What? xD this thread is a joke

Go back to napsgear lmao

Hit your bong again faggot. Which of the Mesa sponsors Naps is the main distributor for trash? Dragon, Ultima, or Pharmaqo?

Keep shooting overpriced bathtub gear because you're afraid customs is gonna raid your trailer, lol.
Eh personally I just wouldn’t go with driada, but that’s just my opinion. If you want international just go with the Chinese, shits cheap af. But other than that, just buy domestic
Eh personally I just wouldn’t go with driada, but that’s just my opinion. If you want international just go with the Chinese, shits cheap af. But other than that, just buy domestic
Fair, I would go domestic like I always have in the past. Problem is i moved to a brand new country where people hardly speak english (Greece) and just haven’t gotten around to talking to anybody at my gym.
Fair, I would go domestic like I always have in the past. Problem is i moved to a brand new country where people hardly speak english (Greece) and just haven’t gotten around to talking to anybody at my gym.
Yeah that’s fair, there’s definitely some labs in other parts of Europe, but not sure about Greece (I live in US). I would say try QSC but they are having complaints rn, but there’s some other ones that look decent. I’d just buy some test e vials, try em and see if they’re good. Other than that there’s some Turkish pharmacies that sell decent stuff, but I wish you luck my man
Yeah I just read through this disaster of a thread lol. I just did my first tren run of 30mg ed and eventually upped it to 40mg ed. I didn’t really feel it until week 2 I believe. But when I felt it boyyyy did I feel it. If you have noticed no effects at all after a month at over 400mg I think it’s pretty safe to say that shit ain’t tren. Sorry this happened to you man
Cmon guys, 1 labtest. Form a club and scrap the money TOGETHER!
Use teamwork to finally bring down the tren faker!!
Fair, I would go domestic like I always have in the past. Problem is i moved to a brand new country where people hardly speak english (Greece) and just haven’t gotten around to talking to anybody at my gym.

I'll give you an advice, don't listen to any gymbro in Greece. Most of them are using shit brands, indian stuff etc. At least the ones i know. And saying they're not speaking English, you need to visit Germany or Czech Republic and you'll reconsider.

If you re not wanna be the first who can potentially expose Driada with a blind test, then just move on to another brand and that's it. If you keep claiming this kind of things you better do the test, otherwise it will eventually end up like a casual shit talking for a particular brand with no proofs. Cheers.
Yeah that’s fair, there’s definitely some labs in other parts of Europe, but not sure about Greece (I live in US). I would say try QSC but they are having complaints rn, but there’s some other ones that look decent. I’d just buy some test e vials, try em and see if they’re good. Other than that there’s some Turkish pharmacies that sell decent stuff, but I wish you luck my man
Thanks brother.
who tried test p? can anyone say something about that?
sure @bigboy420 sucked and took driadas test p deep into his asshole hell tell you how good it felt guy 420 wanting you to get your hormes fucked up get your mental state fucked up ruined wanting you to loose your job and children get the fuck outta here you 10kg 160cm skinny bitch trying to scam people hyping stuff up
Yeah I just read through this disaster of a thread lol. I just did my first tren run of 30mg ed and eventually upped it to 40mg ed. I didn’t really feel it until week 2 I believe. But when I felt it boyyyy did I feel it. If you have noticed no effects at all after a month at over 400mg I think it’s pretty safe to say that shit ain’t tren. Sorry this happened to you man
Yeah man, actually 300mg a week* but yeah was really excited for this cycle and this is how it goes, sucks dick.

But hey you live and you learn, atleast I have a fake tren story.
Just prove it guys man, ur word means nothing.

Imagine how big of a idiot i will look like once u monkeys test it and prove me wrong.

Once you send the labtest, I will go to driada thread and demand they give you the tren you deserve
Just prove it guys man, ur word means nothing.

Imagine how big of a idiot i will look like once u monkeys test it and prove me wrong.

Once you send the labtest, I will go to driada thread and demand they give you the tren you deserve
You already look like an idiot, like what.

Oh you’ll demand them!? my brother in christ, shut up.