Vgc I really appreciate your response.
Didn't get a cortisol read last labs but I remember it being low... What is acth?
The reason I say this is because testicular shrinkage happened very abruptly for me after 4 months on trt...
My next reading showed PREGNENOLONE very low and obviously no LH/FSH and I was having erectile issues.
Also, feel mentally sharper after HCG shot... What could account for that?
I could give two fucks about ball size and am confident about restarting if I ever needed to...
This seems to be an ongoin debate but is HCG needed? Is it individual?
Huge libido rush with HCG. But would love to be without it and avoid estrogen sides.
My cholesterol was also low with last reading.
Having such trouble dialing this in....
50/.25/250iu e3d seems to be the best for me but not without estrogen fluctuation
Just want to feel steady.