SARMS Article : Uses, benefits and general compound info

Re: SARMS Article : Uses, benefits and general compound info *A Noob Must read*

Nice post Juced!

Would you/have you use a SARM on a peptide cycle? something like a cjc/ghrp combo or even just a IGF1 run?

I am curious on possibly using a SARM and peptide while trimming up.
I was also wondering if also a low dose of test would be worth it on a run like that?

Also have you heard of inject-able SARMs? I saw a guy posting on some forum about it but I am assuming even fi its true would it be worth it?
For example; I see winny injects as sort of silly since orally is an option for same compound and is about same in results personally. So I am thinking it would be the same here, not much difference?

Sorry about the other dicks in your other thread...
I see your point anyway...

Re: SARMS Article : Uses, benefits and general compound info *A Noob Must read*

Nice post Juced!

Would you/have you use a SARM on a peptide cycle? something like a cjc/ghrp combo or even just a IGF1 run?

I am curious on possibly using a SARM and peptide while trimming up.
I was also wondering if also a low dose of test would be worth it on a run like that?

Also have you heard of inject-able SARMs? I saw a guy posting on some forum about it but I am assuming even fi its true would it be worth it?
For example; I see winny injects as sort of silly since orally is an option for same compound and is about same in results personally. So I am thinking it would be the same here, not much difference?

Sorry about the other dicks in your other thread...
I see your point anyway...


freakinhuge is a TROLL.
Re: SARMS Article : Uses, benefits and general compound info *A Noob Must read*

Agreed! doing alot of research on this one, very promising type of compound.

use tribulus with it... (long story) but it might be better to, when i have all my data ill post up indepth on it. it should help avoid polyps from excessive GW use.

Let's hear your Tribulus spiel. We are all anxiously waiting for more CRAP. I could smell your sorry stinking troll ass right through the Internet.
Ostarine continued to demonstrate a favorable safety profile, with no serious adverse events reported.

-- At the end of three months, no subject had clinically meaningful levels in liver enzyme tests. However, one female discontinued the study per protocol due to elevated liver enzymes which returned to baseline.
Has anyone heard anything more about GW & promoting tumor growth? I've heard some things about it causing that, but it's limited to GW. Has anyone ever read the actual study?
He my not be a troll but a rep.

We had that Dylan guy here for that company with all the SARM's and he got shut down quick so is this his replacement.

The thread title sounded like a sales pitch 100%.
He my not be a troll but a rep.

We had that Dylan guy here for that company with all the SARM's and he got shut down quick so is this his replacement.

The thread title sounded like a sales pitch 100%.

I've ran several SARMs cycles in the past and I'll share my experience with you guys.

I've done both cutting and bulking cycles on them, and I can assure you they are best utilized for cutting. Bulking you will get some better noticeable pumps, but I have gotten similar results from strict clean bulking and training. The main property of SARMs that sold me was the Osta's anti catabolic effect. I have gotten solid results cutting with Osta + S4, but in my honest opinion I think albuterol would be a better option. Sarms are relatively new and have only been around 10 years or so, long term effects are still unknown so be very cautious and take them at your own risk.
And doesn't S4 give you night blindness?

Tren never gave me night blindness, rather just stick with that.

Yes it does, and it's dose dependent. Everything will be very hard to see at night, the dark just looks a lot darker. You will also start to notice everything has a yellow tinge to it, and your eyes will become extremely sensitive to light. For example if your driving on a bright day, and look down at your speedometer the whole thing might look green and unreadable because the light has burned your eyes basically.

I got these sides after 75mgs a day split dosed. All vision sides subside with 48 hours after last dose, and I haven't had any long term vision sides as of yet.
the whole point of a sarm is to modulate the androgen recepters without down regulating htpa..... my training buddy got shut down slightly from s4 so go figure.
the whole point of a sarm is to modulate the androgen recepters without down regulating htpa..... my training buddy got shut down slightly from s4 so go figure.

S4 is slightly suppressive, Osta is what is not suppressive I believe. That's why people use it for a bridge.
I know this is an old thread, but wanted to add since I just got my bloods back. Osta kills your liver! Pre Ostarine, AST = 40. ALT = 42. 4 weeks in at 20 mg a day, AST = 67 (normal range 10-40) and ALT = 113! (normal 9-46).

I did get some healing benefit in my elbows which is the main reason i took it, but not work the liver damage.
Buddy of mine complained of night blindness with S4 I believe? Messing with vision can not be a good thing and has kept my clear of those. Not enough research for me at this point. Just my 2 cents. We got some professionals here who if take advice over mine!!
Sarms are shit. The only one that seems halfway decent is lgd. All the risks of AAS but a small fraction of the benefits.
Re: SARMS Article : Uses, benefits and general compound info *A Noob Must read*

Let's hear your Tribulus spiel. We are all anxiously waiting for more CRAP. I could smell your sorry stinking troll ass right through the Internet.
yes i know i know im a troll yet a vet and mod at many forums across the net helping members out. atleast i dont conduct myself like you do.. its a sad sight...
He my not be a troll but a rep.

We had that Dylan guy here for that company with all the SARM's and he got shut down quick so is this his replacement.

The thread title sounded like a sales pitch 100%.
far from it man. i have avoided this forum as of late due to child like posts from scally. where do i push thingsÉ i may rec a place here and there but... and i know who you speak of... that is not me.. i have an actual job...
He my not be a troll but a rep.

We had that Dylan guy here for that company with all the SARM's and he got shut down quick so is this his replacement.

The thread title sounded like a sales pitch 100%.
I have some of the same threads at other forums and you dont see sales pitched there dude... but ok
Sarms are shit. The only one that seems halfway decent is lgd. All the risks of AAS but a small fraction of the benefits.
i wouldent call them shit, but i wouldent use them without a test base. i think in place of orals they are great and some of them are very promising. the yk11 one is very interesting to me
I know this is an old thread, but wanted to add since I just got my bloods back. Osta kills your liver! Pre Ostarine, AST = 40. ALT = 42. 4 weeks in at 20 mg a day, AST = 67 (normal range 10-40) and ALT = 113! (normal 9-46).

I did get some healing benefit in my elbows which is the main reason i took it, but not work the liver damage.
Sarms ARE liver toxic and do cause some shutdown. places pushing this like a harmless supp are reckless and stupid IMO but they deff have their uses. i have liked osta myself, used it a coupel times. on hrt and added to cycle