What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

I think I'm going to give this a try, I've always wanted a faster way to make steel cut oats. I'll report back
One of my favorite late night snack shakes:
Put all of following in Blender:
1 cup ice
1 scoop choc Isopure (or brand you prefer)
2 scoops van Isopure
1 cup Milk
2 Tbsp creamy peanut butter
1 large banana
1 tbsp choc syrup (you can omit it wanted. I just use a dash)

Blend her up & you have a really tasty smoothy with over 100g of protein. I wake up in middle of night starving, & this actually fills me up for night.
I like the Seahawks since Hasselbeck is gone. Grew up in same town as him & one of my buds lived couple houses down. Arrogant bully. Have him to thank for all my training though. Getting picked on by future NFL stars will toughen you up quick. :( Have to call my therapist now. LMAO
Well.....if you ate more collard greens & Blackeyed peas when you were young.....you'd be in the NFL.;)