Still just crickets...
Guessing substance ID and purity percentage, right?
Assuming a vendor tests raws and gets back, for example, 90% purity, you’re ok with the vendor adjusting the raws used in the brew so that the final oil reaches the advertised mg/ml dose? That’s the only thing that matters to you?
You have no concern with what’s in the other 10% of the raws, right?
Just trying to clarify your position on the additional testing suggested by readalot.
See bold above. What's your answer Dear Reader?
Are you here only to ensure your gear has the labeled AAS concentration (gainz bro), or are you really concerned with improving and advancing harm reduction with ugl AAS use? Or something in between?
Incredible work by @lift4lyfe to distill this concept into a couple of simple, easy to understand questions. 90% too low?
Change 90% to XX%. What number evokes only "Yes" answers for you...
>= 95, 98, 99%?
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