22 month transformation. From fat to fit.

@PaintDrinker Late to the party, but, awesome transformation man. This thread should be an example of what guys getting into AAS (at moderate dosages) should expect with hard work and proper diet.
I was on 240 protein 850-1000 carbs for a while, just pulled the carbs back shooting to get under 10% Tons of fruit and vegetable smoothies, rice and breakfast cereal. Mainly Frosted Flakes for the cereal. After 12 cups of rice I call it and fill in the rest of my carbs with the cereal lol

Getting super sick of meat, using a lot of whey isolate it’s just easier. Little over a pound of spinach per day and lots of cucumbers. I blend all of it. Always appreciate the kind words my man
I was on 240 protein 850-1000 carbs for a while, just pulled the carbs back shooting to get under 10% Tons of fruit and vegetable smoothies, rice and breakfast cereal. Mainly Frosted Flakes for the cereal. After 12 cups of rice I call it and fill in the rest of my carbs with the cereal lol

Getting super sick of meat, using a lot of whey isolate it’s just easier. Little over a pound of spinach per day and lots of cucumbers. I blend all of it. Always appreciate the kind words my man
Goddamn, thats a lot of rice lol. I wish I could build up my metabolism to eat 75% of that and not get fat, then again I weigh and way shorter than you lol.

Any tips on building metabolism up before going into a cutting phase?
Did you use the same starting cycles from your transformation to add the 10lbs?
No the latest cycle was slightly different and kind of all over the place.

8 weeks of:
500 test
300 npp
400 masteron

From 8 weeks to current, changed the cycle to attempt to recomp it out for another 12 weeks

300 test
800 mast
250 tren

First run with tren, not a huge fan tbh but it’s working. Also been on 5IU gh the entire time. Haven’t needed insulin since I pulled the carbs back fasted blood sugar is typically 85. 7 weeks left. I’ll be cruising on 140 prop for 6 months after this cycle with 3IU gh
Goddamn, thats a lot of rice lol. I wish I could build up my metabolism to eat 75% of that and not get fat, then again I weigh and way shorter than you lol.

Any tips on building metabolism up before going into a cutting phase?
I make sure to do a ton of cardio. I still run 3 times a week and typically 15-20k steps a day. Also I work in construction so I can get away with higher carbs it makes a huge difference.
First run with tren, not a huge fan tbh but it’s working. Also been on 5IU gh the entire time. Haven’t needed insulin since I pulled the carbs back fasted blood sugar is typically 85. 7 weeks left. I’ll be cruising on 140 prop for 6 months after this cycle with 3IU gh
What don't you like about Tren?