200/200 Test Primo vs 300/300.. on a cut?

I would think even a cruise dose would be appropriate for your goals.

200 test 200 primo. When you get to sub 12 you could increase it to 300/300

I personally don't think it is worth going high dose if you are trying to just simply cut. Obviously if recomp is a goal then it's different
The best reply yet! Will listen. Maybe increas the test to 250 just to be slightly more then primo (for libido purposes)
Honestly I always try to stick with safe cycles..
Test and Eq or Test and Primo then add some Var. Minimal sides awesome results
Well depends what you call awesome results !
200-300 test and primo will not do that in my book.
More like a fake natty look and that is ok if that what you are going for.
Well depends what you call awesome results !
200-300 test and primo will not do that in my book.
More like a fake natty look and that is ok if that what you are going for.
His stats are in high natural range imo. If he was recomping I would say throw higher numbers
His stats are in high natural range imo. If he was recomping I would say throw higher numbers
Thats pretty much how i do it now just pick a caloric number and recomp into it.
Play with cardio, training volume and carbs to fine tune .
I find it better than a straight cut but others might be different
Thats pretty much how i do it now just pick a caloric number and recomp into it.
Play with cardio, training volume and carbs to fine tune .
I find it better than a straight cut but others might be different
Id rather cut on a cruise and use muscle memory to regain whatever on the cycle. I think this is a style of some "gurus"
Thats pretty much how i do it now just pick a caloric number and recomp into it.
Play with cardio, training volume and carbs to fine tune .
I find it better than a straight cut but others might be different

care to go into more detail with what you mean by this approach? can you make up an example?
care to go into more detail with what you mean by this approach? can you make up an example?
Sure lets say i eat 2500 calories and when i go on cycle i bump it up to 3500 and grow in those calories .
As i up the training and cardio i burn the fat and get lean by the end.
If i feel i’m not lean enough i add cardio or reduce carbs till im as lean as i want.
I have more energy and more mass as if i would have leaned out by dropping the calories.
I aim to be 10% maybe as low as 9% body fat by the end.
I have done traditional cuts with lowering calories to absurd numbers but don't see the point if not competing or if not wanting to be even lower body fat.
Sure lets say i eat 2500 calories and when i go on cycle i bump it up to 3500 and grow in those calories .
As i up the training and cardio i burn the fat and get lean by the end.
If i feel i’m not lean enough i add cardio or reduce carbs till im as lean as i want.
I have more energy and more mass as if i would have leaned out by dropping the calories.
I aim to be 10% maybe as low as 9% body fat by the end.
I have done traditional cuts with lowering calories to absurd numbers but don't see the point if not competing or if not wanting to be even lower body fat.

is that assuming that your maintainance intake is 2500 and you add a 1000kcal surplus or where does that put you in regards to energy balance?

What are the imeframes looking like here?
is that assuming that your maintainance intake is 2500 and you add a 1000kcal surplus or where does that put you in regards to energy balance?

What are the imeframes looking like here?
4-5 months
Also i think i should have mentioned when i lower carbs i up protein .
Basically a recomp ending up bigger and leaner by the end.
And if one would want to keep progressing calories would need to go up so next cruise instead of 2500 would be 3000 and next blast 4000.
But i don't want to keep growing so just go back to 2500 calories on cruise.
Getting in good shape on blast and trying to
Maintain as long as i can on cruise than start over.
The main goal being looking good and being in shape.
Regarding energy balance i would be in surplus at the beginning and slight deficit by the end because of increase in training and cardio but much tolerable than on less calories feeling more satiated from the food.
From everything I hear Anavar is better and safer. Winstrol will shed hair and have your lipids high
Anavar has been reputed to be one of the worst (if not the worst) orals in its effect on lowering hdl. Some outliers for sure, and it's not like winstrol won't have a negative effect on your lipids, but very few people have reported that winstrol is worse on lipids than anavar. There are other negatives to winstrol though.