Dude, I don't play games like this.
My first experience with
@Eman was him guiding me through the correct way to handle getting the incorrect drugs from a source. He was nice, explained to me why it matters so much and I did what was right. He has been nothing other than a good friend since. He has never pushed anything on me or any one else to my knowledge. I don't see him trolling real members nor do I see him shitting on people just because he suspects something may be off. He is quick to offer knowledgeable advice and all told wouldn't that be what we want from a member?
@gr8whitetrukker is a brutally honest dude. He knows how to train, doesn't pull punches and that includes himself. I also have never been exposed to a sales pitch or anything else that the group doesn't allow or looks down on. Trukk has called me out for shit and I have no problem standing there and listening to him, even if I don't like it. I would also consider trukk a friend. That's just how he is and it isn't a big deal in any regard.
It seems we are at an impasse. Nobody here knows what you are talking about. If what you are insinuating has any legs to it the only other folks that would know what's going on, in theory, would be Eman & trukk. Since it is ironic that they are calling you untrustworthy then that means you are insinuating they are in fact untrustworthy, which would very potentially put the group in harms way. Untrustworthy people need to be eradicated imo.
If you feel confident about what you think please PM me. I am interested. Other than that I have to side with the group here. You've become the boy who cries wolf.