What Pisses me off Page

But really, the dude at the gym that has me spot him every week on 315 that never does a full rep, and says he wants to bench 405 by summer fucking pisses me off.

And, and he does 100lb hammer curls swinging his whole fucking body , I may just end up screaming at the fuckin guy one day
If I had to pick something that pissed me off I guess it would have to be disrespect. If I am respectful and nice to you in every way. I expect the same back but now a days their are so many rude people. If I was the president damn the world would be a better place.
If you raped then you get raped then put down
If you murder you get to play Russian roulette till you lose.
Save the jail for thief's and drunk drivers. No need for prisons without murders and rape. Make all drugs legal but if you OD or end up living in the street I won't feel sorry for you. As you made that choice.
Sorry I guess the system pisses me off too lol.
ooh where should I begin with things that piss me off, it pisses me off that people are more worried about gun controlmarriage, war on drugs and other pointless "dilemnas" than the fact that the entire world does not practice sustainable usage of resources and we are insuring a very bleak future for our children/grand children.
It pisses me off that people with no ambition or drive are allowed to live. Anyone who is happy flipping burgers making enough to pay rent and party is a waste of valuable resources. It pisses me off that people complain about the government when they've taken no action to make any sort of change. Though, this will never stop them from posting their political memes on fb like they actually even did any research.
It pisses me off that people fall for internet hoax, especially when that hoax is over a few days old. With the amount of information at one's fingertips, there is no excuse to not do a quick google search and see what comes up. Of course everything you read isn't true, but if I type in " (enter hoax name) legit" and see 15 pages of links showing it is a hoax, I'm going to seriously doubt your intelligence. It takes a strong willingness to believe to fall for some of these hoax. I've actually went through fb posts and discovered a strong correlation between being religious and falling for internet hoaxes. Which shouldn't surprise anyone of moderate intelligence as religious people claim to have faith in a god when all their beliefs are based on the words of men.
What pisses me off in the gym is when I see dudes that can lift a shit ton on one or two body parts but have calves that are small like baby legs, the shit is just stupid.. That goes for any disportionate body parts from the rest, now I understand some kind of lacking due to injures, but a perfectly heathy young men more than capable, but still look wired as hell and walk around all badass is uncalled for...
What pisses me off in the gym is when I see dudes that can lift a shit ton on one or two body parts but have calves that are small like baby legs, the shit is just stupid.. That goes for any disportionate body parts from the rest, now I understand some kind of lacking due to injures, but a perfectly heathy young men more than capable, but still look wired as hell and walk around all badass is uncalled for...

My calves are small... whats up. :) haha but seriously my calves are getting close to disproportionate with the rest of my legs which is frustrating cause I've tried numerous approaches. This pisses me off. Fucking calves making me look like I skip leg day.Though, if I get them a good pump they look massive for oh 5 minutes lol. Which reminds me. It's leg day. yeah fuck that!
Finally a worthwhile thread.
Ugly People
Fat People
Stupid People
Kids from the suburbs that act urban, even worse kids from rural that act urban.
Ugly, fat, stupid people.

The old rusty mini van with the handicap license plate with 2 really fat people driving slow as fuck in the fast lane and the only reason they are handicap is because they are fat.

People at the gym who cross-fit in the free weight area.

Chicks using the excuse of "that time of the month" to act all cunty.

Dudes who wear skinny jeans and have pro choice and obama/biden bumper stickers on their hybrids who are all liberal and shit. (how the fuck these two retards made it into office I will never know)

Conservatives who have pro life and McCain/Palin bumper stickers and that stupid Jesus fish symbol on their cars.. (who the fuck wants some old ass dude and some dumb chick running this country)

Basically everyone and everything else that I didn't mention also pisses me off.