What's your guys favorite stack? And why?


Im curious what some of your guys favorite stacks are and why?

Mine favorite for overall just gains is, test 1g, tren a, 500mg, anadrol or dbol. 100mg, hgh 10iu, igf-1 300mcg daily, and some good ole Humalog 10iu post training. I seem to get bigger and leaner at the same time also while having insane aggression in the gym (I tear up multiple times while training from just having to much rage) Insane training, strength, mass, maximum shreddedness .
After running test ,test decca, test d bol, test decca d bol cycles I got strong and thick lol, a good freind was trying to have kids so he gave me his stash and it had bottles of test tren mast I think ran right around 750 test 3-350 tren 350-400 mast. I got stronger and leaner,harder,vascular than I've ever been in my life. Retained basically all the size from those cycles running just test an mast now an I'm good with that untill i wana make another jump.
My cycle history went like this;

500test for 20 weeks.
600 test for 20 weeks, 4 weeks of Tbol.
300/175/175 test/tren/mast (failed cycle)
500/400 test/deca (wonderful cycle)
250/80 test/tren, 4 weeks of Anavar.

And the best cycle was the one with the most mental clarity for me, test only is simple and effective. Test and deca is also effective, but requires a little more thinking and managing.

Im probably gonna run 600test for my next go this winter because when I read back over my notes my test only cycles have significantly less bad things wrote down.

Not into competing so good enough.
Minimum health risks.

But gotta admit im curious about trying other injectables.
My cycle history went like this;

500test for 20 weeks.
600 test for 20 weeks, 4 weeks of Tbol.
300/175/175 test/tren/mast (failed cycle)
500/400 test/deca (wonderful cycle)
250/80 test/tren, 4 weeks of Anavar.

And the best cycle was the one with the most mental clarity for me, test only is simple and effective. Test and deca is also effective, but requires a little more thinking and managing.

Im probably gonna run 600test for my next go this winter because when I read back over my notes my test only cycles have significantly less bad things wrote down.
Nice that u take notes of ur cycle, are they based on how do u feel?

I did always took note of my cycle, but just dosages and lenght together with bloodwork as reference and pictures on how I looked but I never wrote down my overall feelings and thoughts.
Nice that u take notes of ur cycle, are they based on how do u feel?

I did always took note of my cycle, but just dosages and lenght together with bloodwork as reference and pictures on how I looked but I never wrote down my overall feelings and thoughts.
I documented everything. How I slept, how I felt, what I ate, everything.

It’s probably why I was able to sleep like a baby on Tren, as an example, I was able to see that if I went to bed while digesting casein protein I did not sleep. So no dairy four hours before bed and i was grand. Had ED issues when I used boron, and no P5P (p5p reduced my prolactin by 10%, proved by bloodwork). Shir like that. I am my own lab rat.
240mg/week of Test Cyp and 70mg/EoD of NPP. Blood work was near perfect except HDL but not too bad. I was constantly horny, huge pumps in the gym, and great size.
I documented everything. How I slept, how I felt, what I ate, everything.

It’s probably why I was able to sleep like a baby on Tren, as an example, I was able to see that if I went to bed while digesting casein protein I did not sleep. So no dairy four hours before bed and i was grand. Had ED issues when I used boron, and no P5P (p5p reduced my prolactin by 10%, proved by bloodwork). Shir like that. I am my own lab rat.
This is called being squared the fuck away!
I documented everything. How I slept, how I felt, what I ate, everything.

It’s probably why I was able to sleep like a baby on Tren, as an example, I was able to see that if I went to bed while digesting casein protein I did not sleep. So no dairy four hours before bed and i was grand. Had ED issues when I used boron, and no P5P (p5p reduced my prolactin by 10%, proved by bloodwork). Shir like that. I am my own lab rat.
How many tests do you consider to be proof?
A close second favourite weekly:
600 Test Cyp
300 NPP
200 Mast E

I run Test always year round period. So when adding these compounds will add in Mast first for two weeks then add in the fast acting NPP after that first two weeks. I have never had a problem with deca dick when following this protocol.
Not having done much yet, I can say that 300mg test cyp + 40mg anavar was my fave stack lol. That’s the highest I’ve gone with test so far and the only additional steroid I’ve used aside from epistane if you wanna even count that lol
Test and Deca i love…. Feel amazing and lift well, 600 of each. Usually make a 200 test C and Deca 200 for convinience and pin 1 ML each MWF
Anyone here ever just went ham with endogenous hormones? I did a cycle of just test 1500mg, 10iu growth, 10iu slin couple times a day. felt great and got huge. I hate when I hear guys say testosterone isn't that anabolic alone. Fucking they aren't using enough then haha
Anyone here ever just went ham with endogenous hormones? I did a cycle of just test 1500mg, 10iu growth, 10iu slin couple times a day. felt great and got huge. I hate when I hear guys say testosterone isn't that anabolic alone. Fucking they aren't using enough then haha
My cycle now is my get back to where i was cycle… i am coming off a torn pec, i know i been saying that all over. And so i am doing 700 test,490 tren and 490 NPP. Growing amazing. Almost done. 1 week left.