One of my problems with Christianity is this idea that if you are not Christian you must be morally bankrupt, out of control and living the life of a "sinner". There's an assumption that being a practicing Christian means you aren't all of those things when the truth is I know more morally bankrupt people who never miss church on Sunday and some atheists who have truly given themselves to this world to help others on a scale none of us could manage. Catholic priests are the perfect example. The holiest of men being pedophiles - good Christian men who are totally full of shit. I know too many people who claim to be Christian who are totally full of shit....they simply hedging their bets just incase the bible is right. I'm a lot of things but I'm not full of shit. I don't do the right thing out of fear of not getting into heaven....I'm simply a good person....without being a Christian. If God could look at my life in the end and say even though i tried my best to be a good person, help others, and make my small part of the world better but that I didn't say enough hail Mary's or spend enough time on Sunday in church and that makes unworthy.....well that's not my god then.
Who goes to heaven...the "practicing Christian" who goes to church, goes to confession and sends his kids to bible school, so he has time to fuck the maid while he plans to steal his clients money on a coke bender or the atheist who starts a world-wide charity that helps million of people who are suffering?
The concept of if your not with me you must be evil and deserve eternal damnation is just silly. The only thing religion is good for is inducing mass delusional behavior.
Who goes to heaven...the "practicing Christian" who goes to church, goes to confession and sends his kids to bible school, so he has time to fuck the maid while he plans to steal his clients money on a coke bender or the atheist who starts a world-wide charity that helps million of people who are suffering?
The concept of if your not with me you must be evil and deserve eternal damnation is just silly. The only thing religion is good for is inducing mass delusional behavior.