smack he's running. Hell it made me laugh.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
That isnt smack
Its just ranting. Dribble. Unmotivated, poorly directed waste by a "hardcore", "street smart", "dont take nothing from nobody" "street brawler" who knows the game and " would make an example out of all of us" ....liar

Fact is @Bill Bixcer was taken by an obscure forum member for some money. He took your money Billy Badass. Literally took it from you. With all your badassery and no holds barred cage fighting skills you were beaten by a pigeon chested nobody on a internet forum. So much for those street smarts eh hoss.

Your a fake, a liar, a fraud, a bitch, a whiner, a tool with nothing to offer here. A stupid whore more at home on her back. And this is how you will remain. Under my size 12 carolina asking for more air.
That isnt smack
Its just ranting. Dribble. Unmotivated, poorly directed waste by a "hardcore", "street smart", "dont take nothing from nobody" "street brawler" who knows the game and " would make an example out of all of us" ....liar

Fact is @Bill Bixcer was taken by an obscure forum member for some money. He took your money Billy Badass. Literally took it from you. With all your badassery and no holds barred cage fighting skills you were beaten by a pigeon chested nobody on a internet forum. So much for those street smarts eh hoss.

Your a fake, a liar, a fraud, a bitch, a whiner, a tool with nothing to offer here. A stupid whore more at home on her back. And this is how you will remain. Under my size 12 carolina asking for more air.
Week game tool bag and my size twelve redwing can crush facial features as well fart dribble. Great white dildo. Keep delivering the steel to the shit I build. Your God damn right, I'm a hardcore street mother fucker. Climbing columns with 50 pounds of tools and bolts on my harness all day 5-7 days a week faggot. Hangin and bangin iron is my job you fuckin piss ant. I play with iron at work and after work!! Eat my fuckin shit pussy
Week game tool bag and my size twelve redwing can crush facial features as well fart dribble. Great white dildo. Keep delivering the steel to the shit I build. Your God damn right, I'm a hardcore street mother fucker. Climbing columns with 50 pounds of tools and bolts on my harness all day 5-7 days a week faggot. Hangin and bangin iron is my job you fuckin piss ant. I play with iron at work and after work!! Eat my fuckin shit pussy
I'm a hardcore street mother fucker. Climbing columns with 50 pounds of tools and bolts on my harness all day 5-7 days a week faggot.

Damn. I been out the game awhile. Thats what a "hardcore street mother fucker" is now?
When did "hardcore street mother fuckers" start whining on the internet about getting hustled?

Guess its a new world.

Anyways @Bill Bixcer , you want some straight fire gear at affordable prices? Go with Maximus Labz! 4 out the last 5 strongman winners took gear.
Its "fire" son. It'll pin so smooth it'd be like it wasn't even in the syringe.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
Damn. I been out the game awhile. Thats what a "hardcore street mother fucker" is now?
When did "hardcore street mother fuckers" start whining on the internet about getting hustled?

Guess its a new world.

Anyways @Bill Bixcer , you want some straight fire gear at affordable prices? Go with Maximus Labz! 4 out the last 5 strongman winners took gear.
Hey shitcan, I never whined about it fartbox. I warned everyone. But I guess trying to be a good dude backfires when the slime your trying to help won't see it. You sir as well may suck on the slick shaft of a fuckin clap infested carnies jesus piece.
Joedoe approached me two weeks ago claiming he was a private source on meso. He gave me a whole sales pitch. I researched thru every single one of his posts and read EVERY single comment. Looked ok so I said, I'll make a small order. The order was supposed to arrive no later than last friday....no such order has arrived and he has not answered my messages since last Wednesday...I Can't stop crying. Why did he do this to me? I'm a real street mother fucker!

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Dude....I've been out the gear game for a good bit....I'm just getting back in. I actually did just acquire some decent test and tren ace. Finally found some from an old friend. And brother....I doubt you could hang with my dick. Blow for blow (NO pun intended), every chick of mine comes back for this dick....with or without gear fatboy. Got em swinging from this cock. Buddy, maybe you do too. But I'll whip this shit out and take all your bitches. Fuckin losers lol. Keep goin it's fun.
I doubt you could hang with my dick. Blow for blow (NO pun intended), every chick of mine comes back for this dick....with or without gear fatboy. Got em swinging from this cock. Buddy, maybe you do too. But I'll whip this shit out and take all your bitches. Fuckin losers lol. Keep goin it's fun.
I'm a hardcore street mother fucker. Climbing columns with 50 pounds of tools and bolts on my harness all day 5-7 days a week faggot. Hangin and bangin iron is my job you fuckin piss ant. I play with iron at work and after work!! Eat my fuckin shit pussy
They have columns on the street? How can you be a hard core street when you are at work all day? Ever notice that guys get beat (in this case more then once) then start talking how smart and tough they are? Ever notice my posts have a lot of questuon marks in them? So Bill Boxcar, the gear you have on the way bunk also?
Now I'm not one to disrespect how anyone chooses to support their family, especially nowadays when so many people work the system. But the "hardcore motherfuckers" that I know hump ten miles in 130 pound packs wearing plate carriers while carrying an m249 saw, all before most even get out of bed. Those dudes don't go around giving themselves the title hardcore, they just are.

Just my perspective brothers...
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