temptation and striving for more.... but health should be the main goal in life

stopped the trend about a week ago and already see an improvement in function but a slight drop in libido

going to do some more experimenting and adding in some orals which clear quickly to see short term effects on top of maintaining steady the testosterone protocol at trt dosages
so staying steady with about 125mg to 150mg testosterone cypionate per week, divided into e2d or e3d injections.... small dose masteron adjusting, currently around 75mg to 100mg per week masteron propionate...... no AI, no HCG.... was also doing low dose tren but stopped a week ago

now going to add in some orals as experiments, today took 10mg turinabol and 25mg proviron
the thing I am still finding with masteron is the headaches, if my dose gets higher at all I get them, and even at moderate doses they can happen, if I cut the masteron out they go away, I wonder why, it is not blood pressure as that tests low

going to see if I can achieve the masteron type benefits with other compounds to keep masteron to a minimum or replace it entirely, will see

on the list of things I will experiment with in the next while, proviron, anavar, turinabol, primobolan, masteron, tren... base trt dose of testosterone will stay consistent, and all dosages will be kept very low with the spirit of long term hrt as the underlying concept
still feel like I'm missing the tren, libido down and erections not as easy or strong, was hoping proviron would be better but it hasn't worked out that way, and actually noticeably affected prostate urine flow, although the proviron did seem to tighten up my abs maybe in synergy, perhaps I was starting to get some undesirable progestrogenic effects from being on tren for so long... The tren wasn't tightening me up like it used to, maybe low dose was too low as I was able to avoid sweating but almost felt like high e2 at times symptoms wise.

A good dose of viagra works not too bad... pt141 is still the only thing that really works well

not sure what ill try today, girlfriend is going to want daily sex this week and I'm not ready for that unless I go heavy dose pt141 every day which sucks. Probably going to drop the proviron and maybe bring the masteron down and up the testosterone just a bit.... very tempted to add in a little tren again, will see
actually had some ok sessions without the pt141, protocol is good enough that viagra is able to do it's job

been off the tren for awhile now, thinking that even though there is a bit of a libido drop, overall it was a good move to drop it

been adding in proviron and sporadic anavar and turinabol at very low dosage on occasion

also took the masteron dose down to about 60mg a week, and now doing e3d or e4d injections... bumped the testosterone up a hair, probably just under 200mg a week now

no AI, no Hcg, no cabergoline..... often pt141, very often viagra and occasional low dose cialis
getting more back to basics recently... did a little bit of experimentation with those orals, my body is pretty sensitive to anything bad and even in small amounts I didn't feel them to be healthy so dropped that.... haven't been on any tren at all for a long while now, lately testosterone in lower trt dosage split into e3d or e4d injections is my mainstay, I mix in a little masteron but I am starting to wonder if there is any benefit to that at all, it tends to give me headaches if I up the dosage to where it might be making a difference to physique, and it never did do much good for my libido

proviron is another thing, take it but not sure if it is worth it or not

completely avoiding AI, did a small experiment again just to see of a little arimidex and felt pretty bad, I think testosterone in the trt dose I am using has my estrogen normal and lowering it is not a good thing from this point

still very anti-hcg, won't touch it even though I have a vial in my drawer, I might as well chuck that in the garbage don't think I'll ever want to use it
been meaning to get a phlebotomy once and for all to see how I feel subjectively and whether that does anything to my headache situation... my blood pressure is completely normal, but I'm sure my rbc count is high
I donate at regular intervals. Keeps my 'crit in check and I seem to feel better that day of the donation. Could be placebo.
was missing the libido the strong androgen gives me, at the cost of some function, but really sure that any AI to me is not the best way to go, a little bit higher estrogen has some pretty good effects other than the little bit of water retention at times

so back on the tren, small dosing, staying steady with a bit more moderate testosterone dose, and nothing else, no AI, no hcg... e3d injections of 90mg test cypionate and 30mg tren acetate

been avoiding the pt141 lately, it just makes me feel gross and if I don't need to over impress my girl then it is better for me to enjoy sex without it, just need to time a high dose of viagra and I am pretty good to go for a little while. orgasm quality is great. tren seems to give a boost in pre-cum, not sure what is happening with it to cause that but it is something I have consistently noticed when adding a low dose of tren to the protocol. I feel better with no masteron as well.

the boost in estrogen from a little higher test dose is helping my joints feel a lot better and probably helping in the libido equation as well, getting dried out with AI might be great for paper thin skin over the 6 pack abs, but I think it is healthier to carry just a little bit of higher estrogen and feel better
was missing the libido the strong androgen gives me, at the cost of some function, but really sure that any AI to me is not the best way to go, a little bit higher estrogen has some pretty good effects other than the little bit of water retention at times

so back on the tren, small dosing, staying steady with a bit more moderate testosterone dose, and nothing else, no AI, no hcg... e3d injections of 90mg test cypionate and 30mg tren acetate

been avoiding the pt141 lately, it just makes me feel gross and if I don't need to over impress my girl then it is better for me to enjoy sex without it, just need to time a high dose of viagra and I am pretty good to go for a little while. orgasm quality is great. tren seems to give a boost in pre-cum, not sure what is happening with it to cause that but it is something I have consistently noticed when adding a low dose of tren to the protocol. I feel better with no masteron as well.

the boost in estrogen from a little higher test dose is helping my joints feel a lot better and probably helping in the libido equation as well, getting dried out with AI might be great for paper thin skin over the 6 pack abs, but I think it is healthier to carry just a little bit of higher estrogen and feel better

I see you haven't been tested for the biggest dick killer. "Progesterone"
was missing the libido the strong androgen gives me, at the cost of some function, but really sure that any AI to me is not the best way to go, a little bit higher estrogen has some pretty good effects other than the little bit of water retention at times

so back on the tren, small dosing, staying steady with a bit more moderate testosterone dose, and nothing else, no AI, no hcg... e3d injections of 90mg test cypionate and 30mg tren acetate

been avoiding the pt141 lately, it just makes me feel gross and if I don't need to over impress my girl then it is better for me to enjoy sex without it, just need to time a high dose of viagra and I am pretty good to go for a little while. orgasm quality is great. tren seems to give a boost in pre-cum, not sure what is happening with it to cause that but it is something I have consistently noticed when adding a low dose of tren to the protocol. I feel better with no masteron as well.

the boost in estrogen from a little higher test dose is helping my joints feel a lot better and probably helping in the libido equation as well, getting dried out with AI might be great for paper thin skin over the 6 pack abs, but I think it is healthier to carry just a little bit of higher estrogen and feel better
How do you feel on on 30mg tren acetate mentally? Even low does makes me irritable and cloud my thinking a bit.
How do you feel on on 30mg tren acetate mentally? Even low does makes me irritable and cloud my thinking a bit.
I can be a little grumpy and mean at times, I have to watch myself... it's never irrational, but my emotional response to when someone does something that annoys me is stronger than usual, I just have to not let myself act on it

then again I do like the confident aggressive feeling, walking in back alleys in the middle of the night with no fear and almost a "bring it on" feeling inside if I see someone in an alley, definitely find myself walking taller and confident at all times in public
libido is strong, love the tren for that, testosterone doesn't do that for me, adding the tren bumps up the desire, but ease of erections are a little tough still without viagra, and with the moderate testosterone dosage I am finding just a little bit of annoying water retention.... hate to do this but thinking that if I can just bring e2 down a hair it might have some benefits, going to take very small doses of arimidex, started with about .15mg yesterday and today, might try to stretch 1mg per week in small daily doses and see what happens

other than that, libido desire is very strong, lots of pre-cum, ejaculate and orgasm quality strong, erections can be great but not 24/7, they are sometimes difficult to get going then get strong, the timing is unpredictable without viagra so wouldn't want to attempt sex without viagra.
kind of edged my way into something similar to what was working really well for me a couple of years ago with an important modification

I've decided masteron is not a good addition, and actually harms libido, maybe it interferes with dht being similar yet not the same, it really does help tighten up the physique, but it had bad effects like headaches and a lot of strange libido and erectile issues as different doses were experimented with... at times it could work, and for me the jury is still out, but I am finding more luck without any masteron lately

and now another big change to something that I have said many times a few years ago was integral to making this all work... AI.... I am back on the arimidex, and stopping the worry of too little estrogen that I think causes many of us to undermedicate with the AI, with a significant testosterone dosage I think it is really hard to crush estrogen in me with arimidex, maybe some guys are different, but I have experimented with letrozole successfully in the past too and had luck with it as well, although if I let my testosterone dosage get too low it seems like I can run into some problems with joints and bones but usually not with libido

and that leads to the bread and butter of any protocol, testosterone, I have in the past experimented with getting dose down and trying to make that work, usually with no AI, but libido was always an issue, and tren is needed to get that fire back, but at the cost of strange erectile issues when test is low and tren is involved.... so lately I have been experimenting and having much more successs with bumping testosterone dosage up, adding the arimidex and not being too scared about dosing it sufficiently, and keeping the steady small trenbolone dosage for the androgen effects on libido and trying to combat the testosterone smooth look especially around the abs

also been avoiding pt141, still too unsure about the rebound effects, etc., and the harshness while on it sucks too much, although the pornstar type nights with the girlfriend are still a pull back for me to do it again, been avoiding though lately

so my current protocol that I am happy to say is working quite well, powerful orgasms that come quite easily, physique is pretty good, feel pretty strong, side effects not too bad, just sweats really and feeling warm often, and a little bit of anxiety and feeling aggressive that needs to be kept in check....

current: e3d injections, test cypionate 100mg, tren acetate 30mg.... arimidex .3mg every day, viagra for sex although not taken when getting surprise oral or hj from girlfriend and function has been great

still not sure about the arimidex dose, I am thinking I can probably use more, it does tighten me up and I know more would make me even tighter, which I want, but I worry that that might come with some libido dysfunction which it hasn't so far at this dosing
So you are taking in excess of 200mg test cyp and 60mg tren weekly as TRT?

Don't suppose you yet know what your numbers are since your feeling good?
After reading your entire thread from start to finish, I would like to post my opinion!
Honestly, no disrespect, but it seems like you maybe dealing with midlife crisis..You are chasing the ultimate erection by injecting chemical cocktails with out routine blood work...Falling ill once will bring your world crashing down and will be hard to recover! I went down this road as you are on now and it doesn't end well, believe me..To have a girlfriend you are constantly having to take Viagra or Cialis before intercourse ,while on this chem cocktail,is truly mind boggling! Have you ever considered explaining your past aas use leading to your self administered TRT with your g/f? If she truly loves you and understands, she would be more than willing to work with you , as my g/f did , in order to keep your sexual relationship alive and to stop putting chemicals in your body which you do not know what the long term consequences hold for you..If she doesn't care about your health than to hell with her and move on! In my experiences, trying to keep up sexually with a woman that young and and has an appetite that aggressive will not go well in the end, odds are, the one time you cant get her rocks off or you can't hold erection, will be the day she seeks sex somewhere else! Also what the hell do you plan on telling her the day she asks do you wanna have kids? Sorry pal, that ship has sailed for you! Remember, aging is a normal part of life and humans were not made to have supra physiological beyond the age of 40, my advice, stay on a level of T that keeps you in upper 2/3 of normal, find a woman closer to your age, be honest with this woman, and IMO, bring toys in to the bedroom to spice things up because women love the full experience and not jus a pounding, and if a pounding is all a woman wants than odds are she's getting pounded somewhere else besides you!
well youve kind of missed the mark but that is understandable based on only having this thread to judge from. .. my girlfriend and i have an amazing relationship, sex is just one small part of it, we are the best of friends and love each other with all of our hearts and are pretty inseparable, our telationship is amazing, and she is loyal and dedicated to the maximum, i have zero worries of that, i know she is extremely in love with me

aside from all that, my supplementation is something i do and is something i would do regardless of relationship, remaining youthful in body and mind are a big part of me. this is no "crisis" this had been the way i have been for decades and will be for decades more. i will live my life optimally

i have my protocol to a very good position now, and is the result of many years of experimentation and learning
Maybe I did miss the mark a bit but it is hard to understand based just solely on the thread alone, with that said I believe that the people responding are just more worried about your well being and over all health do to the fact of so many compoundd experimentation, but hey, if it does work for you then so be it! It just wouldn't be my first choice trying to achieve compound homeostasis, especially with out doctor supervision and basing most of your experimentation solely on the way you feel, that is only part of a bigger picture..Beleive me when I say this, there isn't a day that I don't stare at that Cypionate bottle and reminisce about the days of my youth and wish I had it back and go that exact route you are pursuing currently..We have to remember that we did bring this on ourselves and now we have to accept the consequences of these decisions..There is not a day that goes by that I honestly don't feel like crap due to my past aas use..I made my bed and now I lay in it and try to deal with it best I can on a day to day basis! Good luck to you and wish you hapiness and health! I will keep following this thread to see how things are going for you in the future
I truly believe that health is the reason I am embarking on this path and experimentation and rejuvenation, when I was natural with low test in between for some years was when I was running into health problems and felt I did a lot of aging then
What type of health issues did you encounter prior to your current experimentation of your TRT experimentation protocol? I endured multiple severe infections for several months after my last PCT course when I decided this was my last cycle..I Beleive this was my immune system readjusting to life off of gear, and I aged super fast, and again I believe my body was catching up to my real age..I suspect I had low T prior to aas, but I'll never know because I never did labs prior! Stupid mistake, rookie mistake, like a lot of other people..My solution to cope with these adjustments was to keep my T levels at 2/3 of top of level, eat super clean, lots of cardio, and get plenty of sleep..I have been able to recover a bit but like I stated before in another post, I still to this day, feel like crap!
It's more of a well being state of crap! Physically, I'm super lean medium build with some what decent libido and erections. I'm 41, 6'4" 185lbs. 8% bf...It seems as if we all look for that magic pill that will make us feel normal again but science just isn't there at this time!