I forgot to add the sauce word after bechamel..
i put some eggplants cutted in cubes with a tbspn olive oil in a big pan to cook with some Ragù home made <~~ tomato sauce with minced meat (beef here) .. after it cooked i mashed it slightly, not too much because i didnt want an eggplants purea, added 200g of other minced beaf without tomato sauce, it was cooked with some courgettes and garlic… then cooked the pasta (Linguine di Gragnano) for 4.5 min in salted water.. in the pan where i put the mashed eggplants + ragù combo i added some bechamel and black pepper, put it to cook with very low flame… after 4.5 min cooking pasta i took out the pasta and put in the pan with some ladlefuls of cooking water, quantity should be set in regards of remaining time and how much do you wanna it creamy , but if too much creamy just cook it more…