My 1st log evah


New Member
Hello, I'm Frozen.. You might remember me from such Delicious and tasty recipes as “Protein Cupcakes” which our member @Oldschool loves to eat more than he loves to eat pussy.


My history, read it if you cant sleep, if you re shitting etc because its not short

(EDIT: sorry guyz i wrote a lot and it took me kinda 1 hour to write this post)

31 yo from Europe... started weightlifting some years ago but having high estrogen naturally it was such a pain “cutting” so i crashed my testo levels quitting eating saturated fats for too long (2 or 3 months maybe)... naturally i was a total crap.. and i hated bb...

So some years ago i started my first cycle with just Sus 250mg weekly... bloated the fuck out of me and had to stop 3 weeks later... so, i read Autor L.Rea Building the Perfect beast (a book with some bullshit) and started fuckin around with my first real cycle... 5 years ago i learned the basis of homebrewing with Basskiller online and got some hugely overpriced Tren Hex and EQ from a legit source in europe... yeah i made a lot of mistakes with the whole DIY thing but i didnt know any coach any nothing at that time.
i putted some lean mass with a 6 weeks cycle of Tren Hex and EQ with Test Enanth (dont remember dosages)...
after those 6 weeks i had to quit everything because of job issues/ living with my girlfriend / i wasn’t ready to full dedicate myself to bb... and it was even a money relate situation.

I didn't do anything other than those 6 weeks for other 4 years , then last year i had some money, i hired a coach and started a recomp with test tren and eq (because i had those products already) ..for maybe 8 weeks... Then i developed gyno... Caber Clomid Tamox Ralox didnt change anything so i got it surgically removed... i lost the gainzzz from those 8 weeks and did another recomp with trt 200mg weekly and 50mg anavar for maybe 10 weeks...

so I started a pretty aggressive cycle at 183 cm , 84kg almost 10-11% BF.

i putted a lot of size, and water.. from 84kg to 97kg in 10 weeks... i was hugely bloated.. big ankles.. numb hands all the time... happetit loss... Previously i quit my pharmacist job and did another business.. At the end of those 10-11 weeks i was fucked , i had to quit that cycle and my business went downhill too... so quit again with bb... these are pics at 8-9 weeks of that blast , just before everything went downhill..6DDBC190-34B3-48B6-B3C5-17A4B2BD495C.png


so... after exactly a year, during quarantine, i started a trt with 200mg Test Cyp weekly and 50mg Anavar ED... trained at home with elastic bands and went trough a stupid low caloric deficit... due even to depression and willingness to experiment..

started Trt with oxa in april 2020 with this body


after some months at home still during quarantine i lost some fat and reached this shape

then i started the pretty aggressive cycle for the 2nd time and I hoped to be able to continue on that path for at least 1 year

i had to quit it after 2 weeks because i had digestion issues because Metformin i think...

I was taking 500mg x 2 ED of sustained metformin because i wanted to avoid insulin insensitivity... after 2 weeks everything went downhill again and i did trt with Very low calories keto for 4 weeks...

Then i restarted from almost the same shape I started with some weeks before...

I changed some things... instead of doing 5iu HGH red tops generic ED (3iu and 2iu) with 10iu Humulin R and 8iu Humulin R and going to gym 6 days at week... i : quitted metformin, i splitted training routine into MON TUES THURS AND FRID... 4 days at week... and used that schedule of HGH and Humulin R only those 4 days... with 8iu of Humalog post wo... for newbies... dont think to try taking insulin etc without expert supervision , i went trough bad moments, you can easily kill yourself... i m afraid to post this log because dont wanna give bad example... but thats what i ve done.. i made a lot of errors.. so dont fuck with anabolics and peptides... that’s no joke... i have a Glucagon pen also in my fridge, just in case i run into big problems... and if i do insulin and have to going out of my home i take with me a lot of bread and fruit jam... ALWAYS..

On the rest days i do low carb... and the day after the low carb day i do a high carb day where i train my weakest body parts and use some slow insulin along the hgh (5iu split in 2 as other days) ...

I do capoeira since 3 months, 5 days at week... one to one with a Cool Brazilian guy... and it kills me everytime... 1 hour of hell... but i like it a lot... got inspired by some muscular guys that did cool air tricks etc... (I remember Charles Glass doing handspring flip and backflip on Stage at ‘84 Mr.O

So, i do low carb Saturday and friday and 16/8 intermittent fasting on Wednesday... where i dont do weights but just capoeira.. after i ate something because dont wanna be too much catabolic..

as aas i m using right now , some test e and test p, 100mg EQ ED and 50mg NPP ED... with 25mg ED of water b inj dianabol Only on training days into trained parts (so 12.5mg bilaterally with a Slin syringe) ... 25mg Aromasin EOD... some UDCA on dbol day and some omega 3..

I m at my 3rd week and i m pretty happy with the result... i putted 6kg in 22 days and it seems i didnt get fat or bloated... mostly because of those 3 days intra week where i stop HGH , insulin and go low carb , plus that 16/8 intermittent fasting day i insert... all because of insulin sensitivity...

Pic taken today at 22 day of cycle, on a rest day upon waking... started at 84kg and now I’m at 90.5kg


same bathroom lights of the previous one pic.. without photoediting... just some water sprayed into my body and a tan i got with 3 days at the beach

Wish me good luck guys because i have a dream... and my dream is to be able to follow the protocol for at least 1 year straight (planning to do 10 weeks cycles and bridging with TRT... having blood checks and decided when the new cycle has to start based on them)

i m pretty happy about the 25mg of inj dbol (4 per week)...

I m sitting at near 5700kcal on training days and i eat every 1 hour and 5 minutes... since in origin i had to eat every 2.5hours ... i cutted in half the meals and the time interval between meals...

Majority of raws come from @purplepandalabs , insulin from my country pharmacy, and i have to say a big thanks to all of you, i freakin love this community... it gave me a lot and when i ll have some money would do some tests on HGH , And an anabolic lab donation..

Thanks to @ickyrica because he pointed out some times ago some stupid errors i was doing With homebrewing.. and thanks to him i read and studied what i found in this forum...

thanks to the other guys i got in contact with..that helped me in someway.. @BigBaldBeardGuy , @mands , @Mac11wildcat and forgive me if i m missing some name but i dont remember even what i ate for breakfast

thanks to @pharmasource that helped me for free with some homebrewing issues
Thanks to @GearGodess because she helped me a lot.. for free and without even knowing a fuck about me... every then and now I tryna help some guys that ask me something via PM but i took a lot more from this site and I couldn’t be more happy about the existence of MESO

with love... FROZEN

(That iphone belongs to my ex gf... its pink and has a glitter cover... no homo) (ahahahah)
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Plan to ever compete: no

goal physique: maybe bigger pecs, bigger delts, bigger arms, smaller waist, shredded all year long to 7-8%

currently legs are like that... i dont train them a lot and hard since i couldnt to capoeira... 95EFA633-EE11-4CC8-A0E3-229F78ED09E7.jpeg
I’m flattered. Lol. Start your log by tagging me. Really Like the part about “that’s my wife’s phone”. About as queer as your cupcakes. But hey man do you my European friend!! Best of luck to you on this journey! You have some solid guys helping you so go kill it bro.
I’m out. :)
Always here to help when I can big guy. Keep working hard and never stop educating yourself. Be smart and safe about your goals and approach to obtaining them.

Good luck dude.

Finally i can update my log... i had to quit that cycle i was on, luckily, because i did lot of shit.

i was off for something like 8 weeks... then i restarted 3.5 weeks ago and regained my shape and putted some mass on arms shoulders and pec... i change drastically training schedule.. now im doing something like Meadows Creepind Death 2 but heavier with more volume.. and 1 rest day at week... push pull legs with very high volume and finally arms and pecs are responding..

Oh, i m taking 1/3 of “supplements” i was taking.. 25mg tren a + 50mg tren e 3 times weekly.. 150mg primo 3 x week.. 600mg test e 3 x week.. 200mg eq 1 x week... 40mg anadrol pre wo.. 3.3iu generic hgh 6d/7... 25mg aromasin eod.. 10mg torasemide ED for my blood pressure thats high (hereditary etc)..
Taking lot of health supplements for liver health etc.. omega 3.. greens.. berberine etc... 300mg UDCA ED.. injectable glutatione EOD..

I m not on insulin anymore, and i m eating lot less than previous cycle.. I thought that eating + insulin + hgh + shitload of aas would lead to specific results no matter what training.. i was very wrong...

Starting with crazy food amounts, insulin, shitload of aas leads just to health issues most of times... lesson learned...

i was on 300mg weekly of tren ace.. now i cutted it in almost a half, and it s functioning very well... dropped fat during these weeks and added 5kg of muscle... (not newbee gainz of course) .. still lot of night sweats but dont have appetite issues like on 300mg weekly..

So, dont be fooled by who tells ya “100mg tren ace EOD is standard dosage” 50mg tren ace 3 times weekly work very well, with lot less sides...

I really like the long posts because it tells more of a story, and in this one I can relate to the financial hardships specifically and the toll that can take on our goals. Good luck we got your back!
We share the same height, country and weight haha but not bf, I'm a bit higher because of this pandemic lol so relaxing a bit
Big change in the photos above.

So what is the plan from here?

Are gyms open in your country now?

Thanks man... this is my new starting point.. as i m into 4th week of new protocol and i was planning to see what could i get in 1 year ..

i think i have already been lucky to be able to re get my shape back and going trough 4 week at full throttle...

Men Physique contests are freakin hard nowadays.. lot of freaks that have been training for years.. so dont know... anyway contests are not really important, since i m not a genetic freak

my goals bodybuilding wise are: developing pecs, delts, arms, narrow the waist...

i m skipping deadlifts and abs workouts because of my waist goal.. i train abs doing lot of excersises with dumbbells for delts and arms while standing..

obv dont wanna screw my heart kidneys and liver so my approach will be keeping drugs amounts at its minimum...

Since i saw with my eyes that lot of times, less is more ..

in my cowntry gyms are closed but some lucky gyms owner could open them outdoor...

Hope someone thinks about the fact that i reduced a lot drugs and foods, focused on digestion and training and improved while staying safer..
Not to be too much of a smart ass here, but how do you know that your new approach to training would not work even better with more food and higher levels of hormones?

hi man thanks, now i m at 2900kcal... (months ago i was at 6k kcal and lot of them have been wasted)

This is a recomp phase with tren and primo.. and less than 3k.. i think growth phase will involve NPP instead of Tren.. and kcals will be increased little by little..

But i dont wanna use again huge dosages like previous plan... since i m prone to high bp and thats not estrogens related in my case...

I would be fine with insulin and 5-6kcals again but not with 1g of EQ weekly + 1400mg Test weekly , and 300mg Tren weekly.. i think i wont go over 150mg tren ace weekly or it s equivalent in tren e...

hope to be able to reach my goals while staying something “healthy”..

Anyway everything will be done little by little....

I would love to be a fuckin bull and getting huge just eating grass.. but i m a fuckin human and i ve not been gifted with an outstanding genetic