Just some food for thought and I recommend that you don't take my word for it but look into it on your own. Bi's and Tri's do have a faster recovery rate than chest, shoulders, and back do because they are used in every compound upper body movement, in the gym and in the course of your normal day. So they are muscle groups that have adapted to a faster recovery much like calves and forearms "but" when wer'e talking about resistance training and breaking the muscle down, give them 48 hours minimum to recover or you're breaking them down again before they completely heal and that halts growth. Honestly, reduce your bi and tri work to 3 times a week and I'd be willing to bet you'll see a difference.
Please don't take my word for it. I simply mention this to give you some information to start your own research.
With that being said...your arms look pretty big to me. We all suffer from dysmorphia to some degree. I think that comes with this lifestyle. But honestly, going by your pictures, your arms don't look disproportionate in any way that I can see.