What are the best spots to inject?

Anyone ever pin any other sites as far as the ones I’ve listed? Heard of guys hitting their hams before and herd it was big ouch due to all the nerves
Where are ideal spots on quads? What length needle?

I hit the top of the rectus femoris with a 1" 30ga needle when I'm cruising:


I also hit the delts. When I'm blasting, I have more problems with PIP in the VG than I do in the quads. Used to land lower in the rectus femoris and I'm pretty sure I've put a couple of injections between the muscle bellies causing PIP.
I hear many guys pin with half inch there, others say at least 1 inch. I don't have enough fat there, it's almost like in my pecs and that definitely goes IM. You think it's worth trying it with slin pins or only 1 inch?

I don't mind pinning slow or wait a lil longer to draw. It was definitely a pita with castor oil but now with MCT it flows well. Also, I have some 27G made by PIC and they're absolutely horrendous. I just love my BD microfines. Do you hit lats with slins?
Yup I do. No problem, I just raise my arm over the back of my head and pin the lat at the nipple line. I use the Easy touch brand of insulin syringes on Amazon. The 29s and 27s have been great to me. I use their 31s for peptides too
I hear many guys pin with half inch there, others say at least 1 inch. I don't have enough fat there, it's almost like in my pecs and that definitely goes IM. You think it's worth trying it with slin pins or only 1 inch?
Pin with what you use for glutes. VG are meaty like that
Pecs: I used to pin it a lot, its easy, smooth, you can watch it closely.

Then saw couple pictures when injected muscle got infected (some had holes in it and one said doctor drained like 1 liter of waste from the muscle). It might be a good idea to keep it further away from vital organs.
I only do glutes,delts and sometimes lats, ive heard way too many horror stories with quads and nobody will convince me to pin there.
Delts and VG.
1" for delts rarely stick the needle all the way in, will get 5/8" next time.
1.5" for VG, my butt carries every bit of fat for some reason so I like the extra length.
my first time doing a quad injection i went way to low closer to knee than i should've and it was a horrible electrical shockwave of pain,
tried again recently and now that i have "my spot" correctly mapped out i find it to be one of the most comfortable and its painless , sometimes i nick something maybe going in and will get a "twitch", but i go in at a fast rate so its over before im already deep in quad and i just run it nice and slow with no complaints in last 20+ injections alternating quads of course ime


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