Steroid Profile Oral Turinabol


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Whenever the topic of East Germany and doping comes up, it will inevitably involve Oral Turinabol. Oral Turinabol was manufactured in East Germany specifically for athletic performance enhancement. And for its first few decades of existence, it was largely restricted to those athletes. However, the availability of Oral Turinabol has exploded, along with practically every other steroid, with the rise of underground laboratories and plentiful raw steroid powders from China.

Please read the MESO-Rx profile for Oral Turinabol by @Bill Roberts. Share your comments and experiences in this thread.

Whenever the topic of East Germany and doping comes up, it will inevitably involve Oral Turinabol. Oral Turinabol was manufactured in East Germany specifically for athletic performance enhancement. And for its first few decades of existence, it was largely restricted to those athletes. However, the availability of Oral Turinabol has exploded, along with practically every other steroid, with the rise of underground laboratories and plentiful raw steroid powders from China.

Please read the MESO-Rx profile for Oral Turinabol by @Bill Roberts. Share your comments and experiences in this thread.

Tbol used to be my oral of choice.
Adrol kills me at even 25mg everyday

I've run solid 80mg ED Tbol and saw great vascularity/strength increases without the same standard side effects as other orals
Sure, it wint pack on mass like the Drols, or cut you up while adding qaulity muscle like Winny/Var, but it has its place and is a great compound for power and strength athletes
Tbol used to be my oral of choice.
Adrol kills me at even 25mg everyday

I've run solid 80mg ED Tbol and saw great vascularity/strength increases without the same standard side effects as other orals
Sure, it wint pack on mass like the Drols, or cut you up while adding qaulity muscle like Winny/Var, but it has its place and is a great compound for power and strength athletes
When I think of Tbol, I associate it with power lifting.
Would you say you found tbol or var better for strength? Never tried tbol

From my experience with Tbol at 40mg a day (on blast of 600 test e a week) I felt Herculean. My energy felt limitless, I could always lift. I genuinely had the mentality of “there’s not enough plates here for me”, I had to seek advice on when to end workouts while on Tbol as doing a typical 4x10 set of bench, for example, I never felt like it was difficult and never felt fatigue creeping in. I stayed pumped for hours and hours, and even a day after a workout. At week five I started to get headaches and I decided that that would only be the start of it, so I called it a day.

Foolishly, I was getting information from Reddit at the time and I was advised not to run TUDCA on Tbol as it ‘wasn’t necessary’. But I had no adverse effects luckily enough.

I respected the Tbol, I respected my body and I would give it a solid 9/10 from my experience. I have enough sitting in a lockbox for another 40mg cycle if I feel like it on my next blast.
I’m going to be That Guy and say that tbol doesn’t do anything for me. I know that some people swear by it but I’ve tried it twice and it didn’t seem to be worth taking.

I prefer anavar or anadrol by a mile.
I’m going to be That Guy and say that tbol doesn’t do anything for me. I know that some people swear by it but I’ve tried it twice and it didn’t seem to be worth taking.

I prefer anavar or anadrol by a mile.
Crazy, I thought it was the holy grail, ran it for 6 weeks and didn’t notice a thing. Maybe it was bunk, who knows
Crazy, I thought it was the holy grail, ran it for 6 weeks and didn’t notice a thing. Maybe it was bunk, who knows
Yes, I too have never been overly impressed with Tbol results. Maybe my expectations were not realistic? I do know others that were impressed with it. Each to their own. I think it is a highly-specialized compound for a specific purpose. Don’t expect big muscle gains. Anadrol is overall best oral for me.
Why is it generally referred to as “oral” Turinabol? I’ve never even seen an injectable tbol product.
I remember reading it was originally an injectable but the oral gained popularity as the detection time was much shorter (Ie drug tested athletes like the German Olympic dopers)
Dang that's it?
I was hoping for more response about tbol. I suppose it's not that popular of an AAS. I was hoping to get much more information. I will keep looking around MESO maybe I can find some more anecdotal information.
There’s probably a reason not much responses, I’ve tried but and didn’t notice anything special. Oxandrolone is pretty widely accessible from hrt clinics and IMO pharmacy obtained oxandrolone is far superior to tbol
I love Tbol for endurance. I swear I never wanted to stop working out. Didn’t matter how hard I went, I could always keep going.
This is what I hope for. We will see.

I love Anavar, It's my favorite oral. The pumps are amazing and it make the weight feel light. I am hoping to try tbol as my second ever oral. I hope its good. I want unlimited endurance.
This is what I hope for. We will see.

I love Anavar, It's my favorite oral. The pumps are amazing and it make the weight feel light. I am hoping to try tbol as my second ever oral. I hope its good. I want unlimited endurance.
I’m trying anavar for the first time right now. Taking my 3rd dose today. I have a lot, so I hope I love it lol.