Now I'm not one to disrespect how anyone chooses to support their family, especially nowadays when so many people work the system. But the "hardcore motherfuckers" that I know hump ten miles in 130 pound packs wearing plate carriers while carrying an m249 saw, all before most even get out of bed. Those dudes don't go around giving themselves the title hardcore, they just are.

Jusy my perspective brothers...
That would be because they're actually hardcore mother fuckers. They don't stalk the mean streets of the Internet.

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Now I'm not one to disrespect how anyone chooses to support their family, especially nowadays when so many people work the system. But the "hardcore motherfuckers" that I know hump ten miles in 130 pound packs wearing plate carriers while carrying an m249 saw, all before most even get out of bed. Those dudes don't go around giving themselves the title hardcore, they just are.

Just my perspective brothers...

Quiet professionals.
Now I'm not one to disrespect how anyone chooses to support their family, especially nowadays when so many people work the system. But the "hardcore motherfuckers" that I know hump ten miles in 130 pound packs wearing plate carriers while carrying an m249 saw, all before most even get out of bed. Those dudes don't go around giving themselves the title hardcore, they just are.

Just my perspective brothers...
I agree
Dude....its not like I came in and was just like...excuse me I have an announcement to make. I would just like everyone to know for no apparent reason that I am the most badass mother fucker in the world with a swinging dick that resembles a hydroponically grown squash. And don't forget my name is the definition of Hardcore bill bixcer signing out.
Relax dude. It's the Internet you can be anything you want to be.

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I love the guys on here who get scammed. Write a post about it. Dont take the heckling as they should because unfortunately you pulled a dumbass move. And then tell all the vets here to go fuck themselves. Bizarre really.

Shit happens. We all make mistakes. Some dumber than others yes. We know youre warning us about a scammer which is the right thing to do. Youre going to get rode a little about it. Its ok. Just take it with a grain of salt and then move on. Play your cards right and you might even get pointed in the direction of a solid lab that will get you better than what you were expecting in the first place. Or for some better than you really deserve.

This post is fully not directed at the OP but everyone who puts themselves in this position
I hear Joedoe has some fire ass gear for sale...... Too soon?

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@Bill Bixcer there is a long laundry list of guys that have NEVER been scammed. I mean never. We're all smarter than you. Think about that while your boyfriend is tonguing your asshole.
They have columns on the street? How can you be a hard core street when you are at work all day? Ever notice that guys get beat (in this case more then once) then start talking how smart and tough they are? Ever notice my posts have a lot of questuon marks in them? So Bill Boxcar, the gear you have on the way bunk also?
Bro he is a hardcore mother fucker on the street....Sesame Street
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Hey shitcan, I never whined about it fartbox. I warned everyone. But I guess trying to be a good dude backfires when the slime your trying to help won't see it. You sir as well may suck on the slick shaft of a fuckin clap infested carnies jesus piece.
Now this was good! Get over it shrug this off and stick around, I see potential here
He did the same to me pm me out of no where saying he was a private source and I never played him much attention I didn't want put him blast cause I didn't know if he was legit or not but he is a shill