22 month transformation. From fat to fit.

Just came in to say - amazing transformation!

I'm very happy you didn't waste steroids and your health for nothing. Actually you achieved very respectable body!

Good luck for your future goals.
Wow, an incredible transformation in under 2 years! I’m coming up to doing my first AAS cycle and if I could even get a third of the results I’d be ecstatic. Very inspiring!

Congrats on getting sober as well and using it to fuel you through this process. Sometimes the only way out is through.

I’m a fan of RP and Dr. Mike. His YouTube channel helped me tremendously through my last cut. Nice to see someone get these kinda results using his training principles and hard work of course.

l’ll definitely be following your training log, will be awesome motivation!
I’m a fan of RP and Dr. Mike. His YouTube channel helped me tremendously through my last cut. Nice to see someone get these kinda results using his training principles and hard work of course.

l’ll definitely be following your training log, will be awesome motivation!
It’s a very safe approach to hypertrophy, and as long as you figure out your maximum recoverable volume, you will fucking explode. Granted I ran a gram cycle and used insulin I was able to absolutely maximize the last 2 years in terms of gains/ androgen exposure. I can cruise 7-8 months out of the year and stay very healthy. I appreciate the compliment, feel free to dm me anytime ❤️ As for the log I hope to see you there, it’s been fun
You did some great work there man. And in my pov no one's bashing you for jumping to 1gr of gear because the results simply justify the cause. What you've done clearly worked for you. Most of the times when newbies start with a lot of gear they don't achieve anything good..i'm not talking about other guys here on meso but from my personal experience being 20 years at the gym. They get better but they could get away with less than half from what they're taking for the results they achieve. They end up one day with 2grams of gear and a physique you could build with under a gram.. Personally i'm not biased towards guys who use big amounts unless they neglect monitoring their health parameters and if they ain't looking as they should look for the given amount of gear. I know everyone responds different to gear, but if you need lets say 1 gram to look like a well builded natty, then i can't see any reason why pushing it to the limits.. Better stay on 300-500 test to get the pumps, the anabolism, the good feels and the sex effects and call it a day. Just my humble opinion. Keep up the good job!
Awesome transformation. When you said you had to run insulin in order to keep blood glucose under 150, was that fasted or postprandial? My postprandial bg 2h after a meal is around 80, but my morning blood glucose slowly creeps up and sits around 100 mostly right now. I wonder what your exact use case was and how many daily carbs you were pounding and whether it helped your morning bg or not.
Awesome transformation. When you said you had to run insulin in order to keep blood glucose under 150, was that fasted or postprandial? My postprandial bg 2h after a meal is around 80, but my morning blood glucose slowly creeps up and sits around 100 mostly right now. I wonder what your exact use case was and how many daily carbs you were pounding and whether it helped your morning bg or not.
Those were my readings about an hour after meals. I was pushing carbs super hard 800-1000 carbs a day


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