New Member
Hello, I'm Frozen.. You might remember me from such Delicious and tasty recipes as “Protein Cupcakes” which our member @Oldschool loves to eat more than he loves to eat pussy.
My history, read it if you cant sleep, if you re shitting etc because its not short
(EDIT: sorry guyz i wrote a lot and it took me kinda 1 hour to write this post)
31 yo from Europe... started weightlifting some years ago but having high estrogen naturally it was such a pain “cutting” so i crashed my testo levels quitting eating saturated fats for too long (2 or 3 months maybe)... naturally i was a total crap.. and i hated bb...
So some years ago i started my first cycle with just Sus 250mg weekly... bloated the fuck out of me and had to stop 3 weeks later... so, i read Autor L.Rea Building the Perfect beast (a book with some bullshit) and started fuckin around with my first real cycle... 5 years ago i learned the basis of homebrewing with Basskiller online and got some hugely overpriced Tren Hex and EQ from a legit source in europe... yeah i made a lot of mistakes with the whole DIY thing but i didnt know any coach any nothing at that time.
i putted some lean mass with a 6 weeks cycle of Tren Hex and EQ with Test Enanth (dont remember dosages)...
after those 6 weeks i had to quit everything because of job issues/ living with my girlfriend / i wasn’t ready to full dedicate myself to bb... and it was even a money relate situation.
I didn't do anything other than those 6 weeks for other 4 years , then last year i had some money, i hired a coach and started a recomp with test tren and eq (because i had those products already) ..for maybe 8 weeks... Then i developed gyno... Caber Clomid Tamox Ralox didnt change anything so i got it surgically removed... i lost the gainzzz from those 8 weeks and did another recomp with trt 200mg weekly and 50mg anavar for maybe 10 weeks...
so I started a pretty aggressive cycle at 183 cm , 84kg almost 10-11% BF.
i putted a lot of size, and water.. from 84kg to 97kg in 10 weeks... i was hugely bloated.. big ankles.. numb hands all the time... happetit loss... Previously i quit my pharmacist job and did another business.. At the end of those 10-11 weeks i was fucked , i had to quit that cycle and my business went downhill too... so quit again with bb... these are pics at 8-9 weeks of that blast , just before everything went downhill..

so... after exactly a year, during quarantine, i started a trt with 200mg Test Cyp weekly and 50mg Anavar ED... trained at home with elastic bands and went trough a stupid low caloric deficit... due even to depression and willingness to experiment..
started Trt with oxa in april 2020 with this body

after some months at home still during quarantine i lost some fat and reached this shape

then i started the pretty aggressive cycle for the 2nd time and I hoped to be able to continue on that path for at least 1 year
i had to quit it after 2 weeks because i had digestion issues because Metformin i think...
I was taking 500mg x 2 ED of sustained metformin because i wanted to avoid insulin insensitivity... after 2 weeks everything went downhill again and i did trt with Very low calories keto for 4 weeks...
Then i restarted from almost the same shape I started with some weeks before...
I changed some things... instead of doing 5iu HGH red tops generic ED (3iu and 2iu) with 10iu Humulin R and 8iu Humulin R and going to gym 6 days at week... i : quitted metformin, i splitted training routine into MON TUES THURS AND FRID... 4 days at week... and used that schedule of HGH and Humulin R only those 4 days... with 8iu of Humalog post wo... for newbies... dont think to try taking insulin etc without expert supervision , i went trough bad moments, you can easily kill yourself... i m afraid to post this log because dont wanna give bad example... but thats what i ve done.. i made a lot of errors.. so dont fuck with anabolics and peptides... that’s no joke... i have a Glucagon pen also in my fridge, just in case i run into big problems... and if i do insulin and have to going out of my home i take with me a lot of bread and fruit jam... ALWAYS..
On the rest days i do low carb... and the day after the low carb day i do a high carb day where i train my weakest body parts and use some slow insulin along the hgh (5iu split in 2 as other days) ...
I do capoeira since 3 months, 5 days at week... one to one with a Cool Brazilian guy... and it kills me everytime... 1 hour of hell... but i like it a lot... got inspired by some muscular guys that did cool air tricks etc... (I remember Charles Glass doing handspring flip and backflip on Stage at ‘84 Mr.O
So, i do low carb Saturday and friday and 16/8 intermittent fasting on Wednesday... where i dont do weights but just capoeira.. after i ate something because dont wanna be too much catabolic..
as aas i m using right now , some test e and test p, 100mg EQ ED and 50mg NPP ED... with 25mg ED of water b inj dianabol Only on training days into trained parts (so 12.5mg bilaterally with a Slin syringe) ... 25mg Aromasin EOD... some UDCA on dbol day and some omega 3..
I m at my 3rd week and i m pretty happy with the result... i putted 6kg in 22 days and it seems i didnt get fat or bloated... mostly because of those 3 days intra week where i stop HGH , insulin and go low carb , plus that 16/8 intermittent fasting day i insert... all because of insulin sensitivity...
Pic taken today at 22 day of cycle, on a rest day upon waking... started at 84kg and now I’m at 90.5kg

same bathroom lights of the previous one pic.. without photoediting... just some water sprayed into my body and a tan i got with 3 days at the beach
Wish me good luck guys because i have a dream... and my dream is to be able to follow the protocol for at least 1 year straight (planning to do 10 weeks cycles and bridging with TRT... having blood checks and decided when the new cycle has to start based on them)
i m pretty happy about the 25mg of inj dbol (4 per week)...
I m sitting at near 5700kcal on training days and i eat every 1 hour and 5 minutes... since in origin i had to eat every 2.5hours ... i cutted in half the meals and the time interval between meals...
Majority of raws come from @purplepandalabs , insulin from my country pharmacy, and i have to say a big thanks to all of you, i freakin love this community... it gave me a lot and when i ll have some money would do some tests on HGH , And an anabolic lab donation..
Thanks to @ickyrica because he pointed out some times ago some stupid errors i was doing With homebrewing.. and thanks to him i read and studied what i found in this forum...
thanks to the other guys i got in contact with..that helped me in someway.. @BigBaldBeardGuy , @mands , @Mac11wildcat and forgive me if i m missing some name but i dont remember even what i ate for breakfast
thanks to @pharmasource that helped me for free with some homebrewing issues
Thanks to @GearGodess because she helped me a lot.. for free and without even knowing a fuck about me... every then and now I tryna help some guys that ask me something via PM but i took a lot more from this site and I couldn’t be more happy about the existence of MESO
with love... FROZEN
(That iphone belongs to my ex gf... its pink and has a glitter cover... no homo) (ahahahah)
My history, read it if you cant sleep, if you re shitting etc because its not short
(EDIT: sorry guyz i wrote a lot and it took me kinda 1 hour to write this post)
31 yo from Europe... started weightlifting some years ago but having high estrogen naturally it was such a pain “cutting” so i crashed my testo levels quitting eating saturated fats for too long (2 or 3 months maybe)... naturally i was a total crap.. and i hated bb...
So some years ago i started my first cycle with just Sus 250mg weekly... bloated the fuck out of me and had to stop 3 weeks later... so, i read Autor L.Rea Building the Perfect beast (a book with some bullshit) and started fuckin around with my first real cycle... 5 years ago i learned the basis of homebrewing with Basskiller online and got some hugely overpriced Tren Hex and EQ from a legit source in europe... yeah i made a lot of mistakes with the whole DIY thing but i didnt know any coach any nothing at that time.
i putted some lean mass with a 6 weeks cycle of Tren Hex and EQ with Test Enanth (dont remember dosages)...
after those 6 weeks i had to quit everything because of job issues/ living with my girlfriend / i wasn’t ready to full dedicate myself to bb... and it was even a money relate situation.
I didn't do anything other than those 6 weeks for other 4 years , then last year i had some money, i hired a coach and started a recomp with test tren and eq (because i had those products already) ..for maybe 8 weeks... Then i developed gyno... Caber Clomid Tamox Ralox didnt change anything so i got it surgically removed... i lost the gainzzz from those 8 weeks and did another recomp with trt 200mg weekly and 50mg anavar for maybe 10 weeks...
so I started a pretty aggressive cycle at 183 cm , 84kg almost 10-11% BF.
i putted a lot of size, and water.. from 84kg to 97kg in 10 weeks... i was hugely bloated.. big ankles.. numb hands all the time... happetit loss... Previously i quit my pharmacist job and did another business.. At the end of those 10-11 weeks i was fucked , i had to quit that cycle and my business went downhill too... so quit again with bb... these are pics at 8-9 weeks of that blast , just before everything went downhill..

so... after exactly a year, during quarantine, i started a trt with 200mg Test Cyp weekly and 50mg Anavar ED... trained at home with elastic bands and went trough a stupid low caloric deficit... due even to depression and willingness to experiment..
started Trt with oxa in april 2020 with this body

after some months at home still during quarantine i lost some fat and reached this shape

then i started the pretty aggressive cycle for the 2nd time and I hoped to be able to continue on that path for at least 1 year
i had to quit it after 2 weeks because i had digestion issues because Metformin i think...
I was taking 500mg x 2 ED of sustained metformin because i wanted to avoid insulin insensitivity... after 2 weeks everything went downhill again and i did trt with Very low calories keto for 4 weeks...
Then i restarted from almost the same shape I started with some weeks before...
I changed some things... instead of doing 5iu HGH red tops generic ED (3iu and 2iu) with 10iu Humulin R and 8iu Humulin R and going to gym 6 days at week... i : quitted metformin, i splitted training routine into MON TUES THURS AND FRID... 4 days at week... and used that schedule of HGH and Humulin R only those 4 days... with 8iu of Humalog post wo... for newbies... dont think to try taking insulin etc without expert supervision , i went trough bad moments, you can easily kill yourself... i m afraid to post this log because dont wanna give bad example... but thats what i ve done.. i made a lot of errors.. so dont fuck with anabolics and peptides... that’s no joke... i have a Glucagon pen also in my fridge, just in case i run into big problems... and if i do insulin and have to going out of my home i take with me a lot of bread and fruit jam... ALWAYS..
On the rest days i do low carb... and the day after the low carb day i do a high carb day where i train my weakest body parts and use some slow insulin along the hgh (5iu split in 2 as other days) ...
I do capoeira since 3 months, 5 days at week... one to one with a Cool Brazilian guy... and it kills me everytime... 1 hour of hell... but i like it a lot... got inspired by some muscular guys that did cool air tricks etc... (I remember Charles Glass doing handspring flip and backflip on Stage at ‘84 Mr.O
So, i do low carb Saturday and friday and 16/8 intermittent fasting on Wednesday... where i dont do weights but just capoeira.. after i ate something because dont wanna be too much catabolic..
as aas i m using right now , some test e and test p, 100mg EQ ED and 50mg NPP ED... with 25mg ED of water b inj dianabol Only on training days into trained parts (so 12.5mg bilaterally with a Slin syringe) ... 25mg Aromasin EOD... some UDCA on dbol day and some omega 3..
I m at my 3rd week and i m pretty happy with the result... i putted 6kg in 22 days and it seems i didnt get fat or bloated... mostly because of those 3 days intra week where i stop HGH , insulin and go low carb , plus that 16/8 intermittent fasting day i insert... all because of insulin sensitivity...
Pic taken today at 22 day of cycle, on a rest day upon waking... started at 84kg and now I’m at 90.5kg

same bathroom lights of the previous one pic.. without photoediting... just some water sprayed into my body and a tan i got with 3 days at the beach
Wish me good luck guys because i have a dream... and my dream is to be able to follow the protocol for at least 1 year straight (planning to do 10 weeks cycles and bridging with TRT... having blood checks and decided when the new cycle has to start based on them)
i m pretty happy about the 25mg of inj dbol (4 per week)...
I m sitting at near 5700kcal on training days and i eat every 1 hour and 5 minutes... since in origin i had to eat every 2.5hours ... i cutted in half the meals and the time interval between meals...
Majority of raws come from @purplepandalabs , insulin from my country pharmacy, and i have to say a big thanks to all of you, i freakin love this community... it gave me a lot and when i ll have some money would do some tests on HGH , And an anabolic lab donation..
Thanks to @ickyrica because he pointed out some times ago some stupid errors i was doing With homebrewing.. and thanks to him i read and studied what i found in this forum...
thanks to the other guys i got in contact with..that helped me in someway.. @BigBaldBeardGuy , @mands , @Mac11wildcat and forgive me if i m missing some name but i dont remember even what i ate for breakfast
thanks to @pharmasource that helped me for free with some homebrewing issues
Thanks to @GearGodess because she helped me a lot.. for free and without even knowing a fuck about me... every then and now I tryna help some guys that ask me something via PM but i took a lot more from this site and I couldn’t be more happy about the existence of MESO
with love... FROZEN
(That iphone belongs to my ex gf... its pink and has a glitter cover... no homo) (ahahahah)
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