She is spoiled. I've been done with the 15mg ED of Tren A for a week now and sexual function is back to normal as well as sleep. However, I am considering trying again in a few weeks after my doctor appointment and still do the 15mg ED with a TRT dose of Test instead of 375mg EW. Does the low dose of Tren affect your sleep?
Kind of want to figure out how to address the sides before going back on. Just being on it for three days I could tell the Tren was going to have a positive effect on my body composition. Maybe there is nothing I can do to minimize the sides.
So you got sides to the point where you had to quit at 105mg/wk? That is crazy man.
I'm a big fan of running my tren higher than test. People can argue which way is better til the end of time, but in the end it's all about how it effects your individual body, and for me this is when the sides go away. May be worth a shot if you're still wanting to run tren but couldn't take the sides.