Just started keto again today, strip some of this fat I've accumulated bulking
1 cup egg whites
2 whole eggs
1/3 cup shredded cheese
Himalayan salt and pepper
2 scoops protein
2 tbsp peanut butter natural
8 oz chicken or red meat or pork
Green beans with avocado oil or butter
Himalayan salt and garlic
2 scoops protein
2tbsp peanut butter natural
300g cottage cheese
Pepper and sugar free hot sauce
Avocado oil or olive oil
2 scoops protein
2 tbsp peanut butter
I also take a greens shake daily
The peanut butter is literally fresh ground unsalted peanuts from a store by my house, you grind it yourself into the container
I substitute the cottage cheese meal with a can of tuna with half an avocado celery green or red onion, chopped spinach or some sort of spinach and kale mix and squeeze of fresh lemon