People are getting way too sensitive and pc..apparently someone put up some posters at the college saying something like “it’s ok to be white” and they made a huge deal calling it an act by “white supremacists” because it implies minority’s or marginalized people do not have the right to have their own space, dignity blah blah blah. They go on to say that the signs were not aligned with the college’s views. Doesn’t that kinda imply that the college believes that it is not ok to be white? I don’t see the problem if that was all the signs said especially since they were not put up on any specific groups area. I get it the sjw’s make it seem like a crime to be a white heterosexual male and some are annoyed. I don’t think the sjw solution to prejudice and racism of more prejudice and racism is the best solution. Anyway that message from the president’s office was kinda annoying. This come from a person that isn’t considered your typical Caucasian, ie doesn’t have a whole lot of Northern European ethnicity etc