22 month transformation. From fat to fit.

Great transformation man! Definitely looking forward to the log as well

how many carbs/IU of insulin did you find to be the sweet spot? I'm assuming you consumed simple carbs as well, beyond the rice, to keep the hypo feeling away? Were you on GH when you ran the slin?
2-3 units for every cup of rice worked very well, but I always dosed based on what my actual bg number was, and not total carbs eaten. Typically like to dose 1 unit for every 20g carbs. People get into trouble by taking Milo’s advice like take 20 units preworkout, that’s how you go hypo lol I never once went hypo.

Also only took it when needed, some days my numbers looked really good especially after long runs.

Wasn’t on GH for either of the cycles I’m currently using 3-4 ius before bed while I cruise haven’t noticed to much of a difference besides better sleep but it’s just so expensive I really can’t see myself continuing with it.

As for the log probably won’t start it until my blast in June, not sure there would be any interest in an HRT log, but I would consider it.

I will say I really like how engaging this community is. It’s very nice to meet you
My knees hate me for it. I’m actually looking for an experienced heavy runner to recommend some knees sleeves. I have a couple that are absolutely horrible. They just completely cut off blood flow and make my legs go numb.

Goggins ran 100 miles at 270, I look up to insane people like him. I’m also alright with downsizing slightly, maybe 205. I want to complete a marathon over 200lbs. I also want to compete in men’s physique. The sky is the limit, my entire worldview is stop at nothing to reach your goals, and we’ll pain is pleasure. Not in a weird kink way, but in an effort sense. Whether it’s training in the gym, or hitting the pavement, after the pain subsides the pleasure is sure to follow.

But don’t be jealous, feel free to dm me I’m very active. I’d love to share some tips, especially relating to cadence and breathing.
My friend stays injury free despite a ton of mileage by only ever running on grass. Never anything else. And they change their running shoes every 500 miles, so every 12 weeks
Damn what a transformation . Nice .
Thank you, I appreciate all of the kind comments on this thread. I was expecting a lot of hate about the 1g cycle and insulin use. Seems like this board is a lot less toxic than some others, I will say I was under extremely good supervision and had a very good team working with me.

It’s incredible what can be accomplished when you give up drugs/anlcohol and put maximum effort into something.
Cross country athlete my whole life, and I’m a big fan of high volume training. I’m actually not very strong, 315 max bench 405 DL.

I follow a lot of John Meadows approaches to training as well as RP.

I’m very lucky I’ve never had any serious injury, Although it’s only a matter of time until my knees blow out.

I’ll be starting a log soon with a lot of physique updates and full training splits, I can tag you there if you want.

My calves and shins are very vascular, and one of the worst things about running on a cycle is the excruciating pumps. The shin and VG pumps are so painful, but they go away, just have to keep pushing.
Great thanks. How many sets a week are you doing per body part then? What rep ranges do you use?

Who is RP?
Veiny calves are great, mine get like that too, and my quads get crazy veins once I up my training volume and in high RPE periods
Great thanks. How many sets a week are you doing per body part then? What rep ranges do you use?

Who is RP?
Veiny calves are great, mine get like that too, and my quads get crazy veins once I up my training volume and in high RPE periods
I’ll have some more time to respond when I’m off work I’ll get you a good answer then
16 sets per body part per week, Shoulders 20 sets. High volume training, 12-20 rep range. Like I said before I’m not that strong, 315 bench, 405 DL. Never curl more than 35 pound dbs, 15-25 lbs for lateral raises.

We were able to dial in my maximum recoverable volume pretty quickly. Some weeks we threw in some strength days which I enjoyed.

RP training (Renaissance Periodization) is just a high volume training style, where you focus on absolute failure, not doing risky heavier lifts etc..

Dr. Mikes training style, I’m sure a lot of guys in here don’t like him, my coach likes a lot of his training principles and it worked for me.
16 sets per body part per week, Shoulders 20 sets. High volume training, 12-20 rep range. Like I said before I’m not that strong, 315 bench, 405 DL. Never curl more than 35 pound dbs, 15-25 lbs for lateral raises.

We were able to dial in my maximum recoverable volume pretty quickly. Some weeks we threw in some strength days which I enjoyed.

RP training (Renaissance Periodization) is just a high volume training style, where you focus on absolute failure, not doing risky heavier lifts etc..

Dr. Mikes training style, I’m sure a lot of guys in here don’t like him, my coach likes a lot of his training principles and it worked for me.
12 to 20 reps is interesting bro, that is very high reps for me, more than 10 is very high for me, but I’m looking to now do a big chunk of time using 20 rep sets. To see the effect on my tendons in particular

I understand that for growth reps up to 30 work just as well as any other number and it’s just going to failure plus volume that matter.

What body part split do you do?
What absolute failure techniques do you do?
Dr Mike? Mike Mentzer?
Thank you, I appreciate all of the kind comments on this thread. I was expecting a lot of hate about the 1g cycle and insulin use. Seems like this board is a lot less toxic than some others, I will say I was under extremely good supervision and had a very good team working with me.

It’s incredible what can be accomplished when you give up drugs/anlcohol and put maximum effort into something.
Because most here self reflect and spare the holier than thou approach. There are probably guys who downplay their use and inject more than you but do not have the physique to match.

With how cheap and available peds nowadays, 1 gram is probably just second cycle dosage to most guys, with orals and gh on top.
12 to 20 reps is interesting bro, that is very high reps for me, more than 10 is very high for me, but I’m looking to now do a big chunk of time using 20 rep sets. To see the effect on my tendons in particular

I understand that for growth reps up to 30 work just as well as any other number and it’s just going to failure plus volume that matter.

What body part split do you do?
What absolute failure techniques do you do?

Dr Mike? Mike Mentzer?

Shoulders/Weighted Carry
Long run (6-10 miles)
Lacking Bodypart

Cardio is always 5 miles either the morning before a lift, or immediately after no days off cardio including rest day. Have a long run in each week to maintain distance times.

Mike Israetel.

As for absolute failure, let’s say I’d do 20 seated lateral raises at 25lbs slow and controlled perfect form. Now I’d set the goal to do 4-6 more sets, obviously that would be impossible so everytime I can’t get the weight up, breathe count to 10 and continue until I hit 20. That’s the general idea, also sometimes I’d have assistance with the weight after I can’t move it taking the slightest bit of tension off.
@PaintDrinker i see boofing the juice works best thanks for the advice :D LMFAO! jk sir but awesome results sir.. Are you sure Vshred didnt get you this way in 90 days? LMFAO but seriously again AWESOME results! and im glad your a RP guy and a FULL ROM kind of guy as well!
@PaintDrinker i see boofing the juice works best thanks for the advice :D LMFAO! jk sir but awesome results sir.. Are you sure Vshred didnt get you this way in 90 days? LMFAO but seriously again AWESOME results! and im glad your a RP guy and a FULL ROM kind of guy as well!
I took a lot of fucking test and some Masteron, paired with a lot of hard work. thank you so much for the kind words and support, I appreciate you.
If anyone’s interested in following my log with lifting splits and physique updates here it is:

Shoulders/Weighted Carry
Long run (6-10 miles)
Lacking Bodypart

Cardio is always 5 miles either the morning before a lift, or immediately after no days off cardio including rest day. Have a long run in each week to maintain distance times.

Mike Israetel.

As for absolute failure, let’s say I’d do 20 seated lateral raises at 25lbs slow and controlled perfect form. Now I’d set the goal to do 4-6 more sets, obviously that would be impossible so everytime I can’t get the weight up, breathe count to 10 and continue until I hit 20. That’s the general idea, also sometimes I’d have assistance with the weight after I can’t move it taking the slightest bit of tension off.
That’s alot of Rpe, rest pausing multi times in the later sets! Actually that’s a good progression plan I’ll consider. Add one extra rest pause to the last two sets every week for 4 weeks then deload
Thank you, that was very kind. I was very well built in high school and stayed lean year around running. I lost everything when I starting drinking a liter of tequila a day. Had to go to a really dark place to get to where I’m at today. Training saved my life.

My coach said the same thing about me responding insanely well, he didn’t want me to go above 500 for my first cycle. I was transforming everyday. I told him I read a lot about Masteron I really want to try it, he said no. I ordered 5 vials and said you can drop me as a client if you want, but I really want to do this. After a long discussion it basically turned into “well, I’m not your dad” and he hesitantly agreed to let me push the dose. I honestly don’t regret it, my lab work allowed it and my cruises are long. For the first time in my life I felt incredible. The depression was gone, confidence was and still is sky high. Multiple promotions at work.

When I stopped drinking I pushed the devil out, and I’ll never let him back in. Let’s say a quick prayer.

“Forgive me lord for I am pinning” lol
I dropped drinking and found the religion of pin as well my friend. Funny how socially acceptable it is to get blackout drunk every weekend, but AAS are looked down upon by society in general. I'll take my new lifestyle every day of the week...congrats man, and keep up the good work.
I dropped drinking and found the religion of pin as well my friend. Funny how socially acceptable it is to get blackout drunk every weekend, but AAS are looked down upon by society in general. I'll take my new lifestyle every day of the week...congrats man, and keep up the good work.
When done responsibly you can be healthy and live a long time doing what we do. There’s no comparison to the lifestyle of being an addict. This makes me extremely happy seeing as you found sobriety and made positive changes in your life, I appreciate the kind words ❤️

Feel free to follow along on my journey to get diced to the fucking gills:

If you ever put a log up I’ll happily follow along brother
When done responsibly you can be healthy and live a long time doing what we do. There’s no comparison to the lifestyle of being an addict. This makes me extremely happy seeing as you found sobriety and made positive changes in your life, I appreciate the kind words ❤️

Feel free to follow along on my journey to get diced to the fucking gills:

If you ever put a log up I’ll happily follow along brother
I'll for sure follow...haven't considered putting a log up quite yet, but I'll give it some thought.