What's your guys favorite stack? And why?

My cycle history went like this;

500test for 20 weeks.
600 test for 20 weeks, 4 weeks of Tbol.
300/175/175 test/tren/mast (failed cycle)
500/400 test/deca (wonderful cycle)
250/80 test/tren, 4 weeks of Anavar.

And the best cycle was the one with the most mental clarity for me, test only is simple and effective. Test and deca is also effective, but requires a little more thinking and managing.

Im probably gonna run 600test for my next go this winter because when I read back over my notes my test only cycles have significantly less bad things wrote down.

Mental clarity is what’s making my current test and primo cycle enjoyable. 350 test 700 primo. Feels much cleaner than when I’ve run 500 test only.

What happened with your test tren mast cycle ? Curious to read your feedback on the stack
Mental clarity is what’s making my current test and primo cycle enjoyable. 350 test 700 primo. Feels much cleaner than when I’ve run 500 test only.

What happened with your test tren mast cycle ? Curious to read your feedback on the stack
It was the Tren. I can honestly say I do not handle Tren well. Do I build muscle on it? Loads. Do I go bay shit crazy and only realise it when I come off? Yes. I drove my wife crazy. Drove her into someone else’s arms, a topic I’ve covered elsewhere. I drove myself crazy. Lost some friends. So the Tren made it fail for me. It works, it works wonderfully well and I’m jealous of people who can handle it.

Positive things from that cycle, constant boners. Good sleep. I felt like I was Hercules himself. I looked incredible. I swear, I felt like I seen results overnight quite frequently.
Mental clarity is what’s making my current test and primo cycle enjoyable. 350 test 700 primo. Feels much cleaner than when I’ve run 500 test only.

What happened with your test tren mast cycle ? Curious to read your feedback on the stack
How ur E2 are not crashed with that Test/Primo ratio, we are really all different.

On myself with a 1:1 ratio Test/Primo my E2 were 17
Anyone here ever just went ham with endogenous hormones? I did a cycle of just test 1500mg, 10iu growth, 10iu slin couple times a day. felt great and got huge. I hate when I hear guys say testosterone isn't that anabolic alone. Fucking they aren't using enough then haha
I do something similar once in a while. High test,slin and drol or some other oral in. I like drol or dbol. Sdrol is cool also.
As much as said that from next year onwards I will take only high test,slin and a oral I must to throw some tren.
My cycle now is my get back to where i was cycle… i am coming off a torn pec, i know i been saying that all over. And so i am doing 700 test,490 tren and 490 NPP. Growing amazing. Almost done. 1 week left.
Nice bro! I am in the same boat. Im literally a chubby 210 right now haha I was in the hospital I had some bad luck and got a fucking pulmonary embolism a blood clot in my lung. Doctor said I'm lucky to be alive. Guys make sure you are donating blood on cycle having thick blood is not good. But I lost all mu gains I was in ICU for 5 days which I don't remember I was sedated almost the whole time these asshole doctors put this thing down my throat to see mu heart and put a fucking picc line in my arm all while I was sedated! But I just got out of the hospital. But that's awesome you're come back cycle was a good one. I just started mine, test 750mg, some eq in there and some good ole dbol baby I'm old school haha
I do something similar once in a while. High test,slin and drol or some other oral in. I like drol or dbol. Sdrol is cool also.
As much as said that from next year onwards I will take only high test,slin and a oral I must to throw some tren.
what I love about high test only cycles with gh and slin is I feel like a fucking god man I feel on top of the world on high test. its the other drugs that fuck with my mind. which is your favorite oral?
Nice bro! I am in the same boat. Im literally a chubby 210 right now haha I was in the hospital I had some bad luck and got a fucking pulmonary embolism a blood clot in my lung. Doctor said I'm lucky to be alive. Guys make sure you are donating blood on cycle having thick blood is not good. But I lost all mu gains I was in ICU for 5 days which I don't remember I was sedated almost the whole time these asshole doctors put this thing down my throat to see mu heart and put a fucking picc line in my arm all while I was sedated! But I just got out of the hospital. But that's awesome you're come back cycle was a good one. I just started mine, test 750mg, some eq in there and some good ole dbol baby I'm old school haha
Dam man hope recovery goes well, glad you are better and improving
Dam man hope recovery goes well, glad you are better and improving
I'm fully recovered its just I literally was lying down for almost a month straight . I had sore legs just from walking when I first started moving around again. but my lung is good now and my blood work is perfect so time to get back on the saucy momma. how you feeling on the tren?
I'm fully recovered its just I literally was lying down for almost a month straight . I had sore legs just from walking when I first started moving around again. but my lung is good now and my blood work is perfect so time to get back on the saucy momma. how you feeling on the tren?
I feel ok actually made it to a solid length but i supplement with some things that help any odd feelings like RLS and anxiety. Started to feel mental effects a little, after a bit on. But growing amazing, focused on eating, and lifting hard. Sleepling well. I pin it ED to mitigate sides i got as to pinning MWF
My cycle now is my get back to where i was cycle… i am coming off a torn pec, i know i been saying that all over. And so i am doing 700 test,490 tren and 490 NPP. Growing amazing. Almost done. 1 week left.
Interesting Npp and tren, what's the reasoning or benefit behind mixing those two , npp for joints ? How did you tear your pec,
Interesting Npp and tren, what's the reasoning or benefit behind mixing those two , npp for joints ? How did you tear your pec,
curious as well. Ive heard of guys doing it. I bet I could get away with it because I don't get much prolactin from 19 nors
what I love about high test only cycles with gh and slin is I feel like a fucking god man I feel on top of the world on high test. its the other drugs that fuck with my mind. which is your favorite oral?
I feel the same on any dose or compounds. Doesn't change with anything no matter how much test I take or tren. Same me.

Favorite oral that's a hard one because I like them all. I'm a fan of orals and I cycle them on/off pretty often.(8 weeks on,8 off and then 8 on and so on... until I take a break from everything).
I would say drol,sdrol,dbol and for pure strength halo. I put halo separate as is in another league.
Tbol is nice but at +100 mg/day. If you are lean-ish it gives you some vascularity,good pumps and decent strength. I should run it more regular
I feel the same on any dose or compounds. Doesn't change with anything no matter how much test I take or tren. Same me.

Favorite oral that's a hard one because I like them all. I'm a fan of orals and I cycle them on/off pretty often.(8 weeks on,8 off and then 8 on and so on... until I take a break from everything).
I would say drol,sdrol,dbol and for pure strength halo. I put halo separate as is in another league.
Tbol is nice but at +100 mg/day. If you are lean-ish it gives you some vascularity,good pumps and decent strength. I should run it more regular
why is halo in its own league ? Ive never used it but I heard it makes you aggressive as fuck
why is halo in its own league ? Ive never used it but I heard it makes you aggressive as fuck
I put it separate because you only use it for strength. Other aas build muscle also.
Not everyone is interested in just strength.
No aggression for me. Doesn't affect me or change my behavior any aas. I'm the same chill guy on multiple g of aas or multiple mg of halo.
Interesting Npp and tren, what's the reasoning or benefit behind mixing those two , npp for joints ? How did you tear your pec,
I feel and grow amazing on test and npp/deca, i used npp this time since i am pinning tren ED anyway, so made sense to use NPP instead deca, i am switching to deca after this cycle. And so adding tren is to just grow alot lol. The two together has always worked well and prolactin was/is never an issue in terms of gyno just as like any other cycle for me. Pinning ED makes a big difference too and once i am stable on the doses the only thing needed is control e2, and blood pressure, as well as uncomfortably high sex drive, lol.

Tore pec jan 3 flat benching, i always did dumbell whole life because i knew flat bench does that, i have long arms too, but wanted to change things up, which is dumb, as consistancy and what i was doing was working. Barbell sucks, it takes away any free motion of body…that pronation and supination is totall eliminated with barbell, so be careful doing so. Thor just tore his pec too barbell…
Best blast I ever did was
750 test
600 eq
125 tren e

but realistically test is all one needs to mog most people at the gym
Nice bro! I am in the same boat. Im literally a chubby 210 right now haha I was in the hospital I had some bad luck and got a fucking pulmonary embolism a blood clot in my lung. Doctor said I'm lucky to be alive. Guys make sure you are donating blood on cycle having thick blood is not good. But I lost all mu gains I was in ICU for 5 days which I don't remember I was sedated almost the whole time these asshole doctors put this thing down my throat to see mu heart and put a fucking picc line in my arm all while I was sedated! But I just got out of the hospital. But that's awesome you're come back cycle was a good one. I just started mine, test 750mg, some eq in there and some good ole dbol baby I'm old school haha
Did thick blood cause your embolism?

Brother, I think you need to look back at getting to 100% health wise, gains come and go, your life, one and done.

If your health problems stem from blood thickness, you should be avoiding compounds whose main goal is to increase rbc like eq. Just my 2 cents.
Nice bro! I am in the same boat. Im literally a chubby 210 right now haha I was in the hospital I had some bad luck and got a fucking pulmonary embolism a blood clot in my lung. Doctor said I'm lucky to be alive. Guys make sure you are donating blood on cycle having thick blood is not good. But I lost all mu gains I was in ICU for 5 days which I don't remember I was sedated almost the whole time these asshole doctors put this thing down my throat to see mu heart and put a fucking picc line in my arm all while I was sedated! But I just got out of the hospital. But that's awesome you're come back cycle was a good one. I just started mine, test 750mg, some eq in there and some good ole dbol baby I'm old school haha
So was any of it caused by steroid use did they say ?