temptation and striving for more.... but health should be the main goal in life

Yes I'm on Test E 150 E5D's

I didn't say I constantly eat that way. I've gone periods of eating that way and had tons of energy. The most energy came when eating only fruit. But you may run into the issue of having detox symptoms from all the parasites and shit being cleared from your system.

Its complicated subject though but there are thousands of people who have healed illness's and regained youthful energy from eating and all natural diet. Its hard to sustain though and easy to undereat due to the lack of calories.
feeling really good recently

Hcg was causing more problems than it was helping so have been avoiding it, AI same, drtopped test dosage so trying no AI now.. Now just sticking with a simple testosterone cyp 100mg e4d protocol with 37.5 mg proviron every day

still taking cialis daily, and viagra very often

Feel healthy lately
Forever young,

What happened to the tren? I am also on TRT and the prospect of trenbolone is promising because it does not aromatize and does not increase hematocrit. But it has to be used in conjunction with testosterone.

I am still having trouble finding the right ratio. I am using T.prop as my TRT. Last blood work of 16 mg ED T.prop and 9 mg ED Tren ace gave me 970 ng/dL total T but my erection is weak and non existent without PT141 and Cialis/Viagra. E2 was at 36 with 0.25 mg air index every 3 days.

Maybe I should try injecting EOD and reduce the tren ace much more? Maybe 35 mg T.prop and 15 mg Tren ace EOD. I also plan on using hcg 150 IU EOD and add Proviron too.

Tren is wonderful initially but it always make my dick go limp after a while on it like 7 days or more.
I got off the tren finally, had been on it for a long long long time. It has its good points for sure, and I'd probably be back on it off and off again other than one thing, having a girlfriend. Tren isn't something I want to be on when in a relationship. One thing is the nasty sweating, soaking the bed sheets, literally, isn't cool when you are with someone. Number one thing though was the unpredictable sexual function, it was just way too messed up at times where I'd go through times when I couldn't hold an erection for long no matter what I did, even though I felt very turned on. Mentally it does enhance emotions, which can also be a tough thing in a relationship. All in all, I loved a lot of the things it did do for me positively, but there were a few that are deal breakers when it comes to being in a relationship with a girl.

The every day injections and sneaking around with that also became too much of a pain.

I am now on every 4 day injections of test cypionate, every day I take proviron 25 to 50mg, and every day small dose of cialis, and almost every day I'll take 100mg viagra. probably 5 or 6 times a month I'll do pt141 trying to time it for best results in keeping the relationship sexually satisfied.

Nothing else, no AI, no Hcg (Hcg remained as being a horrible thing to try to add in and hope for good results).

overall, other than when I am on the pt141, I feel a lot better and healthier than before, the pt141 makes for extreme sexual performance, but at the cost of feeling like total shit and unhealthy while on it.... it's kind of a necessary evil
should re-state that, spontaneous erections and rigidity are like being 17 again, libido not so much, it helps libido some but that may be aside effect of having the erections, urge to orgasm didn't really get high

it is a miracle supplement, other than the horrible side effects
holding steady with this protocol, working ok now, been trying longer runs of pt141, like 3 days in a row and surprisingly to me it worked all three days

still doing e4d cyp of about 125mg, no AI
well been feeling like I'm missing something, doing quite well, but still missing something...

learned to stay away from Hcg, gave it so many chances in so many experiments and it is just not worth the trouble. Also staying away from AI is a must, another thing that causes me more problems than it solves

so going to stay with a trt dose of test cyp, e3d or e4d injections

...but, in an effort to fill in that missing piece, I've decided, after much thought and internal debate, to go back on the tren ... I'm going to keep dosage low, a kind of an add on to my test trt dosing, and for a change and a bit of an experiment, I am going with an infrequent dosing protocol for tren acetate, e4d as well, so I will be getting a bit of a rise and fall with the low dose tren, but with the testosterone steady level backdrop, will be interesting to see how this goes, it makes sense to me for some reason piecing all of my years of experience together with a bit of fuzzy logic .

today did 125mg test cyp and 50mg tren ace
should also mention I'm kind of anti-masteron now, didn't do much for libido, at times ithought it made libido worse... headaches, hair loss, feeling agitated or grumpy nervous .. took me awhile to figure out but it seemed that masteron seemed to correspond with these issues more often than not
With Tren at 50mg E4D, do you notice you cardio or breathing being affected? I am on TRT and considering a low dose of Tren.
With Tren at 50mg E4D, do you notice you cardio or breathing being affected? I am on TRT and considering a low dose of Tren.

not so far, I'm hoping not to..... in the past I have had some terrible cardio ability on tren, so it wouldn't surprise me if this starts to creep back to being a problem, but maybe keeping the dose this low and infrequent might make the difference
PT 141 didn't give me any libido boost at all. It did give me uncontrollable spontaneous erections though!

I think the libido claims are from people who've got some libido who get an erection and hence want to use it so claim it's improved their libido.
Hey FY, how is it going with the Tren at 50mg E4D? I pinned 15mg of Tren A yesterday and plan on pinning that ED. My body temperature has definitely risen and feel close to sweating just sitting around. Does that subside at all?
Hey FY, how is it going with the Tren at 50mg E4D? I pinned 15mg of Tren A yesterday and plan on pinning that ED. My body temperature has definitely risen and feel close to sweating just sitting around. Does that subside at all?

I find it's dose related and doesn't ever subside, the more you use the hotter you feel, but also the leaner you get, seems to go hand in hand

libido is strong, but erection quality is the biggest issue, takes a lot to get hard and my girlfriend can lick and stroke and nothing will happen, but often feel very turned on even without an erection, erections get very strong often at times with some work at it and in the right mood, but they can be fickle. overall not very confident in erection quality being there when I need it, but libido overall is very strong
Day 3 of Tren A @ 15mg ED (105mg EW) along side 375mg Test E EW, which I plan to reduce to 200mg EW. Body temp a little hotter, but not too bad. Slightly more aggression, and mild insomnia last night Seems like some sexual dysfunction has occurred though even with the use of sildenafil. The first night I was able to perform, but on the second and third (last night), I was not able to get an erection. Seems odd to me on such a low dose.
Is there an adjustment period? Anything I can do to combat this besides dropping the compound because on the plus side I've had really good workouts the last couple days. More motivation, drive, focus and no cardio issues so far. I think I like Tren.
Day 3 of Tren A @ 15mg ED (105mg EW) along side 375mg Test E EW, which I plan to reduce to 200mg EW. Body temp a little hotter, but not too bad. Slightly more aggression, and mild insomnia last night Seems like some sexual dysfunction has occurred though even with the use of sildenafil. The first night I was able to perform, but on the second and third (last night), I was not able to get an erection. Seems odd to me on such a low dose.
Is there an adjustment period? Anything I can do to combat this besides dropping the compound because on the plus side I've had really good workouts the last couple days. More motivation, drive, focus and no cardio issues so far. I think I like Tren.

no easy answers there, I often find that 100mg of Viagra won't even help much. The only thing that really works is pt-141, but unfortunately the sides are extreme, and I haven't found a way to work out a protocol that is glitch-free through the month.

It's a difficulty, because I have a super hot girlfriend less than half my age and she is horny wanting sex often, so I get very stressed inside worrying about being ready for sex at all times and there are many times that even with her gorgeous body in front of me and her licking and stroking me I will be completely limp and viagra fails.

The pt141 works but the timing makes it difficult, if I know she is going to want sex at a certain time I can inject a good dosage far enough out to be ready, but it makes it so it kills the spontaneity that women like, the kind of thing where you are driving somewhere and she might like to reach over and give you a blowjob.... that kind of thing just can't work for me, leaving hurt feelings often even though she is great and doesn't give me too much trouble (although she has said on occasion "I don't turn you on? :cries:" ... I hate that the most, because she is super hot and does turn me on, but my dick fails me often when I really need it.

By the way, I can't blame tren entirely, because some of my best function is when I am on tren, and I've had horrible function on regular TRT before too, the fact that PT141 works so well for me suggests to me that the hpta is not the biggest factor in dysfunction, and we need much more science in the melano-receptor side of the libido issues. In the past when I was on nothing, with low natural T, I had some great libido, so TRT for libido issues is not always the right solution.
Complicated. Prior to TRT, i was at 250 TT and had no sexual dysfunction. I went on TRT to address fatigue, lack of motivation and poor overall feeling of well-being. Well, now I am in great shape, more motivated professionally, increased libido (wasn't a problem before trt) and now poor erection quality.

Just seems hard to believe that 105mg ew of tren a would cause such a problem when I read about people being sexual deviants on much higher dosages.
Well I've had times in the past on tren where I masturbated to orgasm 5 times in a day but had horrible erection quality, would get hard right at orgasm point, but all day would be flaccid but extremely turned on, so libido and erections are 2 different things. I've also had great erections on tren too, it's really unpredictable... Testosterone can be problematic too but not usually the extremes in libido.

Having great libido and erections in the past natural with low T showed me that hpta is only a small part of the libido and erection story. Also seeing how the melanocort pathways seem able to blast through any hpta situation and produce great erections tells me that is the area we need to be liking at more closely if optimal sexual function is our goal
needed to get function a little more normalized, have to keep the girlfriend happy..... so dropped the tren completely a week or two ago, took a 0.25mg caber, and staying steady on the e3d test cyp injection.... also for the few days leading up to valentines and yesterday injected smaller dose of pt141 every day, also small dose cialis daily and 100mg viagra daily as well

this worked out great and was able to perform quite well lately, going to try to take a break from the pt141 now as it feels so shitty, and the caber as well because of the sides and unwanted long term effects, hopefully some ok function stays for the next week or so without those two


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