What we fear most (little advice requested,please)


New Member
Is to lose our gains, of course.
So, since I am planning to start my first cycle in september, I would like to know if in some measure a (little) lose in gains after a cycle always happen or else if with a proper PCT it will not happend at all.
Since there are many "light"cycles that do not require recovery (at least as I have seen in some fitness model articles) I suppose gains can be kept...

But of course I need some more advices. So, I have to expect always a lose in gains in some measure after a cycle or not?
Thank you for your answers.
Yes, you will lose some of your gains. A properly designed cycle w/ an AI, HCG, and finishing with a short ester, along with a properly designed and properly timed PCT will minimize your losses. Read, research, and read some more.
If your 40 + Blast and cruise gain while off cycle.if your under 40.make dam sure you don't run hcg while on pct..it will shread you more.don't stop the gym hit it as hard or harder..eat like a Somalian and following .pct correct.. Don't run clomid high after first few days /week.it will depress you.I say 100/50/50/25 nolv 50/50/50/50
you will lose everything beyond your natural limit. might take 3-4 months but you will not keep any gains beyond the natural limit.
If your 40 + Blast and cruise gain while off cycle.if your under 40.make dam sure you don't run hcg while on pct..it will shread you more.don't stop the gym hit it as hard or harder..eat like a Somalian and following .pct correct.. Don't run clomid high after first few days /week.it will depress you.I say 100/50/50/25 nolv 50/50/50/50
50 nolva? Never seen it ran so high, why not 40/20/20/20?
mayne do u understand what natural limit is?
My comment was about losing it all in 3-4 months actually, you can't make me believe all the 240lb+ people walking around have just achieved their "natural limit", of course you will lose some but for me it has always been mostly water. You will gain more and most often keep more on gear as long as you do it right. Not sure exactly what is new here?
My comment was about losing it all in 3-4 months actually, you can't make me believe all the 240lb+ people walking around have just achieved their "natural limit", of course you will lose some but for me it has always been mostly water. You will gain more and most often keep more on gear as long as you do it right. Not sure exactly what is new here?

I don't think you understand what natural limit is...
Natural limit = the limit you can come to in regards to muscle from your natty production. So no AAS at all, and this will change with age.
I don't think you understand what natural limit is...
Natural limit = the limit you can come to in regards to muscle from your natty production. So no AAS at all, and this will change with age.
Exactly which part of "you will lose it ALL beyond natural limit in 3 months" is a bullshit is not clear?
What is precisely your natural limit then genius? In lbs please, exact number. Scientifically proven.
What is precisely your natural limit then genius? In lbs please, exact number. Scientifically proven.
Natural limit is going to be determined by genetics to a point, and then OBVIOUSLY and MAINLY circulating androgens. That's why AAS is great, you surpass natural limits.

You want a scientific number showing that women can't be 200lbs 10% BF @ a 114ng/dl tT level? Or can common sense take care of that one?
Pardon me I completely forgot OP is a woman. Man I am feeling dumb for ever doubting people who called you out on being a fucking bitch. Unless that natural limit is actually really high why would people bother with cycling if they lost it all up to it in 3 months? Bullshit. OP will gain more on steroids and keep more than what he would accomplish in the same time natural, I guess that's his concern, unless he will only ever run 1 cycle then completely lay off bodybuilding or whatever he is gonna be doing.
The reason you see guys not really shrink down so much, is that they are constantly on drugs and normally right after PCT which could be from 1-3 months, they go back on cycle. Then you also have guys that blast and cruise.

Everyone has a different genetic make up and different natural limit, so no you won't get a exact answer to your question. Think about it logically, you can't out run your genetics...unless you keep taking drugs, plan and simple.
Never said you can, I called your comment of 3 months being bullshit like I made clear already. How do you explain people doing long cycles and long breaks, given a genetic potential of 220 (I think this is generous), bulking up to 300 and what, losing 80 lb in 3 months because their cycles are 6 months apart? Not a chance.
ok i think i understand you better now, we both agree that you will not be able to maintain the muscle built with AAS and you will eventually lose it, we just disagree on the time frame of how long it takes to lose.
if you take AAS between cycles you try to lose as little as possible until your next cycle , but that is the key ( until your next cycle ) if you quit taking steroids you will go back to your original natural size,
if you dont believe that you have not been in this game very long .
Pardon me I completely forgot OP is a woman. Man I am feeling dumb for ever doubting people who called you out on being a fucking bitch.
I made the comparison to women because then it would be even more obvious for you to understand the concept. You are aware that it's hormones that is holding women back right from looking like men?
Unless that natural limit is actually really high why would people bother with cycling if they lost it all up to it in 3 months? Bullshit. OP will gain more on steroids and keep more than what he would accomplish in the same time natural, I guess that's his concern, unless he will only ever run 1 cycle then completely lay off bodybuilding or whatever he is gonna be doing.
lol you are seriously confused and it's okay. You are still learning.
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Pardon me I completely forgot OP is a woman. Man I am feeling dumb for ever doubting people who called you out on being a fucking bitch. Unless that natural limit is actually really high why would people bother with cycling if they lost it all up to it in 3 months? Bullshit. OP will gain more on steroids and keep more than what he would accomplish in the same time natural, I guess that's his concern, unless he will only ever run 1 cycle then completely lay off bodybuilding or whatever he is gonna be doing.
No you will not lose it all in 3 months unless you are completely retarded. Fucking dumb ignorant prick you are Sworder only reading parts out of context. I never argued about keeping gains infinitely only about his given time frame.