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Man! It started as Cheerio they are good for you no biggie, then it went to fruity Cheerios, then it went to fruit loops and now my new one is lucky charms Frosted Flakes if you haven’t had. You should it’s great
I got one for you .. take a big bowl of whip cream cool whip (I use coconut) pour lucky charms all over it mix it in a bowl , than pour caramel over it..
Anyone try his winavar?? Starting a blast and tryna find something new for a good kick start. And are the prices the same as on page 1??
I remember he had a mix it was superdol, tren no ester and test no Ester I think. I loved it. You mean that one?
How long prior to workout do you pin it?
Also, how much of it do you pin?
And what what point do you drop it?

Honest I don’t even remember the dosage on it. It was 2 years ago. I can’t do oral superdol, dbol or tbol
For some reason I get the worst headaches and lose of appetite and feel like shit. I can run anavar and winny all day and feel fine. So I like the injectable superdol for some reason I’d doesn't give me the sides the oral does. I use it for about 4 weeks if I remember to kick start my cycle .
Orals were not legit. Oils were

Of course you didn’t find them legit, you are the guy who is blasting Adderall and looking for similar immediate physical effects!

Stims have a cross tolerance. So yeah, after taking amphetamine, you likely aren’t going to feel the effects of little ol Albuterol.

I would be careful of simply taking more...

...along with your post history displaying this is ALL new territory to you...

Now come back with some actual info like some testing, otherwise you will get thoroughly shamed for your noobness as your shitty review gets analyzed further in detail...