What did you inject today?

You're getting pip from mast? That's weird. Who's the sources? I have mast e 400 and mast p 200 and both no pip.

I've only gotten pip from test e before
No it is from the test Cyp I just didn't have good spot to inject the mast and had to get the test in. Maybe I hit a bad spot though. Did my other leg and just normal barely sore. Original leg feeling pretty rough. Did do split squats and injection right in the middle of that soreness.
Today Injects:
-0,6+0,8+1+1 test/bold/mast/primo (150+240+200+200)
-skipped 12iu hgh today cuz CTS
-30iu Lantus
-17-23/23iu Novorapid pre/post

love that addition of primo200.. the look is similar to anavar,finally it kicks in.
Today Injects:
-150 Test E
-240 Bold U
-200 Primo E
-200 Masteron E
-12iu HGH
-13-15 / 23iu Novorapid pre / post

dropped the lantus fkn around with the Libre 3 Sensor (Glucose monitor 24/7)
my blood sugar jumps after meal to 200.. drops to 120-130 in 2 1/2 - 3h where i add my next meal.. mayb i should add the 30iu lantus back in?

928 carbs atm, 1/3 sugar
fkn around with the Libre 3 Sensor (Glucose monitor 24/7)

Did you have to do the live video instruction before using it? Do they ask about your diabetes or they just really give instructions how to apply it?

I just got one for free but didnt bother with the forced video instruction yet.
Did you have to do the live video instruction before using it? Do they ask about your diabetes or they just really give instructions how to apply it?

I just got one for free but didnt bother with the forced video instruction yet.
they have videos yea, also clamied the free trial..
i just asked my doc to install it.
Sorry boys this Tren is making my brain weird. I have 0 interest in forums for some reason right now. Been hyper focused on training and work. Mentally maybe a little detached. Progress is fucking insane.

Current Cycle:

250 test
800 mast
8IU Gh
Novorapid with meals

I’ll get some pics up on my log soon. Back was murdered in acne from the tren, running Accutane now it’s almost all gone haha
Sorry boys this Tren is making my brain weird. I have 0 interest in forums for some reason right now. Been hyper focused on training and work. Mentally maybe a little detached. Progress is fucking insane.

Current Cycle:

250 test
800 mast
8IU Gh
Novorapid with meals

I’ll get some pics up on my log soon. Back was murdered in acne from the tren, running Accutane now it’s almost all gone haha

Happens to me on growth phases, esp with Tren. Fall off the forums and just do my thing.

Dieting... forums are a welcome distraction.

I like your stack. Days off insulin? Or doing weeks on/off at a time?
Sorry boys this Tren is making my brain weird. I have 0 interest in forums for some reason right now. Been hyper focused on training and work. Mentally maybe a little detached. Progress is fucking insane.

Current Cycle:

250 test
800 mast
8IU Gh
Novorapid with meals

I’ll get some pics up on my log soon. Back was murdered in acne from the tren, running Accutane now it’s almost all gone haha

Ayee you finally went to the dark side. Yeah tren can definitely do that. Glad to hear that all is well mate
What was
Sorry boys this Tren is making my brain weird. I have 0 interest in forums for some reason right now. Been hyper focused on training and work. Mentally maybe a little detached. Progress is fucking insane.

Current Cycle:

250 test
800 mast
8IU Gh
Novorapid with meals

I’ll get some pics up on my log soon. Back was murdered in acne from the tren, running Accutane now it’s almost all gone haha
Your acutane protocal? How long of taking it before you seen results? Have tou experienced and side effects such as achy joints, dry cracked lips? I am taking doxycycline and bactrim atm moment and it's not clearing up but not getting any worse. I'm not sure I want to do acutane treatment with the possibility of achy joint side effects as I am trying to lift kinda heavy at this point in my cycle.
Happens to me on growth phases, esp with Tren. Fall off the forums and just do my thing.

Dieting... forums are a welcome distraction.

I like your stack. Days off insulin? Or doing weeks on/off at a time?
I’m eating 850 carbs need 5IU novorapid with every meal. So only 30IU total per day, but BG stays pretty high without it. My fasted blood sugar has been like 105 so I’m using it daily, no days off. GH probably isn’t helping lol

For the cycle I wanted to see what would happen if I used Masteron as my primary driver, it’s actually working well, with the carbs so high plus gh/slin I’m not flat at all
Ayee you finally went to the dark side. Yeah tren can definitely do that. Glad to hear that all is well mate
Yea it’s a little strange. I usually get some excitement from posting on the forums and engaging in conversation. Lately it’s just been tunnel vision. Eat, sleep, train, work, repeat. Thanks for caring brotha
What was

Your acutane protocal? How long of taking it before you seen results? Have tou experienced and side effects such as achy joints, dry cracked lips? I am taking doxycycline and bactrim atm moment and it's not clearing up but not getting any worse. I'm not sure I want to do acutane treatment with the possibility of achy joint side effects as I am trying to lift kinda heavy at this point in my cycle.
I’ve been on for almost a month I think, just did 40mg a day for 2 weeks and I’ve been on 20mg a day since then. Only side effect is chapped lips. Like so bad they tear if I take a big bite of food. Going through chapstick like crazy. Doxy didn’t do shit for me when I tried it, the accutane is absolutely nuking the breakout I’ll say that.
Today Injects:

-90 Deca(usually 150 test but my left shoulder popped with some pain from sleep)
-330 Bold U(made that bottle empty :p)
-200 Primo E
-200 Masteron E

-13/20iu Novorapid pre / post

dropped my carbs from 1050 to 600.. love handles coming up, go for a minicut and next month maintain+cruise, when my CTS seems good i shot 12iu hgh ever day until CTS shows up again x).. hopefully less water retention with lower amount of carbs.
Today Injects:

-90 Deca(usually 150 test but my left shoulder popped with some pain from sleep)
-330 Bold U(made that bottle empty :p)
-200 Primo E
-200 Masteron E

-13/20iu Novorapid pre / post

dropped my carbs from 1050 to 600.. love handles coming up, go for a minicut and next month maintain+cruise, when my CTS seems good i shot 12iu hgh ever day until CTS shows up again x).. hopefully less water retention with lower amount of carbs.

Do you retain a lot of water with 12iu of GH? I already bloat up at 3-4 IUs like crazy